The Hero Faction

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter, you went to a meeting to discuss the kidnapping of Kunou's mother.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the next morning, Me and my group are waiting for a certain someone so that they can give us a tour of Kyoto. Motohama and Matsuda were covered in bandages and bruises,. Probably trying to peak on the girls while they were showering.

"Was it worth it?" Issei asked them.

"Yup" They said as they gave Issei a thumbs up but all Issei did was shake his head.

"That's nuts man, your lucky (Y/n) wasn't on duty or you'd be living a nightmare right now" Issei says.

"What kind of nightmare?" Motohama asks.

"Instead of punching me like he used to, he had something much worse in mind" Issei tells them "He threatened to burn my porn collection"

"Wha!" Matsuda and Motohama say before holding onto each other for dear life, like if they were just a very scary story.

"That's cruel man!, you never threaten a mans porn collection" Matsuda tells me.

"Your telling that to the man who doesn't need one" Issei tells Matsuda.

"Good morning big brother" I hear from behind me.

I looked behind me and I see Kunou with her fox ears and tails put away "Kunou, you made it"

"Of course I did,. Mother would be mad if I broke a promise I made,. Especially a promise to you big brother" Kunou tells me in a sweet voice.

"Please, call me (Y/n) in public" I tell her.


"I didn't know you had a little sister (Y/n), she's so cute" Kiryuu says as she hugged Kunou.

"Get your hands off of me you foul tasted plebeian" Kunou tells Kiryuu with some hostility.

"And she acts like a Princess too,. How adorable" Kiryuu says as she unhands Kunou.

"Everyone, this is my little sister Kunou, she's going to be giving us a tour" I tell everyone then looked at Kunou "Were ready to head out when you are"

{Time Skip}

After a montage of sight seeing throughout Kyoto and eating some delicious food, we stumbled across Kiba and his group when we got to another restaurant.

"What a nice surprise" Kiba says as he sees us.

"How's it going Kiba?" I ask.

"Nothing much" He replied before seeing Kunou "You must be Kunou, it's so nice to meet you. Our teacher Azazel has told me all about you, I'm Kiba"

"Well if that's the case, it's a pleasure to meet you" Kunou replied.

"We're going this way, I'll see you guys later" Kiba says.

"Alright, See ya" I said before we walked past his group.

We walk into the restaurant and we see Azazel with a cup of sake in his hand with Rossweisse sitting at his right. They were sitting at the bar of the restaurant.

"Don't you think it's a bit early to be day drinking Azazel? It's like 11:30?" I ask him.

Rossweisse then stand up "That's exactly what I said, and infront of students no less. But will he listen to me, no, because he's just another stubborn man"

"Jesus, hasn't anyone ever told you that your a total buzzkill" Azazel tells Rossweisse before taking a sip of his sake "You need to learn how to unwind a little bit, that's why you can find yourself a man"

Rosswiesse hits her fist onto the counter, shocking Azazel a bit "How would you know about my personal life!, give me that cup and I'll show you how to drink little man!"

Rossweisse swippes Azazel's cup of sake from his hand and drinks the rest of the sake in the cup. When she put the cup down, her cheeks were red and she hic upped.

"Wait, are you already drunk from just that?" Azazel asks with curiosity.

"Listen ass face, you don't know true day drinking until you work for Odin, god of ratty beards and cheap abandoner" Rosswiesse says then takes Azazel's bottle of sake and chugged the entire bottle "Barkeep get me some more!~"

"I'm senseing a very bad downward spiral here" I say then turned to my group "I'll meet you guys at the Togetsu-kyō bridge"

"Alright, man" Issei says.

I walked over to Rossweisse as she chugged down another bottle of sake that was on Azazel's tab. After she finished the bottle I picked Rossweisse up from the barstool and put her over my shoulder. I expected a lot of resistance but there wasn't any.

"I think that's enough Rossweisse" I state.

I walked out of the restaurant and down the block to a near by inn. I got a room for her and set her in the bed. I tucked her in and she fell fast asleep. I kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Sleep tight Rossweisse" I say.

{Time Skip}

I arrived at Togetsu-kyō bridge after a short walk. I see the others in the middle of the bridge waiting for me. Then, everything turns black and white besides us and a purple fog appears on the other side of the bridge.


I run towards the bridge, with the knowledge of what is causing this. I get onto the bridge and I see that Kiba was with the others, and the others being the only ones with powers.


"(Y/n)!, do you know what's happening?" Lily asks me.

"It's a sacred gear, Dimension lost, the same sacred gear that sealed you and Asia during the rating game with Diadora" I explained.

"No wonder it feels so familiar" Issei says.

