Yokai of Kyoto

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Hello everyone it's time for the new chapter. Last chapter, while you and your group were walking around Kyoto you were attacked by a girl who says that she is your little sister and wife to be.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me and Rossweisse were in our room, since the incident with her jacket happened. At the moment Rossweisse was in the bathroom changing while I on the other hand waited in the room for her. When she walks out, Rossweisse is wearing her grey suit that she wore when she was with Odin.

"Better?" I asked her.

"Yes, much better" She says with a smile.

We hear a knock at the door and the door opens reveling Azazel "Hey guys" He says casually.

"Is there something you need?" I ask.

"I'm supposed to bring to a meeting, as requested by the devil queen" Azazel says.

"Alright then" I replied.

Me and Rossweisse exited our room and followed Azazel. After a small walk through the hotel and picking up, Lily, Yuuma, Xenovia, Irina, Asia and Issei, we found ourselves entering a room with along table with a lot of food. Also, we see the 2nd years of the student council sitting at the table along side my mom and a nicely dressed Serafall who was in a red yukata.

"(Y/n) your finally here!" Serafall says with joy and grabs ahold of my left arm and hugs it.

No one in the room acted surprised as everyone now sat at the table "Why is no one acting surprised?" I asked.

"Dude, you get all the hot chicks, you dating Serafall isn't surprising" Issei says and just about everyone in the room agreed.

"Sit next to me" Serafall says as she sits me down at one end of the table before she sits next to me.

"What brought you here to Kyoto Serafall?" I asked her.

"Work stuff, I'm here because I'm forging a alliance with the yokai, so it's strictly business sadly" She replies as she pout a bit "Unfortunately something terrible has happened.."

"Like what exactly?" Kiba asks.

"The leader of the Kyoto yokai has disappeared, more specifically a nine tales fox whose missing" Serafall explains.

"Oh no..." I say while face palming a bit.

"Seems like you have another kidnapped mother to find (Y/n)" Azazel says as he took a sip of his sake.

I then see my mother givmg me a deadly glare "Is there something your not telling me my son?" She questions but with a sweet facade.

"What have you done Azazel!?!, I can't just say dad had another kid with someone else who I have to marry!"

"Oh I see" Mom says calmly before closing her eyes "That's he would do after all"

"She read my mind!"

"This is the first time I'm actually happy you read my mind" I state.

"Azazel filled me in earlier about what happened at the shrine, this news doesn't bode well for us" Serafall says.

"More then likely the people behind all of this is the Khoas Brigade" Azazel states.

"Not those duche bags again" Issei says.

Azazel then stands up and walks over to a window "Damn it, it will be tough to do anything with the students here. They've really got us this time"

"There are other yokai who are willing to help us. If we utilize those contacts we may beagle to do something" Serafall says.

"It sounds like a start, but you kids wouldn't worry about all of this, you guys are supposed to be making memories and stuff like that" Azazel says before sitting back down.

"Yeah, it is a once in a life time experience after all" Serafall says with a smile "Now enough with the chit chat, it's time for some delicious food!"

"Somethings just won't ever change now will they?"

Part 2.

It's almost dawn, around about 5 o'clock in the morning. I opened my eyes and felt a warmth on my right as I laid on my futon. I looked over at the warmth and I see Rossweisse laying next to me in only a set of bra and panties sleeping happily. Her face becomes red and then mutters my name.


"What the hell is she dreaming about and why is she sleeping with me!?!" I questioned in my head.

I got out of the futon quietly, not to bother the sleeping ex-valkyrie. Then I tucked her in and I see her smile slightly.

"Though it was unexpected to find her sleeping with me, I guess as long as Rossweisse is sleeping happily then it's okay"

I grabbed my gym clothes and changed into them. I was going to do some training before having to get ready for the day. I walked out of the room and went to the roof top of the hotel. I look out from the roof top to see the light of the sun from below the horizon.

"Let's get started" I say to myself.

{Time Skip}

It's about 6:30 now, and I was doing some hand to hand combat training and dripping in sweat. Though I was limited since I didn't have the right equipment here in Kyoto. I was training in hand to hand combat for the reason of that Sariorge does, Rias said that he mainly in hand to hand combat, but for me, I fight mainly with duel wield swords.

"We thought we'd find you here" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me. I take a look behind me and I see Lily and Yuuma, wearing their gym clothes "Hey girls"

"How long have you been up?" Lily asks me as they walked towards me.

"Since 5" I replied "Just training on my hand to hand combat.

"(Y/n), do you think you can help me with my sacred gear?" Yuuma asks me.

"I don't see why not" I say "Activate your sacred gear so we can get started"

"Got it" Yuuma says.

Yuuma closes her eyes and clasped her hands together, focusing on activating her sacred gear before the ear rings appeared on her ears.

