chapter twelve

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


After Josh and everyone left the highschool they started to head back home when they all got home they see three large packages and one little one at the front door Josh smiles making everyone look at him

(Yang) Josh why are you smiling?

(Josh) that's because my orders finally arrived

(Weiss) what did you order?

Weiss asked curiously making Josh smile

(Josh) well I ordered four guns, four swords and a couple of other things

Everyone looked at josh with a serious face while josh just shrugged and walked over to the packages and picks up the box and was about to atke it in but Josh stopped hearing a dog

(???) Bark!

Josh looked at the box and had a very confused look so did teams JNRP WB but not yang and ruby. Josh began to slowly set down the box then opens it only for a black blur to jump out and tackle Josh to the ground everyone stepped back and looked at Josh chest to see a dog more specially a black and white fured dog with brown eyes then ruby swooped up the dog into her arms and nuzzled his head against her cheek

(Ruby) YANG!! ITS ZWEI!!!

Yang instantly hugged both ruby and zwei

(Yang) awww zwei we missed you

(Zwei) bark!

Everyone smiles while Josh gets up from the ground and pats off the dust from his clothing

(Josh) alright since that's settled I have a question who is zwei?

(Weiss) there family dog

(Josh) did he get here

Everyone shrugged while ruby went over to the box and stuck her hand inside it then pulled out a note and started to read it

(Ruby) to ruby and yang I hope you two like the present I left you it wasn't easy getting him past your father so yay good luck signed GR

Everyone paused for a moment and looked at the box as yang was pouring out a pile of dog cans from it and once that was done she shook the box for a pair of can openers to drop on the pile of cans

(Josh) welp before anything else can make this weirder I'm going to bed

Josh said picking up all the boxes with levitation magic and brings him to his room then got dressed for bed and went to sleep but before he does he looks back to see everyone happy with smiles on there faces

(Josh) 'i hope you two like your surprise'

Josh then went to bed setting the boxes down in his room

Dream world

Josh woke up inside the dream world laying down on his back he then sits up and sees a very big and tall tree Josh then heared wings flapping so he turned around and saw bahamut flying towards him and land a couple feet away

(Bahamut) I see you finally found the god tree

Josh looked puzzled for a moment making bahamut chuckle

(Bahamut) the god tree is what was believed to have thrived this land but in reality it was withering the land of its energy since there was no life here but it does have a special fruit that only grows every thousands of years infact there is one there

Bahamut raised his claw towards a opening in the bottom of the god tree that was glowing a light blue color which Josh got up and started to walk inside of it following the light he found a fruit that was glowing Josh started to hear a demon like voice inside his head

(???) Go to the fruit eat it

Josh form on his knees and took the fruit into his hands then slowly moved it towards his mouth and begins to eat it. After Josh was done he sat there with his eyes closed as he started to feel something crawling at his stomach he focused his mind more and opened them to be meant with a women that has clear pure white eyes with long sweeping grey hair she also has a third red eye on her for head that has a ripple pattern to it her eyebrows were cut very short with red lipstick her skin was plae with two horns she was wearing a long kimono and was standing in front of Josh

(???) My chakra

Josh was confused but quickly jumped back seeing the lady go for a three finger strike for his heart Josh activated his tremor fruit and went to punch the lady in the stomach but she quickly disappeared and reappeared behind Josh and grabbed his back. Josh started to feel her drain his magic resveres but Josh created a sink hole making her and Josh fall into it Josh kicked the lady off him and jumped out of the sink hole. The lady did the same both fighters were on opposite sides of each other eyeing each other

(???) You do not use my chakra why?

