chapter 13

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


Third person 

After Josh punched Rias in the stomach that sent her crashing into a wall and outside into the forest area issei was quick to go her side while akeno attack josh with her holy lighting  magic covering josh was smoke akeno thinking she had won turned around to go to rias and issei but her head was slammed into the ground by a very pissed off josh 

with issei and rias 

After issei went to check on rias he found rias getting up whiping the blood off her mouth with her sleeve issei then went to her side 

(issei) boucho are you alright?!

(rias) im fine issei just a *coughs* scratch 

issei was about to say somthing but was interupted by akeno coming out of the house through the same hole rias made and bounced off the ground towards issei and rias once akeno stop she was seen with bruises and cut marks all over her body along some of her clothes being torn issei some how caught a kunai with japanese lettering on its handle issei then looks towards the hole rias and akeno were thrown through to see josh just standing there then issei rised the kunai above his head 

(issei) IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!!!

just then josh turned into a puff of smoke issei was confused for a moment until he felt somthing big and full of power hit him from above 


the attack made a small crater that issei was in the center of it he was bloody with wounds bleeding from all around his body rias had flown away with akeno rias was pissed and set akeno down a few feet from issei is and started to charge up her POD magic 

(ren) room 

a green bubble incased around the whole training area making look around then rias hands were cut off masking her eyes widen she was about to screme until her head was chopped off as well but shocking lee she was still breathing rias head was then in the palm of rens hands as he was walking towards josh as rias saw kiba and everyone else was awake with issei ad akeno tied up akeno enjoying it along with the rest of her body that was also tied 


(ren) its best you speak when spoken to rias 

Ren took rias towards Josh as everyone stared at her head ren then handed rias head to josh to which he grabbed rias by the hair and lifted her head to meet eye to eye

(Josh) listen closely rias gremory I tried to help you train I tried helping you hell! I even gave you multiple chances but you ran out I already informed sirzech of what you did but he said he would take his time so *looks at nora* nora break akeno and rias legs then break issei legs slowly for everything he said he was gonna do to everyone

Nora nods summoning her hammer that turns into a grenade launcher and started to slowly walk towards the trio a pist off look was on her face that even made bahamut shiver Josh quickly took everyone away leaving ren to calm down his valkayrie throughout the entire forest screams of pain we're heard though out the training area

At the edge of kuoh town

A women with long white hair with red blood eyes height about 5,9 was looking over the town of kuoh on a edge of a cliff next to her stood a girl with short white hair greenm
eyes she had a two scars one going down on her left eye and the second one we're stitches on her right cheek her height is 19.0 cm the final girl is a blonde women wearing a red jackater with the word 'saber' all over her jacket and bag she had green eyes as well the first women looked at a photo that had the women in a photo with Josh as a kid hugging her then woman gripped the the photo hard

(???) So you think you can just simply run away from me my dear nephew well auntie snow is here to bring you home

The women now reveled to be snow Josh aunt is wearing a black jacket with blue skinny jeans she also has a roll able suitcase as she looks at her two companions

(Snow) go find Josh once you do come report in to me I have business with the devil heariss here got it Jack and saber?

(Both) yes snow

Both Jack and saber diapered as snow grabbed her luggage and started to walking towards kuoh academy as he eyes glowed a faint red for a second

Back with Josh and friends

As Josh and everyone we're at home chilling a magic circle appeared in the living room out stepping grafiya with a stoic face as usual

(Grafiya) I'm sorry for this intrusion Mr.gate I came to inform you that lady rias is here by stripped of her heriss title and has her territory has been given back to miss sona as for your trouble sona and sirzech has offered you rias territory for all the trouble you have gone through

(Josh) sounds nice but I'm assuming there's a catch?

(Grafiya) yes if you should accept this deal you will be partners with sona sitiri that will lead to you being able to make deals with either of the three main factions or the yokai faction

Hinata perked up a bit at the mention of the yokai faction everyone noticed but grafiya kept going

(Grafiya) you will also have access to any tournament within any alliance territory

(Josh) alright thank you for the information grafiya

Grafiya nodded then left vial magic teleport Josh got up and walked over to the back door sliding it open looking at a tree while everyone else followed him confused

(Josh) you can come out I know your watching

(Weiss) umm Josh are you..

Just then Jack and saber jumped out from the tree surprising everyone expect Josh

(Josh) so Jack saber how's life

Josh said leaning against the door frame while looking at the duo

(Jack) it's going good big brother snow missed you every since you've changed your last name and moved away

Everyone looked at Josh

(All) BROTHER!?!?!?

(Josh) she calls me that because I treated her like family when we were younger and don't be fooled by her height she is eighteen the girl next to her is called saber a cousin

(Saber) nice to see you again Josh now we should contact...