"Now then, First things first, there's three things that you can do so I've been told. Heal the wounds of others, put up a shield called the shield of heaven and can summon the chains of heaven" I explained to her "Which one do you want to start with?"

"Well, since I know how to use the healing, let's try the shield" She says.

"Okay then. So try holding you hands out like if you were going to hold up a forcefield and focus on putting up a impenetrable wall that nothing with any mystical power can penetrate" I tell her.

Yuuma does as I say and concentrates on trying to put up the shield of heaven. After several minutes of trying nothing appeared.

"Is there something wrong?" Lily asks me as we watched Yuuma try to bring up the shield of heaven.

"No, sometimes things like these come naturally to some while others take time" I explained to her.

"Hey guys" I hear the voice of Issei say as he, Asia, Kiba, and Xenovia walk out from the stair way to the roof top.

"How are things go-?" Issei says before being cut off and smakimg his face into something "Ow, What the hell?" He questioned while nothing was directly infront of him.

"Are you okay? Asia asks him.

A small distance infront of Issei was Yuuma with her eyes closed focusing on trying to bring up the shield of heaven. I got a bit intrigued by what happened.

"Yuuma, imagine the shield of heaven with a form of a unbreakable wall instead of a forcefield" I tell Yuuma.

Soon enough, a shape of a holographic like stone wall appears infront of Issei that expanded a small distance of about 10 feet by 10 feet.

"What's that?" Xenovia asks.

"The shield of heaven" I state.

Yuuma here's our conversation and opens her eyes to see the holographic wall which is the shield of heaven. Her face brightened up wit joy.

"I did it!" She shouts happily.

"Very good" I say while smiling.

"That's impressive" Kiba says then asks me "Do you know what the limit of it is?"

"I'm not sure, from what I've been told the shield gets stronger with the more energy being put against it, but I'm sure it has a limit" I state "I guess all we have left is the chains of heaven, but that would be quite dangerous here"

"Yeah, that probably wouldn't be a good idea given the name" Lily says.

"You can put the shield down now Yuuma" I say and Yuuma does as I say "If you continue practicing you'll be able to pull it out not problem"

"Right" She says.

"Now let's get down to training everyone" I say.

Part 3.

After a montage of sight seeing and taking photos because a lot of time skips are annoying and creating connecting scenes would take too much time, Our group was taking a break for a bit. Matsuda and Motohama were talking about what they call a 'perversion epidemic' and the increase in arrests lately. I tried to ignore the conversation but it's been happening since we got here coincidentally. I then got a phone call and I answered it.


"Hey (Y/n), sorry for bothering you" I hear Akeno say from the other side of the phone.

"Your not bothering me Akeno, we're taking a break, is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Yes, in the photos you sent us, Koneko wanted you to know that all the other people in some of the photos are fox yokai" Akeno tells me.

"I see" I say and I see a few men and women with blond hair walk out from some bushes, all of them being fox yokai "Got to go, love you"

"Love you too" Akeno replied before I hung up.

Matsuda, Motohama, and Kiriyuu were knocked out some how and everyone else were a bit alarmed by this. We then see Rossweisse run up to us with my mother at her side.

"Everyone don't be alarmed, Azazel wanted me to come and find you. Everyone must come with us immediately" Rossweisse tells us.


Withing minutes after we started following a woman who said she served the princess, we were in the inner capital of Kyoto where the Kyoto yokai live, the atmosphere here was a bit different since it seamed a bit dark, like if it was always night time. We walked down a street what looked like was from the edo period. The yokai watched from doors, windows and ally ways, watching with curiosity. All the yokai were yokai from the legends some of us heard of while we were little.

"...Are they human?"

"No, I've heard that they're devils."

"Devils eh? How rare to see them here."

"Are those pretty foreign girls devils too?"

"Dragons, that must be the presence of dragons. Devils and dragons..."

Some of the yokai gossiped as we walked by. I guess it was only natural for a place like this. We continued to follow the lady until we found our selves at a mansion from ancient times. Standing infront of it were Serafall and Azazel, both wearing their kimonos, in between them was the little sister I didn't know about until yesterday.

"There here" Azazel says.

"I'm so glad you all could make it" Serafall says.

When the girl sees me she gets excited and runs towards me, almost like she forgot the problem at hand.

"Big Brother!" The girl says cheerfully before hooking me into a hug.

"This is your little sister? She's really cute" Lily says.

"My, so your the one who's proclaimed as my son's wife to be" Mom says as she walks up to me and the girl.

The girl let's go of me "I'm the daughter of Yasaka, my name is Kunou" The girl says then bows "Please forgive my rash behavior for when I attacked you and your friend big brother, I wasn't thinking straight. I'm truly sorry"

"It's alright Kunou" I say and patted the girl's head "I almost exactly understand how you feel, things like that occur when you want to save someone you love"

"Really?!" She questions as she stands up straight.