(Josh) I don't know what chakra is really but if your so clingly to it I'm guessing it's somthing rare

The lady nodded and  dashed towards josh while going for a x cross for josh  chest but josh summoned lost vayne and a common sword he made blocking the attack josh then kicked the lady in the stomach sending her back a couple of feet josh then used observe on the lady

Name -  Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

Title - rabbit goddess, mother of chakra, oni, Progenitor of Chakra, god almighty



Interstellar travel

Halt movenmt

Absorb chakra


{Real quik this chick has a lot of moves so im only listing some of them becasuse she can do any move that is in the naruto universe thinks to her being the first ever person to weild chakra}


Nature transformations

Makeshift weapon (dont be fold she uses her hair)

Yin–Yang Release

Summoning Technique

Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack

All-Killing Ash Bones

Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball


Rinne Sharingan
The beast

Infinite Tsukuyomi

Tailed Beast Transformation (allows her to transform into the ten tails at will •-• never get on her bad side)

Josh swipped away the screen and looked at kaguya both of them disapered only sparks of metal hitting metal could be seen combined with the sound of clashing swords after a few minutes both of them reapered no scratches on either of them. Kaguya looked at Josh with eyes of interest kaguya opened a portal behind Josh then she used her hair to push Josh back into the portal

In the real world

After josh was brought back to the real world he got up and looked around to see he was still in the same spot as before but the tree started to shake making josh run out from inside the tree and back to bahamut

(Bahamut) i see you ate the fruit and have awakened the ten tails within the trees

(Josh) ten tails?

Bahamut points to a white ball of what looks like creme that has different faces coming in and out of it then the ball started to take shape into a humongous beast that was pure white with two arms a red eye and ten tails the beast looked at Josh with its one red eye then it starts to rip apart it's skin forming a mouth and starts charging up a purple ball of energy bahamut was about to do the same before Josh put his up towards bahamut

(Josh) no my friend this is my fight I will take care of this

Bahamut nodded and started to watch Josh take off his shirt to reveal a red tattoo of a dragon going in a circle with its tail in its math at the end on his left shoulder bahamuts eyes widen seeing it for its now as the dragon sin of wrath mark. Josh summoned divine terror and lost vayne while activating his demon mark for a purplish black that goes across his forhead Josh then waited for the ten tails to complete the attack and lay by it towards Josh destroying the land as it zooms towards Josh at high speed once it in front of Josh he simply swings his sword at it while saying

(Josh) full counter

After the attack was deflected it grew bigger then before and started to head back towards the ten tails destroying more land then it did before the ten tails abosred the attack and realised some of its magic creating shock waves sending nearby trees flying then as the ten tails and Josh looked at each other they started unleashing attack after after both not letting up destroying the land as the battle goes on

Side lines

Bahamut is currently watching the fight he hears somone flying right towards he looks behind him to see ravish and tama flying towards him along with a large orenge fox with nine tails ravish and tama having both pryyha and sera and the orenge has a blue haired female on its back once they made to bahamut each went wide eyed on seeing Josh fighting the ten tails

(Bahamut) took you long enough to show you three tama ravish and kurma my friend

Kurma sits next bahamut while hinata sitting on top of his head watching Josh fight with a worried look

(Hinata) kurma should we go help Josh?

(Kurma) no you can only use 10% of my power plus Josh has bahamut the dragon of annihilation so he should be fine

(Bahamut) hes not using my power this power is entirely hes own

Kurma goes wide eyed hearing this


Bahamut then dropped a bombshell

(Bahamut) hes not a human he became a demon in order to protect his little sister S omthing I would do

Tama look and Josh who is currently dodging the ten tails magic and physical by either block or parry

(Tama) brother if I'm correct about this he hasn't been able to tap into the demon powers he now posses?

(Bahamut) correct

Everyone continued to watch the fight as josh started to charge up one of his ultimate attacks


Josh sliced his sword in a straight line cutting reality itself in half and sends a wave of humongous power towards the ten tails who was trying to absorb the attack but was failing to do so as eternal darkness finally hit the ten tails it created a pillar of complete darkness then a giant explosion making a giant cloud of dust. After the dust settled down  everyone looked to see a the ten tails was transferred back into kaguya with damaged clothing along with cuts and brushes all over her body but Josh was standing over her everyone was shocked including bahamut because the ten tails was said to ravel great red in sheer power. Kaguya started to get up slowly as her body ached all over

(Kaguya) my chakra was not strong enough even in ten tails I guess i am yours now user now
Before Josh could say anything kaguya palmed striekd Josh stomach making a fox tattoo appear on his back on his left side. Josh was about to attack kaguya until she transform into a wolf...with ten tails

