Nijō Castle

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter, an unexpected group called the Hero Faction decided to attack you and your tour group while also admitting that they were the ones who kidnapped Princess Yasaka.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's late evening in the same day after the Hero Faction attacked me and my tour group at Togetsu-kyō bridge. The 2nd years of the ORC and student council, my mom, Rossweisse, and Azazel were in my and Rossweisse's room going over the plans for the fight tonight. Azazel was sitting at the small tea table with a map of Kyoto on the table. The ORC and student council sat infront of him while Rossweisse and Mom stood behind us.

"Here's the deal, we've mobilized what fire power we can around Nijō Castle. Everyone else is organized around Kyoto station. The Hero Faction hasn't made their move yet, but there has some unsettling Ki disturbances" Azazel explains to us.

"What do you mean by unsettling?" Kiba asks Azazel.

"Historically, Kyoto is a city built on balance. It was designed using the sacred principles of both Feng shui and Anmiyoto, because of that there are several power spots scattered around the city. However, the ki from those spots have been redirected towards Nijō Castle" Azazels says.

"So, what do you thinks going to happen?" Saji asks Azazel.

"It's hard to say right now, but I have a feeling it isn't anything good. Anyway, here's the plan. Everyone in the Sitri family is on stand by, guard the Kyoto area. The Gremory family and Irina will be our offense, you'll head to Nijō Castle. Saving Princess Yasaka should definitely be our highest priority, we have no clue of what Cao-Cao is capable of so I won't be sending you out alone. I've called in someone to help that is really good at handling these types of situations. Also, good and bad news, I was only able to round up 2 phenex tears" Azazel tells us.

"Only 2, fuck" I state "Though with Asia and Yuuma it will definitely be helpful"

"Agreed, they'll come in handy instead of going for phenex tears" Rossweisse adds.

"Each group gets one so use them wisely. Also, Saji, I want you with the Gremory family. I think your dragon king form might be useful, so I need you to support (Y/n)" Azazel says "(Y/n), that makes you responsible for bringing Saji back if he goes out of control"

"Are you sure about this (Y/n)?" Saji asks me.

"Don't sweat it man, I've got your back no matter what happens" I tell him with a smile.

"Thanks (Y/n)" Saji replies.

"And Issei, I want you to go with the Sitri family so they have a heavy hitter just incase something goes south" Azazel tells Issei.

"You can count on me" Issei replies.

"One final note before we go, it's regarding the Hero Faction, we've got devils, angels, fallen angels, and yokai. They've come from all over to help us defeat Cao-Cao" Azazel says.

"We will make sure their in place for the attack. Don't you worry, if any baddies try to escape we'll make sure to punish them" Serafall tells us.

Azazel then stands up "I think that's everything, once we're finish with preparations you should head for your designated locations. I will be supervising the battle from here. I can't go with you, so don't you dare die on me. This trip isn't over until everyone makes it back home. Protect Kyoto and your selves"

As everyone was leaving the room, Azazel stopped me and Issei for a second " So, earlier today, a molester struck right outside the hotel, as I went to help detain the pervert another guy sucker punched the guy, then these came out of both of their bodies" Azazel says before taking out two gem like spheres, one being red and the other being green.

[It seems we found the culprits to the incidents that have been happening around Kyoto lately] Rex says.

"And who would that be?" I questioned.

[Those gems are pure potential, it's what was in the box] Rex explains.

"Wait, so my potential is pure pervertedness!" Issei shouts before having a disappointed look on his face.

(The potential must have jumped around from person to person grabbing every breast that it could) Draig states.

[Then ours protected everyone it could, seems legit] Rex states

"Ahhhgg!, Even my potential is a massive horn dog!, Why!" Issei shouts.

"Eh, your better then you used to be when it came to your pervertedness" I say.

We both take our respective gems and they absorb into us. I look at Issei and smirked "Ready to kick the asses of some nobodies?"

"Hell yeah" He replied before we first bumped.

Part 2.

Everyone was now at Kyoto station, it's around 11 pm. No one was walking the streets. The 2 groups were prepared for battle. As we were waiting, a certain nine tailed fox girl jumped on my back from behind.

"I got you big brother" She says then giggles a bit.

"Kunou, What are you doing here?" I ask, a bit surprised.