"Yeah, and your brother is one og mother fucker" Issei says "He went toe to toe with a god to get his mother back and won"

"Wow" Kunou says in awe then looks down and asks "Then, would you lend me your strength to get my mother back?"

I smile "Of course I will" I say and everyone else smiled as well.

Everyone then followed Kunou through the mansion until we get to a large room with cushions on the floor. Inside the room was a man with red skin, black wings, a pointy nose, and a broken horn on his head. I believe he is a tengu. We all take a seat so we could find out what happened to Kunou's mother.

"Okay, so here are the current details of the situation" Serafall says "A few days ago, Yasaka left to meet up with Sakura, a servant of Mount Meru. Unfortunately we've informed that Yasaka never made it to the meeting. The yokai conducted a investigation regarding her disappearance and they determined that she must of been kidnapped by a unknown party, so they decided to search all over Kyoto for any suspicious people which eventually lead to (Y/n) and Issei"

"That's when lady leviathan and I came to speak to yokai, we explained that the underworld was not involved with Princess Yasaka. In fact, judging from the method and various intel, we believe that more then likely the culprits maybe the hero faction of the Khaos Brigade" Azazel explains to us.

"Governor general, Lady Leviathan, I beg you we must try and find a way to find Princess Yasaka. We've shared a bond with the fox clan since days of oath, and we shall aid you in any way we can" The tengu leader said before getting some sort of scroll out "If it would help you, this is a painting of Princess Yasaka"

He rolled out the scroll to reveal a beautiful woman in shrine priestess outfit. The woman had long blond hair with 9 fox tails to match of course, one very noticeable thing about of her was the size of her breasts.

"No wonder Colten had a interest in her"

Something that caught my eye is that Issei wasn't having a nose bleed. By now he would have a river of blood going down his nose.

"So yeah, that's the situation. For right now all you need to do is enjoy your school trip, keep your guard up and your ears to the ground" Azazel tells us "As a apology, also as a way to deepen our relationship, the young Princess has offered to be your tour guide"

"It would be my honor" Kunou says with a smile

Part 4.

It's night time now, I finished taking a shower and was heading to my room. I had my bag with my stuff in it over my shoulder. It was about 9 pm and there wasn't many people out of their room, thankfully there were no fan girl to swoon over me. As I walked down a guys hallway I see a very familiar girl with long blond hair standing at the door way for Issei's room. The door was open and it seems that her eyes were closed. When I got closer I could see what I thought I wouldn't see for a while due to Issei's pervertedness. I see Asia and Issei kissing which made me quite happy, the reason for that I've been trying to get Issei to realize that Asia likes him for the longest of time, and finally it's happened. Issei opens his eyes and sees me standing there and his eyes widen. I just smiled and gave him a thumbs up before walking off to my room.

"I'm so proud of you Issei, it almost makes me want to cry in joy"

I get to my room and I opened the door. I walked inside and closed the door before I noticed and saw Rossweisse changing out of her suit. Rossweisse was in her bra and was pulling down her pants when she froze and saw me. It reminded me of the first time we saw each other. Her cheeks became red and she accidentally let's go of her pants and drops her pants down all the way.

"(Y-Y/n)" Rossweisse stuttered as she looked at me.

"I'm sorry I'll wait outside" I say before turning around.

"P-please stay.." Rossweisse says in a embarrassed way. I turned back to her and she had her arms over her chest, slightly looking away from me "You've told me you like my body for what it is, so, would you like a better look?"

Rossweisse put her arms under her breasts and lifted them a bit, showing them off to me even though she still has her bra on. I walked over to her and set my bag down before giving her a hug.

"You have a wonderful body Rossweisse, but I don't want to take advantage of it" I tell her "I want you to know that, I'll never abandon you Rossweisse. I know that you have abandonment issues because of Odin but you'll never feel that way ever again"

When I said that I felt her shudder a bit before I feel something wet drip onto my shoulder. I move out of the hug a bit to see her face and I see a few tears running down her face. I wipe them off her face and she smiles a bit.

"Thank you (Y/n)" She tells me before close the distance between us. Rossweisse plants her lips onto mine, her lips were soft and sweet.

"I wonder why no man wouldn't want to have a woman like her, she's smart beyond belief, has a body that most men would find attractive, and is strong as well" I thought as we kissed

We separated from the kiss and Rossweisse looks at me with a small smile on her face "(Y/n), the day you become a high ranking devil, I want be your rook"

"Alright then, you will be my rook" I say and smiled then thought about what happened this morning "And Rossweisse, Why were you sleeping with me when I woke up this morning?"

Rossweisse's cheeks become red once more "Well..., I felt comfortable sleeping next to you, like I didn't need to worry about anything..."

"Then would you like to sleep with me tonight as well?" I ask her.

"Yes, I would like too" She replied.

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. You got some Rosseweisse action and Yuuma was able to deploy the shield of heave, and Issei finally kissed Asia. Until next time bye.

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