Saber didn't get to finish a sword was up to her neck

(Josh) the reason I left that family was because they abandon me and my little sister all because my mother didn't get married to some other guy we were disowned from the family so don't think of contacting her

(Snow) well it's to late not to contact me Josh

Josh looked to his side to see his aunt sitting on top of her luggage

(Josh) I thought I made it clear I don't wanna see you or the family again

(Snow) you did but I came to see you not because of anything else just to see my little wolf again

Josh looked at snow who looked back Josh then sighed and de-summoned the blade

(Josh) everyone please go back inside I gotta take care of a family matter

Everyone looked at each other and nodded going back inside as the warm afternoon breeze flow by no one moved snow and Josh looked at each other

(Snow) alright my little wolf let's see how well you can handle all of us at the same time

Josh nodded and summoned lost vayne while Jack and saber switched to there respective battle clothing in a instinct Jack ran towards Josh summoning two daggers and jumps going for a high slash attack but Josh counters by tremor punching the air causing Jack to fly back but land on her feet next up was saber who went for multiple swing attacks while Josh blocked all of them Josh the parries one of saber attack causing her to stumble back a bit letting Josh take this chance to close the gap and held lost vayne at his side

(Josh) thousand slash

Just then one thousand slashes appeared all over saber body and was hit with enough force to be sent back with Jack Josh then moved lost vayne to his back blocking a surprise attack from snow

(Snow) you've improved quite well Josh

(Josh) thanks snow

Josh then threw snow sword up a bit and went for a x mark slash but jumped back do to feeling a  cold sensation all over his body josh then looked at snow to see her weilding a sword that was glowing blue along the blade. 

(snow) You've grown a lot in your swordsman ship since the last time we meant my little wolf

(josh) one tends to do that dealing with devils on a daily basis

snow look angered for a moment after josh mentioned devils 

(snow) so you know of the supernatural little wolf *sighs* ive failed your parents then 

(josh) what do you mean? 

(snow) its the reason why no one wanted you after your parents died its because your parents were very powerful mercenary for the supernatural and if anything should happen to them i was supposed to take you in and teach you how to defend your self since no one else wanted to risk there own family in case the supernatural beings would come after you and kill you along with the rest of the family 

josh was stunned a little but then faced snow 

(josh) wait if you were supposed to take care of us why didn't you?

(snow) well thats the problem i was gonna get custody of you but your fathers brother got to it before i could so i was trying to persuade him to give me custody but i found out that you had token Sera and moved away once i found out i was furious with your uncle so for the past few months i been searching for you once i found out you were in kouh i came here to bring you back out of the devils reach but i was shocked to hear what you've managed to accomplish even defeating the current Lucifer  

(Josh) ya heh let's go in I'll introduce you to my friends

(Snow) alright

Josh smiles a bit and walked inside leading Jack saber and snow to the living room seeing everyone there

(Snow) why so many girls?

(Josh) that's a story

Josh then started to explain on how he meant everyone to jack saber and snow which snow got pissed once she heard gremory name Josh then started to tell how life in school was even meeting riser Phoenix and everything else that has happened

(Sanji) hey Josh can you come help me with cooking this dish?

(Josh) sure I'll be right there

Josh then got up and walked into the kitchen as snow turned to teams rwby and jnrp

(Snow) so my nephew has been protecting you *smiles* he tends to do that with a lot of people he meets

(Yang) ya but I have a question why does Josh hate his family?

(Snow) well yang it's simple after his mother and dad had died Josh was adopted by his uncle who wanted him and his sister for the money and after he got the money he kicked josh out along with his sister that's when he moved to kouh but once i discovered this two days after he did this i went to his old apartment to see if he would like to come and live with me but he wasnt there so for the last few months ive been looking for him 

both teams were angry that josh uncle only cared about the money  

time skip brought to you by a chibi snow and josh chatting about what type of magic they use 

third person in the underworld 

In the doku home 

currently we see the next hair of the doku household Joseph training with his new devil fruit powers combined with his poison dragon slayer magic when a maid came walking in through the door with a letter Joseph stopped training and looked at the maid 

(Joseph) hello crystal what brings you to my training area?