"I'm helping you, I want to be the one to save mother" Kunou tells me.

I smile, knowing what she wants to do is pure of heart "Fine, you can come then, but your staying with your big brother"

"Yaay" Kunou says then rubs her face up against mine as I gave her a piggy back ride.

Everyone smiled at the sight of me and Kunou. Then the purple fog rolled on in and then we find our selves in a different dimensional space. Kunou was still on my back and Lily and Yuuma were with me still as well, everyone else was somewhere else, the 4 of us were a Kyoto subway platform.

"Ah shit, here we go again" I state then looked at Kunou "Don't curse like I just did, I'm old enough"

"I won't" Kunou says.

"It's kinda creepy here with only us" Lily states.

My phone starts to ring any I take it out of my pocket and answered it when I saw that it was Kiba calling me "Kiba, where are you guys?"

"We're at the Kyoto imperial palace. Rossweisse and Saji are with me. You?" Kiba says.

"Me, Kunou, Lily and Yuuma are on a subway platform in Kyoto station" I tell him "We should meet up at Nijō Castle, I'll contact the holy trio"

"Sounds good to me" Kiba replied.

"Ok, see ya then" I say.

I hung up then called Xenovia and not even one ring later she answered "Xenovia, are Irina and Asia with you?"

"Yeah, were at Kiyomizu-dere" She replies.

"Okay, were going to meet at Nijō Castle, sound good?" I say.

"We'll be there" Xenovia says before hanging up.

"Time to get off Kunou, big brother's got to battle ready" I tell her.

She jumps off my back, then I went into my balance breaker. Kunou looked in awe at me then looks at herself in the black gem that was on my chest.

"Wow, it's like looking in a mirror" She says.

"She's so cute" Yuuma giggles.

We hear a weird sound before swing a shadow go up one of the pillars on the platform and a guy walks out from behind it. He wore a school uniform, had dark grey hat and very stupid glasses "Hello there, it's been a while. I'm guessing you don't remember me"

"We've met? I think I would of remembered someone who actually wears those kinds of glasses" I say to the guy.

"I'm not surprised, I'm just another nameless lackey, utterly forgettable after one fight" The guy says.

"Uhh, did you guys fight him while I was doing a pact or something?" I quietly asked Lily.

"Yeah, it was an emergency, he might be mistaking you for Issei. He has a sacred gear that can control shadows" Lily replies.

"Okay, I think you might be mistaking me for my friend Issei, the Red Dragon Emperor, my name is (Y/n), the Green Dragon Emperor. You should get eyes checked, you might be red green color blind" I tell the guy.

The guy growls "It doesn't matter, your both heavenly dragons and lowly devil scum, now get ready to see what a shadow user can do. Balance break!"

The guy then starts to get covered in a shadow like armor. Kinda looked stupid if you asked me, a rip off of Venom mostly.

"I admired your friends armor so much I decided I wanted a set of my own, so I went on a little field trip of my own and obtained night reflection death cross-"

"I think I'm just going to end this now" I state "Girls, get behind me" I open up my wings and pulled out my duel sword before stabbing them into the ground "Shockwave!"

My attack blasted the room but didn't hurt the girls as they stood behind me. On the other hand, the room was in shambles now at the shadow guy was lying on the ground all bloody.

"Y-you bastated" The guy says.

"Messing with the heavenly dragons doesn't end well for anyone" I state to the guy "We aren't like the past heavenly dragons"

"That was amazing big brother!" Kunou said in excitement as she got out from behind my wings.

I smiled as I got out of my balance breaker  "It was nothing special" I tell her "Let's head out"

Part 3.

The 4 of us arrive and Nijō Castle and see the others waiting for us. Off in the back, Rosswiesse was throwing up, probably from the sake from earlier. I noticed that Xenovia was wielding a new sword, I think.

"So, whats with the new sword?" I asked.

"It just arrived from the church a few moments ago, it's the modified Durandal, The church used alchemy to fuze Durandal and Excalibur together, I'm going to call it Ex-Durandal" Xenovia says as she hugged the massive sword.

The gates of Nijō Castle then open "We shouldn't keep them waiting now should we?" I say and they nod.

