♒︎ rules & roles ♒︎

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Remember to be kind and courteous to all the fellow roleplayers.
enough said. kissing, cuddling, and hugging are aok.
Don't curse while roleplaying please! There are plenty of great pirate "curses" to substitute for the crass words our culture thinks are so necessary.
Keep it PG13, please. I would love for these pirates to be more honor bound than just killing people for no reason. They're kind of like jewel thieves in that they try to steal without any death.
Read the plot and be up to date with what is going on. This roleplay will move relatively fast. Try to read all the information chapters when you have time. Password one: the exports of Ashye
ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY. This is a necessary step to knowing what is going on.
you can comment to claim a role but then you only have two days to send in your form or your role will be given away. The forms are not very long or involved so it shouldn't take too much effort. Password 2: tag 3 people
This is a plot driven command roleplay, so please try to pop in at least once a day so that you can orient yourself. All of the characters are pretty central to the plot so try to do this please!
Please let me know if you change your username during the course of this roleplay!
Since there's only 16 slots, it wouldn't be fair to have more than one character.
by "literate roleplay" I don't mean a book. I just mean at least a paragraph every time you reply. And we won't do a huge roleplay every day, most of it will be commands but the roleplaying is mostly optional as you develop your characters and only required for some plot points. it is a command game first.

(16/16 open)
*= predetermined role. this means the face claim is your character and any information under the picture applies. they are like half blank characters. none of them have names, but some have ages and personality traits and a few predetermined plot points.

♛ M O N A R C H S ♛

*Osmanian Emperor (0/1)

age | 25
Empire | Osmana
basic personality | stubborn, lonely, intelligent but clouded by grief & trying to find a purpose
basic backstory | his father, a great warrior and beloved Emperor, has died last year. Hoping to be great like his father and continue the legacy, he foolishly starts a war with the peaceful nation of Adreau.
key plot elements | he is supposed to be receiving a bride from the Kingdom of Adreau, and maybe he will stop the declaration of war them. but princesses are worth a lot of ransom money...

*Princess of Adreau (1/1)

age | 22
Kingdom | Adreau
basic personality | kind, well-mannered , quick-witted, and spunky
basic backstory | the second princess of Adreau, who grew up in a loving household. she does not have a traumatic past.
key plot elements | she is traveling on a ship as a peace bride for the Emperor of Osmana, but it is intercepted....

*Queen of New Spaica (0/1)

age | 24
Kingdom | New Spaica
basic personality | tough, strategic, determined, generous, clever
basic backstory | the Spaican Civil War went on for five years. see father was the resistance leader, but he died in the final battle. she is a skilled warrior and was her father's right hand girl, and when they held an election she was elected unanimously, to her surprise.
key plot elements | she must build up her empire and people say that the Walela near the Laughing Fjords is beginning to stir...

*Prince of Jaskya (1/1)

age | 23
Kingdom | Jaskya
personality | restless, adventurous, lighthearted
backstory | he has 5 older brothers and knows he has no chance to be King, so why not sneak off seeking some adventure? He is trained in swordsmanship and acrobatics as well as many academic skills. As such, he's very cultured and intelligent but he likes to joke and prank people.
key plot elements | he's going to seek aboard a camouflaged vessel in a desperate attempt to find adventure...I wonder where he'll end up...

☠︎ C A P T A I N S ☠︎

Osmanian Privateer One Captain (0/1)

[any gender]
[any age]
you will have another roleplayer as a first mate and a crew of NPCs

Osmanian Privateer Two Captain (0/1)

[any gender]
[any age]
you will have another roleplayer as a first mate and a crew of NPCs

*New Spaican Privateer Captain (0/1)

age | 28
affiliation | New Spaica
basic personality | brave & bold, warriors heart
basic backstory | is the cousin of the Queen of New Spaica and was hired to warn others away from the New Spaican shores
key plot elements | he and his band of warriors have a hidden agenda. they aren't satisfied that the kind of Old Spaica still sits on the throne...
you will have another roleplayer as a first mate and two more roleplayers as crew members. The rest of your crew will be NPCs.

Teika Captain (1/1)
eyeofthetigress (me using my other acc)

(keep in mind, no one knows what she looks like. this is just for your reference)
age | unknown
affiliation | swears to no one, ethnicity is Jaskyan
basic personality | mysterious and guarded, closed off
basic backstory | no one knows
key plot elements | while docking for supplies, the Teika ship picks up a stowaway on their way to find the fabled treasure of Red Robin.
she has a roleplayer for first mate and three more for her crew. No NPCs.

☆ F I R S T • M A T E S ☆

Osmanian Privateer One First Mate (0/1)

[any gender]
[any age]

Osmanian Privateer Two First Mate (0/1)

[any gender]
[any age]

New Spaican Privateer First Mate (0/1)

[any gender]
[any age]

Taika First Mate (1/1)


★ C R E W ★

New Spaican Privateer Crew Member (0/2)

[any gender]
[any age]

Teika Crew Member (0/3)

[gender must be female]
[any age]

All together: 16 roles currently available. I wanted this roleplay to be smaller, but if the 16 spots go quickly I may open up more roles for the Osmanian crew and perhaps even more pirates (;

⚑ P I R A T E • A T T I R E ⚑


New Spaican


~ comment who you're interested in ~

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