"Hey kids? You guys alright?" Azazel asks us as he lands on the bridge "I don't see anyone else in the area, it looks as though everyone but us has disappeared somewhere. If I had to take a extremely educated guess, I'd say we were forced into another dimensional space"

"No way" Kunou says as she got close to me.

"What's wrong Kunou?" I ask her.

"When we investigated my mothers disappearance, they reported the same fog before she went missing" Kunou tells me.

"Balance break" I say quickly before a bright white beam shoots out of the fog towards us.

On my left arm, The holy swords chaos formed into their shield and I put in front of me. The beam hit the shield and the power of the attack pushed me back as my feet dig into the asphalt of the bridge. Once the attack stopped all of the power from the attack got absorbed into my shield.

[Amplify!] The shield tells and I slammed it into the ground.

A been of light three times the size of the one shot from the fog, shot towards the purple fog before dissipating as a strong force of wind blew towards it and nullified the attack.

"Nice block kid" Azazel tells me.

We then see multiple figures inside the fog, infront of us and behind us. Then a guy with a long spear emerges from the fog "oops, by bad, I guess that was rude huh?, sorry. Hello Green Dragon"

"And just who the fuck are you?" I ask.

"You can call me Cao-Cao, I'm a descendent of Cairo-Cao of the three kingdoms. Not to brag" The guy says.

"Are you the monsters that took my mother!?!" Kunou shouts "Just what do you intend to do with her!?!"

"If you must know, we're planning to use her in a fun little experiment" Cao-Cao says.

"No you can't!, that's awful!" Kunou shouts.

"Get behind me Kunou" I tell her as I pushed her behind me.

"But first, I wanted to give a proper hello to Governor General Azazel and the Heavenly Dragons and maybe exchange a few blows" Cao-Cao tells us.

"That's an odd greeting, but I'm more interested in the fox yokai leader though. We have some business to attend to so I will have to ask that you give her back" Azazel tells Cao-Cao.

"Your more then welcome to try and take her" Cao-Cao says then looks at a short kid with dark skin next to him "Leonardo, would you be a dear and create some friends for our guests to play with"

The boy pulls off his hood and points his hands at the ground. Out of pools of dark pink and black liquid, black monsters with a singular red eye appear.

"Great, The annihilation maker" Azazel says.

"You have a good eye, this Longinus has the power to create any monster the user desires including anti-devil monsters" Cao-Cao says.

"To think a power that can destroy the world is in your factions hands. Unbelievable" Azazel says "Since your boy hasn't sent titan class creatures to every strategic point, he must still be an amateur"

"You know what they say about assuming things don't you? Though in this particular instance you are correct. Luckily he makes up for that skill with another unique power" Cao-Cao says then one of the monsters shoot a beam of light from its eye and flies straight past Azazel "Leonardo can create special anti-monsters that targets the opponents weakness that covers a lot in your case"

"I need to take control of the situation. I'll manage everyone so we can beat these guys"

"Lily, Yuuma, Asia watch Kunou for me. Kiba, Make swords that eat light and pass them out to everyone. Irina, take midguard and use your ranged attacks. Xenovia, You'll be rear guard. Issei, me and you will be Vanguard. Got that everyone!" I say.

"Got it!" Everyone replies.

Off to else where close, Cao-Cao and Azazel where fighting as we delt with the anti-monsters. After a few minutes, the easy to kill anti-monsters were finished off.

"Red dragon emperor! We're taking you down!" 3 girls in school uniforms ran at him.

"Deal with them Issei" I tell Issei.

"It will be my pleasure" He replied as he stepped up. Issei rushes past the three girls while also tapping each of them somewhere on their body "Time to get naked!, dress break!"

Issei snaps his fingers and the three girls' uniforms burst off of them into nothing along with every other article of clothing they had on. They then screamed as they ran the other way, naked.

"How disgusting, I don't think I have witnessed such a perverted attack before" Kunou says with some disgust and Issei sweat drops under his armor.

"Your reputation proceeds you, no woman's attack is safe from the grabb'in dragon. Your tricks won't work on me though" A silver haired guy says as he walks out of the smoke. The guy looked like a

"Like I'd want them too" Issei says, a bit confused.

"So you are the famous gremory family, my name is Siegfried, it's nice to meet you" The guy says.

I summon my duel wield blades and charged at him. I swing with my left blade but is blocked by a massive one handed red sword with a strong demonic aura around it. Siegfried pulled out another sword with his left hand and tried to swing it but I blocked it with my right blade. Me and Siegfried swing at each other at a fast pace, blocking each others attacks without being able to touch the other. Then in the midst of the clash another third sword swung by me and I jumped back and grumbled.