We all run into Nijō Castle after Rosswiesse finished throwing up. We ran down a path until we were met with the main building of the castle. On top of the roof was 4 figures, one of them being Cao-Cao. The other three being a bulky guy, a girl in some armor and Siegfried.

"Ah, look who finally made it to the party" Cao-Cao says with a smirk on his face.

"Where's Princess Yasaka?!" I shout.

We hear rustling of bushes behind us and we see what looks like Princess Yasaka as she was held by two guys by her arms. Her eyes didn't seem right, I don't know why though.

"Mother, it's me Kunou, I've come for you!, Big brother's here too!" Kunou shouts at her mother but no response.

"She's under some sort of spell Kunou" I tell her.

"You bastareds!, What have you some to my mother!!" Kunou shouts at Cao-Cao.

"Oh, did you forget? I was sure I told you earlier that she's helping us out with a little experiment. Here, see for yourself" Cao-Cao says then taps his lance on the roof once.

Yasaka starts to scream and hold her head in agony. She started to glow bright blue before turning her true form, a giant nine tailed fox.

"A nine tailed fox is the highest class of yokai, the city of Kyoto has a unbreakable with them, and as such it was built to ensure there's always a ample of chi. If we combine the yokai and Kyoto together, then we'll be able to lure Great Red to this dimension" Cao-Cao says.

"Dude, Great Red is harmless to us and just wants to chill in the dimensional gap" I state.

"Yeah, but to no fault but his own he has become a bit of a nuisance to my boss, she wants to return home but it appears he's in the way"  Cao-Cao says.

"Last time I talked to Ophis, killing her metaphorical other half wasn't a interest to her" I tell him.

"I guess she changed her mind since the last time you talked to her" He says to me.

"Or your group is going rouge" I tell him.

"Enough (Y/n), the time for talk is over, now is the time for action" Xenovia says and Ex-Duranandal starts to glow golden.

"Is it me or does the Gremory family have a thing for dancing with death" Saji says as he is dragon king form with many snakes wrapped around him.

"That's how we get shit done" I replied.

"Well then, no party like a dance party" Saji says then a massive serpent appears around Saji "Whats up Vritra, ready to have a little fun?"

"I can be persuaded, which is my prey, that holy spear or the fox yokai, either one works for me" Vritra says.

As Xenovia held Ex-Durandal to the sky, the blade extended high into the sky in a blade of golden light and power.

"I swear if she says what I think she's going to say"

"Ex-Durandal!!!" Xenovia shouts as she brought down the blade of power down on Nijō Castle, creating a massive explosion.

Left from Xenovia's spin off of a noble phantasm, was nothing but a massive crator, asteroid sized at least.

"Way to go Xenovia" I say.

"Whew, that felt good" Xenovia said "Though I thought they would be harder to kill"

Then, there is movement at the bottom of the crator. We see Cao-Cao, Siegfried, and the other two figures crawl out of the dirt like fucking zombies, perfectly fine.

"Wow, I'm impressed, your group seems to be on par with most of the other high ranking devil families , it's rather surprising that Shalba look down on any of you" Cao-Cao says.

"Old men are like that though, always living in the past instead of the present right? It's a shame really. Now then, your orders?" Siegfried says.

"Yes, is suppose we don't have all night" Cao-Cao says then looks at some guy "Hey Georg, start the experiment" The names Georg, starts making all types of magic circles in all directions of multiple colors.

"From what I can make out, he's using Norse magic, demonic and fallen angel spells, black and white magic, maybe even fairy spells, he must have a extensive magic library" Rossweisse tells us.

The magic circles dissapear before forming a massive red magic circle below Geoff's feet and he shoots a light blue orb at Yaska. Yaska's eyes widened and she flowed light blue before starting to howl into the night.

"Okay Seigfried, go on and take your pick. Who would you like to play with?" Cao-Cao says and Seigfried pints at Kiba and Xenovia with his swords "Jeanne then Herecles"

"Let's see, how about that cute little angel" The girl named Jeanne says.

"And I will take the silver haired lady" Herecles says.

"And I'll take the Green Dragon Emperor" Cao-Cao says.

I look at Saji "Get Yasaka to a safer spot if you can"

"Alright, I'll take care of the giant fox, but hey, try not to die" Saji says.

