[Profiles!] Ages And Traits

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So Here Are The Ages And Some Traits About The Characters In My Story!

Name: Jack (Seán William McLoughlin)

Age: 16

Nicknames: JackSepticEye, Jackaboy, JackaRoonie, Doki Doki, Eyeless Jack, Loser, Shy Boy, And JackiBoy.

Trivia: Jack Has Two Sides, Energetic And Shy. Jack Is An Exchange Student, And He Hasn't Been To An American School Before. He Loses Track Of Time Easily. Jack's The Youngest Of The Group. He Gets Flustered And Embarrassed Easily. In A Later Chapter, He Will Be A Lot Braver And Will Shoot Spitballs At Mark Weekly.


Name: Mark Edward Fischbach (Markiplier)

Age: 17 (1/3)

Nicknames: Markymoo, Markie, Jet Blue, Bluetooth, Smart Kid, And Blues Clues.

Trivia: He Ended Up Getting A Crush On Jack, Because Of How Beautiful He Thought He Was. He Hasn't Hurt A Kid Since First Grade, But Ended Up Giving Jonathan A Blow To The Face. He's Known Yami, Ken, Cry, And Felix Since The Fifth Grade. He's The Second Oldest Of The Group.


Name: Kenneth (CinnamonToastKen)

Age: 18

Nicknames: Kenpai The Senpai, Ken, CTK, Bear Hat, And Mr. Toasty.

Trivia: He Is The Oldest Of The Group. He Wears His Bear Hat In The Halls And Cafeteria, But Not In Any Classes Or The Gym. Ken Wears His Glasses Twice Every Week. He Is Graduating In Two Years.


Name: Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (PewDiePie)

Age: 16 (1/2)

Nicknames: Pewds, Poods, BroFist Dude, PDP, Blondie, Senpai, And The King Of Pranks.

Trivia: He Is The Fifth Oldest Of The Group. He Laughs A Lot, Because He Does His Commentary On Funny Games. He Fights With Yami. He Is Best Friends With Cry.


Name: Aaron Ash (Yamimash)

Age: 17

Nicknames: The Masher, Yami, Yammers, Laddie, And Exchange Student.

Trivia: He Is The Fourth Oldest Of The Group. He Brings A Canteen On Trips And To School, It's Filled With Tea. He Says Jack Is An Exchange From Europe, Just Like Him. He Pays The Most Attention In Class. 


Name: Cry (Cryaotic)

Age: 17 (1/3)

Nicknames: White Mask, Masked Dude, PewDieCry (By Most Students), Masky, And Cry The Pro.

Trivia: He Says He Knows How To Play A Saxophone. In Later Chapters, He Will Volunteer For DJ. He Is A Pro At Pac-Man. He's Nicknamed Masky Because It Bears Almost To The Resemblance (Please Don't Attack Me In The Comments ;-;). Jack Is His Good Friend. He Is The Third Oldest Of The Group.


Name: Bob Muyskens (Muyskerm)



Name: Wade Barnes (LordMinion777)


Hope You Enjoyed These Traits And Ages, Please Don't Attack Me In The Comments... ;-;

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