(crystal) i have a letter from the hospital your sister is in

Joseph didn't say anything but walked up to crystal and gently took the letter opened it and began reading while crystal stood by for commands as Joseph was reading the letter he was getting mad at what the hospital was saying about his sister condition. you see when Joseph and Marie were young they were playing in there family back yard trying out the new when a stray devil attacked them Joseph tried defeating the stray but was knocked to the ground the stray was about to finish Joseph off until Marie jumped in the way of the attack saving Joseph the stray began to beat Marie until there father had come outside and killed the stray as Joseph was holding his sister in a cradling position after that day his sister has been hospitalized due from extensive damage to her lungs back legs and her eyes Joseph blamed himself for that say for not being able to save his sister and has turned into him into what he is today. Joseph shed a tear at the memory and looked at crystal 

(Joseph) inform my father and mother that i am gonna move forward with the tournament we need the sitri medical finance to heal with my sister 

crystal nodded and left leaving Joseph alone as he went back to training with his powers 

back with josh still third person 

after everyone ate josh offered  his two friends and aunt separate rooms to stay in to which they gladly accepted after he lead the trio to there room he was heading to his room when a red magic circle appeared in front of him and out stepped sirzech 

(sirzech) i came to inform you that rias and riser will have there fight tomorrow and riser wants your friends hands in marriage so i came to warn you that the phoenix family might try and kidnap your fiends 

(josh) thanks sirzech and to keep up with our deal i will save your sister from this marriage dont forget your part of the deal 

(sirzech) yes i know i already have your invitation for the tournament and i need to inform you that it has been moved to after riser and rias rating game  

(Josh) thanks might I ask what happened to rias?

(Sirzech) well she has been striped of her of heiress title and has been punished of her crimes along with her only pawn and queen

Josh nods and smiles

(Josh) alright sirzech I'll see you in two days

Sirzech nods and leaves via teleportion as Josh goes in his room walking over to his safe he punches in the code and grabs a set of twin pistols and walks over to his little crafting area and begins working on the pistols

Time skip two days brought to you by a chibi rias issei and akeno getting beat by chibi riser peerage in there rating game

After the massacre on rias peerage we set our focus to inside the gremory gathering hall we're we see other noble devil family's as they chatted amongst each other we see riser peerage talking about how they won the rating game so easily first was the knight and pawn riser sent his rook and pawns to deal with them to which they easily defeated kiba but had to leave the match when issei used his dress break on them, next was akeno riser sent his queen knights and his remaing pawns to fight her to which they easily defeated akeno as issei made it to riser he saw rias getting badly beaten by riser issei tried to save rias by attacking riser with a battle cry but once issei was getting his ass handed to him rias fortited the match. Now we see riser phonix teleport on the main stage after a little speech he summons rias but before the marriage could progress the main door get blown off its hinges as everyone turns there attention to see Josh wearing a tuxedo with a yellow rose in his pocket next to him was teams rwby and jnrp wearing dresses and tuxedos

(Riser) ahhh I see riser other wives have made it thank..

Riser was got off by him getting shot in the shoulder thanks to Josh holding a sliver dessert with some sweet design on it

(Josh) can up and shut up you overgrown burnt KFC chicken I'm here on a promise to a certain someone who I'm current you heard of sirzech Lucifer

Riser eyes widen so did everyone else in the ball room except teams rwby and jnrp

(Josh) now riser phoniex I challenge you to a duel if I win rias goes free if you win well I guess you get another wife today

Riser grinned

(Riser) riser accepts this

Then riser and Josh were teleported to the battle arena we're Josh fought sirzech along with all the noble devil's at the party and teams rwby and jnrp in the stands millicas saw his sensei friends and walked over to them and sat next to them

(Millicas) hi yang ruby Weiss Blake nora pryyha jaune and ren

Everyone said hi back as we switch to look at Josh taking his top tuxedo clothes top to show a black turtle neck t shirt with no sleeves as all the girls blushed at his body and the men sent glares towards Josh

(Riser) you should give up now human so riser can claim his wife!

Riser shouted at Josh who was stretching his arms and summoned a new weapon this weapon was just a black blade sheath and handle as Josh held it in front of him while looking at riser. The air was quite as riser and Josh stared down each other riser was the first to attack by launching himself towards Josh then starts to try and rapidly punch Josh only for Josh to either parry or block this kept on until Josh kicked riser into the wall and summoned four blue portals only for weapons to start popping out of them

(Josh) one of my new recent moves called gates of a Babylon

Josh started to launch all types of weapons at riser making him use up all of his magic to keep up with the constant stream of damage delt go his body that was until Josh jumped away from a bomb spell and two chain saws he looked up to see riser entire peerage infront of there king in a protective manner while Josh simply chuckled

(Josh) so hiding behind your peerage Riser? Well since I'm outnumbered now I'll go 1% percent for all of you but first let's change up the arena

Josh snapped his fingers as him and riser along with his peerage had teleported to a copied dimension of the underworld as screens appeared in the other arena to keep in tabs on the fight as well broad casting to all other factions like angles fallen yokai norse gods and great red along with ophis everyone looked at there screens as they saw riser peerage attacking Josh with long distance magic attacks bud Josh didn't budge a bit instead he took a deep breath in and started to unleash his magical energy that started to shake the the area around Josh but soon Josh summoned bahamuts gauntlet making everyone eyes widen as Josh started to activate his and bahamuts magic energy shaking all three words along with the dimension gap as Josh roared into the sky

(Josh) BAHAMUT!!!