"A third arm, nice trick" I state.

"It's my sacred gear, twice critical, the dragons hand, and these are my swords. This is demonic emperor of swords Gram, as the most powerful demon blade it can take on any sword without difficulty and these two are Balmung and Nothung which are also legendary swords" Siegfried says.

Then, a large explosion happens near the water and Cao-Cao landed on the bridges rail "So the rumors about the Gremory family are true, Especially you (Y/n) (L/n). I suppose it's no surprise that your teams performance is more optimal with your around, that along with who you truly are what makes you the most dangerous of the Green dragon emperors"

"What exactly does the hero faction want?!" Azazel asks Cao-Cao.

"Not that I would expect a fallen angel to understand but it's simple, we merely want to test our limits to see how far we can go as humans" Cao-Cao replies..

"Think about it, devils, dragons, fallen angels, and everything in between , they have incredible power and it's always humans who ultimately defeat them. It's embarrassing all things considered. So I decided to undertake this challenge and test my limits to see just how far I could go as a human fighting among the gods. Surely you can understand that" Cao-Cao explains.

"Maybe, if I spoke asshole" Issei replied.

The ground started to rumble and shake as something big emerged from the water next to the bridge. It looked like a massive golem of armor.

"Gogmagog, a destructive weapon made by the ancient gods, it was supposed to of been decommissioned and sealed away in the dimensional gap" Azazel says.

Then, a magic circle appears next to Gogmagog and someone flies out of it in a yellow light before hovering next to me. I see that it was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, resembling a mage or witch as she hovered on a broom. She wore some sort of girl's uniform with a large blue pointed hat and a blue cape.

"Oh hey what's up, my name is Le Fay Pendragon" The blond girl says then winks "I'm on Lord Vali's team. Nice to meet ya. He was like, give them this message so here it goes. "I warned you to not get in my way, and messing with the Green Dragon Emperor is getting in my way", that's my Vali impression. So now your in trouble" Le Fay says and points at Cao-Cao.

Gogmagog brings both of its fists up and slams them into the middle for the bridge, crushing it in half. The bridge under me, Issei, and Kiba broke and we jumped onto the nearest ledge. Le Fay then hovers next to me.

"I'm like the biggest Chaos Dragon fan, so can I please shake your hand!" Le Fay says with a enthusiastic smile.

"Okay, sure" I say and I shake her hand and she was filled with joy, I was a bit weirded out that she's doing this in the middle of the fight "Though, I've only done one album..."

"Me and Kuroka are all over it, well mostly me" She says.

Cao-Cao's spear simply extended and went straight through Gogmagog's right shoulder, pushing Gogmagog down into the water and disappearing.

"Oh no, mister hurt my little gogy wagy" Le Fay says as she flew away.

"That was a mildly annoying distraction, Now let's get back to business shall we. I believe I was in the middle of destroying your ass" Cao-Cao says front eh other side of the broken bridge.

"I'm pretty sure you haven't hurt any of us yet except for giving Azazel a small warm up" I told him.

Everyone hears stumbling from the quiet street behind us where we had come from "Who the hell is making all that noise" we hear a voice say, resembling a our drunk ex valkyrie "I was having a nice dream over before you ruined it but do you care, no!, Screw you!!"

"Oh shit..."

Then hundreds, maybe even thousands of beams of light shot out of the magic circles towards the Hero faction. The light beams were all sorts of colors from the rainbow, Enough to make my eyes hurt. The beams of light stopped and the magic circles disappeared as Rossweisse passed out. Infront of us, we see a guy exessing purple fog from his right hand, surrounding the hero faction.

"Govener general Azazel. Tonight we will utilize everything Kyoto has to offer at Nijō Castle and who knows, you might even find your covenanted nine tailed fox leader there. Either way, your welcome to join in the festivities" Cao-Cao says.

"What the hell do you mean!" Azazel shouts.

"Come and find out" Cao-Cao says before the purple fog quickly spread like a wild fire.

"Watch it, the space were in is disappearing!" Azazel tells us "Everyone put away your weapons!"

Everyone did as Azazel said, meaning me and Issei getting out of our balance breaker, then in a blink of an eye we were all back on the bridge in the middle with Matsuda, Motohama, and Kiryuu.

"Mother please, hang in there" Kunou says.

"Cao-Cao, I may haven't of fought you now, but you just made the worst enemy you could have"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Also there's something I wanted to tell you guys, the protagonist will not be getting triana, for the reason of I don't want him to be a copy of Issei. I hope you guys understand, but you will get an upgrade for sure and the juggernaut drive alternative. Until next time bye.

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