"Death isn't on my bucket list" I tell him.

"Now Vritra, promotion!" Saji says and he becomes one with Vritra in a bright purple light.

"Yuuma, Lily, Asia, I'm counting on you to keep my little sister safe" I say.

"We will" Lily replies.

"Cao-Cao" I state then went into my balance breaker "Have you ever faced a pissed off dragon?"

"I can't say I have" Cao-Cao replies.

"Well your about to" I tell him before I charge at him with my duel swords.

I charged into the crator and started my attack that he deflected with his spear. The others also started fighting as well. As I continued my endless attacking, it seemed that this guy knew how to use his spear. I've only had my sacred gear activated for half a year, this guy's probably been able to use his for a long time. I swing both of my sword down onto Cao-Cao but he blocks with his spear. I shoot a pulse through my swords, knocking Cao-Cao back before I was able to go in and cut off his left arm. Cao-Cao jumps back with his freshly cut arm in his other hand.

"I got to hand it to you, you got some strength" Cao-Cao says then pulls out a vile of phenex tears.

"Where the hell did you get that?!" I growl.

"Well it wasn't exactly legal" Cao-Cao says as he drops the teas on the wound of his cut off arm and places it back on his arm "Your aura increased with your anger, be careful with that trick, it's a weakness that could lead to your ultimate undoing, I mean that's pretty much how you triggered your juggernaut drive in the past isn't it?"

"Awe, your still fighting?" The girl Jeanne says as she carried A unconscious Irina.

"Well he is the Green Dragon Emperor, of course he's stronger the others" Seigfried says as he walked up carrying a unconscious Kiba and Xenovia in 4 arms that came from his back.

"I wish I had gotten to fight the Green Dragon Emperor" Herecles says before throwing a unconscious Rossweisse onto the ground.

I growled with anger as Seigfried and Jeanne places my unconscious comrades on the ground. As much as I hate to admit it, these guys are skilled with their sacred gears. I see a green aura surround Xenovia, Rossweisse, Kiba, and Irina, and I knew it was Asia with her sacred gear from a distance.

"Look, your very strong, you really are, but the sad truth in the matter is that your just not strong enough to defeat us" Cao-Cao says with a cocky smirk on his face.

"You say I'm not strong enough?" I say, feeling like I'm about to go insane "I'll show you how strong I really am"

"I,who shall awaken"

[So we're really going to go through with this plan?,let's do it] Rex says.

"So your going to go Juggernaut Drive?, your going to kill everyone here including your friends you know" Cao-Cao tells me but I don't listen.

"I am the heavenly dragon who sacrificed himself for the life of everything"

As I said the incantation for Juggernaut Drive, I felt my power and strength increasing to prepare for Juggernaut Drive.

"I take care of the "infinite" and I protect the "dream""

"I, who creates chaos with nothing to protect something"

"I shall become the Green Dragon of Sacrifice"

"Your going too far for a mere bluff" Cao-Cao tells me.

"I don't think he's bluffing" Seigfried tells Cao-Cao.

"We'll see if has the balls to get to the end" Cao-Cao replied.

"and I shall banish you to the endless abyss of chaos!"

"He's definitely not bluffing" Seigfried says.

"Juggernaut D-"

As I go to finish the last lines of Juggernaut drive on the last word, Cao-Cao realizes that I was too close to the end and needed to stop me. His spear elongates to attack me but I grab the staff of the spear before it could stab me, My body surged with pain as I gripped the Cao-Cabo's holy spear before he yanks the spear from my hand. My swords of chaos started to float into the air on their own with a black aura surrounding them. They floated infront of me, pointing at Cao-Cao. A black power started to flow through the swords and started to create a black ball of power in between them as they floated. My mind was in a frenzy of anger, I felt in control, but I don't know what I was in control of. Then, a surge of power bursts from inside of me, almost like a storm being released from inside of me.

"This is your true power (Y/n)" Tatiana says from the gems.

"I believe in you (Y/n)" I hear Yuma's voice say inside of my head.

"Prepare for Death" I tell the 4 with anger.


Hello everyone, this is indeed a cliff hanger and the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Sorry if you Though the action scenes were bad, I was never really good when it came to actions scenes let alone ones I created on my own. Until next time bye.

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