After Josh roared a image of a giant dragon appeared behind him making all leaders go wide eyes as they are seeing bahamut dragon god of annihilation then a shockwave of energy spread out making all screens disapered for a few minutes and reapered three minutes later as everyone jaw dropped to the ground because Josh had activated bahamuts chainmail armour known as the apprentice of annihilation armour holding riser by the neck his peerage damaged riser who had emense damage done to him both his arms were cut off cuts were all over his body what caught everyone attention was they saw the entire underworld destroyed Josh then dropped riser and looked directly at the camera desummoing his armour but kept the gauntlet his red eyes looked directly into the eyes of every supernatural being then rised his right arm up the air and spoke but Josh voice was combined with that of bahamuts voice and his

(Josh/bahamut) I'm back!!

In heaven

Michael and gaberial go wide eyed they had heard of Josh from sirzech but never did they think that he would be bahamuts next weilder soon gaberial smile along with Michael as they heard angles of all class charging for the return of bahamut

(Gaberial) it would seem that our friend is back brother

(Michael) yes indeed sister

Other side of hell

Azazal was looking at the gauntlet with shock and happiness as in his office was vali who was also wide eyed then call shook his head and talked to Albion

(Vali) Albion we gotta fight him

Albion screamed at Vail with rage


Vail looked shocked at this he was about to ask why until azazal spoke up

(Azazal) Vail bahamut is the one whom killed both himself ddrag Lucifer and even beat ophis and great red signal handily without using 1% of his true power

Vail nodded and slumped down on the chair

In asgard

Odin was shocked along with Thor and rosseiweiss we're also shocked to thempount we're Odin sat down at his throne

(Thor) father maybe if we make an alliance with the weilder of bahamut he won't unleash his wrath onto us

Odin looked at his son with wide eyed as rosseiweiss stood next to Thor

(Rosseweiss) I agree with Thor my Lord it would be wise to make a alliance before hand

Odin nodded and started to think of a plan

In the dimension gap

Both great red and ophis we're freaking out shivering remembering the time that bahamut had beaten



back with Josh

Josh then did a dark chuckle as he teleports everyone back to the arenal eo who had ddrag gauntlet on his left arm

(Issei) ha all it took was one blast!

Rias was about to congratulate issei but before anyone could move a sword with a chain at the handle pierced through issei chest making rias eyes widen as blood got all over her then issei body was pulled towards Josh then grabbed issei head and slammed him into the ground creating a crater. As issei layed in the small crater rias started to fly towards him but before she could make it Josh had kneed down to issei pulling the sword out then Josh hand turns into darkness going inside of issei chest as issei started to screme out in pain Josh slowly pulled out a red orb from issei chest as rias flown next to issei and started to cradle him Josh teleported himself and teams rwby and jnrp home. Rias checked issei pulse to see he was still alive she then looked at her brother who had a expression of surprise on him

(Rias) brother! What did Josh do?!

(Sirzech) rias I believe Josh just took ddrag from him

Rias eyes widen she started to search for ddrag inside issei body but coudnt find a single trace of him making rias magic start to get out of control a little

With Josh

Josh had teleported himself and teams rwby and jnrp back home being greeted by Jack whom is playing with sera and kanna as saber is cooking with erza in the kitchen while snow is talking to sanji and sebas. Ruby who looked at the red orb in Josh hand was feeling as if it was calling to her

(Ruby) Josh what's inside the red orb?

(Josh) oh this is ddrag known as one of the two heavenly dragons why do you ask?

(Ruby) well I feel like it's calling out to me

Everyone looked at ruby with a surprised expression but yang was the first to speak

(Yang) well it does it like a good fit with ruby liking red and all

Then ddrag spoke through the red orb

(Ddrag) it's not just the colors yang I believed ruby and I are a greater match then issei ever could wish for and Josh may I say I am sorry for what my previous host did to you and your friends I wish no bad illness between us

Josh nodded and walked over to ruby

(Josh) it's alright ddrag now ruby stay perfectly still this is gonna hurt a lot

Ruby nodded as Josh hand turn into darkness he started to gently put ddrag soul into ruby's body as ruby bit her lip as the pain hurt a lot after a few minutes Josh pulled his hand out to show he didnnt have the red orb suddenly a red gauntlet with a green Jew appeared on ruby left arm

{For those who don't know ruby is left handed but can use both hands}

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