♒︎ the world of high seas ♒︎

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❛ No literature is richer than that of the sea. No story is more enthralling, no tradition is more secure. ❜

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• g e n e r a l • i n f o •

Please read:
The world/planet of high seas is called Calyx (kay-licks). The time period of this roleplay is around the 1600s-1700s in our own planet's history. There is not really any technology or medical advances, and everyone travels by ship, boat, horse, wagon, and foot. Attire is a different than typical 1700s attire, however, and will be much more functional. I will speak about it in later pages as I tell about each nation. The flora and fauna of Calyx is the same as our planet's, except for dragons and large sea monsters being added. I would love to make up animals, but I simply don't have the time, so we'll use have to use Earth's animals for now. There are several races, as you will find out, but there are no racial prejudices except for being proud of one's own country. Slavery does not exist, it is outlawed everywhere, though servants who are paid do. There are different languages for all of the countries of course, but everyone is trained in the Common Tongue since the time that they are a child.

• Old Spaica (spy-kuh)
• New Spaica (spy-kuh)
• Jaskya (jass-key-uh)
• Osmana (oss-mon-uh, not ozz)
• Ashye (ash) part of Osmana Empire
• Adreau (uh-droh)

• Spaican (spy-can)
note: everyone calls people from old spaica griffs (a term for people stuck in tradition), and people from new spaica are called whips (a term meaning young and full of energy).
• Jaskyan (jass-key-en)
• Osmanian (oss-mon-ee-an)
• Ashyen (ash-en)
• Adreaun (uh-droh-an)

Large Cities: Aspax
Desert: Aspax Desert
Easily Looted Towns: Matley, Nal
Large Ports: Port of Old Spaica
Main Exports: metal, oil

The King of Old Spaica is old, stubborn, and traditional. Many laws and customs are not practical or unfair, yet the King refused to change them, causing a civil war. Many stayed and sided with him, especially the older people, since that is all they ever knew. Though the system is not perfect, they maintain, it works well enough. We shall see how it works out for them. They look similar to the New Spaicans. These people are war weary and just want to have some peace. There are plains, hills, and a large desert here.

Note: Oprya is currently only the size of other big cities, since it has just been established
Large Cities: Steydor, Tawkes, Faskein,
Mountain Range: Faskein Mountains
Large Ports: Port of New Spaica
Main Exports: gold, oil

The people of New Spaica are very resilient and determined. They fought hard for their freedom and now must build a kingdom from the ground up. They have fair skin and tend to have blond hair and blue eyes, but a mix of brown hair and brown eyes are also common. They can be very tall. This land has a large mountain range close to the border of Old Spaica, and is a very hilly country. There are prairies as well, and huge white cliffs at the Laughing Fjords and the Ivory Coast.

Large Cities: Draybia, Ethea, Osnya, Foci,
Easily Looted Towns: West Lissa, Oshary
Desert: Ashar Desert
Mountain Range: Obsidian Mountains
Ruins: Chkomo Ruins
Large Ports: Losling Port
Main Exports: coffee, salt, leather

The Osmana Empire is the largest nation in Calyx at this time. The current Emperor of Osmana is only twenty-five, and in the name of his late father he has started a war to conquer Adreau. Osmana is loosely based on Egypt, so most of the Osmanian people have tan skin, dark brown or black hair, brown or green eyes, and are average height. They are a very proud and hardworking people. Their loyalties are strong, and they serve their Emperor without reservation. Osmana is a desert- like country with large mountains and many oasis'.

Easily looted Town: Wye
Ruins: Cordes Ruins
Main Exports: dye, seafood

Ashye is a large tropical island just the the northeast of the Osmana Empire. The Osmanian Emperor's father invaded and quickly had control since the native people could not speak the common tongue and had no major weapons. Osmana leaves this island virtually untouched, though, because they have only found pigment for dyes and seafood for exporting so they consider it to be pretty useless. The people of Ashye are kind, generous, and are hunter-gatherers. They are like jungle tribes or native Americans. They have tan skin, little to no hair on their bodies, dark hair and brown almond eyes. They wear little clothing and tame many animals for their usage. This land is like a jungle, very green and lots of water.

Large Cities: Merspe, Chioca, Cape Azral, Paella
Easily Looted Towns : La Brix
Ruins: Dalme Ruins
Large Ports: Port of Paglos
Main Exports: fish, seeds, fruit trees, lumber, metals, dye, olives

Adreau is a little bit like France or Greece, with a coastal view, many grand carved stone buildings, and sprawling greenery. They are a peaceful nation and avoid war whenever possible, usually by bribery or marriage alliances. The nobility of Adreau are fairer skinned, but the working people are mostly fishermen so their skin is very tan. These people are average height, if not a bit short. Their features are varied, but usually brown hair and blue/hazel eyes. They have full lips, and straight noses. Those to the north are mixed with some Jaskyan features from assimilation. These people are laid back, do not worry about time, and tend to have large families with multiple generations living together. They like swimming and bathing and prioritize hygiene.

Large Cities: Chinewo, North Terspul, Qasta
Easily Looted Towns: Ustia, Jascar
Mountain Range: Hichi Mountains
Large Ports: Port of Chioca
Main Exports: spices, textiles, silver, clothing

Jaskya sits proudly to the North with haughty eyes. This nation is loosely based on Japan and China. Imou City is the epicenter of culture and fashion. The people of Jaskya are highly intelligent and skilled; they love to create and invent new things. Jaskya has a good variety of warriors and people who are skilled in trades. All their exports are highly coveted and the other nations compete to trade with them. A large mountain range in the North houses many people as well, who have adapted and flourished in their environment. The people here are a typically little smaller than the rest of the nations, have small yet flatter noses, full lips, monolids, and their skin tones range from nobility (fair) to outside worker (very tan). They have dark hair and brown eyes. There are lush forests, looming mountains, and coastal villages all in Jaskya.

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• m a p s •

Full Map:
Here is the map with the names of capital cities in dark pink, cities in light pink, coastal towns in yellow, ruins in light purple, mountain ranges in green, and ports in light blue. The legends are underneath this map, please read them.

You will notice that on this map there is only one giant island, because I didn't want to make them all. Just know that little ones are scattered everywhere. Some will be already named and some you will be able to claim for your nation and name yourself.

Main Trade Routes Map:
As you can see, the trade routes go mostly through the smaller seas and canals both for safety and for distance. Right now, of course, Adreau and Osmana are not actively trading because they are in a state of war.

Water Currents Map:
(I tried you guys...haha)

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• c r e a t u r e s •

① As you will see on the map at the top left corner, there is a giant sea monster called The Whisper. It never shrieks, only whispers, sending shivers down your spine. There is always a storm when it arrives, and some say it carries electric current like an electric eel. There are records, stories, qnd drawings of it as early as people can remember, but there have only been a few eyewitnesses who lived to tell the tale. It is called the guardian ocean because it is believed that The Whisper guards it. Many are too afraid to travel very far from the coastline. It is said there are islands full of treasure there.

② The Walela is the giant octopus/squidlike creature. It is a female, and she is very ancient. She has been sleeping for a hundred years, and people fear she will wake up soon.

③ Dragon sightings have been occurring more frequently in the Hichi Mountains. They are large and have black scales and seem to be nocturnal. This makes them very difficult to see.

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~ the world of high seas ~

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