(Kaguya) now that your are my weilder you must give me a new name

Josh thought for a moment and rubbed kaguya head

(Josh) yami will do good

Kaguya now yami nodded and nuzzles into Josh hand

(Yami) I can still transform into my original form but this is my new tailed beast form the ten tailed wolf yami

Josh nodded and looked up to bahamut seeing him nod and smile after that Josh introduced yami to hinata, sera, and pryyha as her vessel after that Josh started to train using chakra with yami and obtain more of bahamuts power

Time skip brought to you by a chibi Josh setting up a 100 gear long boku no pico video while issei is tied to a chair gagged and forced to have his eyes keep open punishment for issei flirting with yang

After training in the dream world Josh wakes up to find two lumps under his bed sheet he sighs and lifts up his blanket to see yang wearing her pajamas clinging to his left side while Blake clings to his right side also wearing her pajamas with her cat ears and tail out. Josh blushes and starts to freak out but luckily he used teleportion to get out of bed and start getting ready for school since it was Tuesday after he got ready Josh walked downstairs and grabs his bento seeing as everyone was enjoying breakfast making him smile then two red magic portals appeared in the kitchen making everyone look up to see sirzech, grafiya, millicas,miss sitiri and mister sitiri everyone jumped out of the table going for the nearest weapon but to everyone surprise the devil's put there hands up

(Sirzech) we're not here to fight we are simply here to strike a deal and talk

Josh signalled everyone to stand down to which they did

(Josh) alright can I get you anything to drink?

Everyone shook there head

(Josh) alright let's take this into the living room

Josh then lead everyone to the living room and sat down everyone was quite until sirzech spoke first

(Sirzech) Josh I need you to train my sister's peerage I know we haven't gotten along at all but....

Sirzech was cut off by his son millicas speaking

(Millicas) excuse me Josh can I ask a question?

Everyone looked at millicas a bit shocked that he interrupted his father

(Josh) sure go ahead

Everyone was even more shocked now

(Millicas) well I was wondering how we're you able to cause those tremors when you were fighting father? And can you train me please!

Josh looked at millicas eyes and saw Somthing that made him smile

(Josh) sure but get your parents permission first and I ate the tremor tremor fruit turning me into a tremor human

Everyone was jaw dropped sitting in the same room was someone who could destroy the world if he wanted to. Sirzech regained his composer and looked at his son

(Sirzech) millicas we will talk about this when we get home now as I was saying Josh I need you to train my sister's peerage I'll be more then willing to pay you or grant you anything you want

(Josh) hmm I do have a couple of demands then I'll agree first is no devil is add someone I consider a family member or friend to there peerage, second I want kuroka status as a stray devil removed plus mine then I want you to hear my side of the story

(Sirzech) I can agree to the first two but him confused your side of the story?

(Josh) yes my side of when you came and attacked my home or do the scars of our battle feel normal now

Sirzech looked down knowing he jumped the gun on that and got badly hurt because of it

(Sirzech) alright but to make sure I have the truth would you mind if grafiya my wife used a truth spell on you?

(Josh) I don't mind

Grafiya then walked over to josh and activated the truth spell after that was done Josh started to tell sirzech truthfully about what had happened before sirzech attacked Josh after he was done everyone was visibly angry towards rias for multiple reasons Josh then turned his attention to the sitiri family

(Josh) I assume you want something?

{Mr.sitiri will be Mr.S and Mrs. Sitiri will be Mrs.S)

(Mr.S) yes as we both know sona is getting married to Joseph but our family does not want that

Mr.sitiri clenched his fist on his lap

(Mr.S) Josh I beg you plesse...

Mr.sitiri was interrupted as Josh held up a finger to his lips

(Josh) you don't need to beg sir I was actually already planning on helping your daughter get out of this marriage so go back home

Josh than removed his fingers and mr.sitir finished

(Mr.S) well I do have one way you could show everyone the power you hold Josh is by entering the tournament that joseph family is gonna host winner gets a one v one against Joseph and if the combatant happens to win he or she will get one wish

Josh smiles and nods

(Josh) alright everyone I think that's enough talk but before you leave sirzech

Josh hand formed a green orb and sent it towards sirzech making all the devil's cautious of it as it touched sirzech skin the scars from josh and his battle we're gone restoredto there prime everyone was shocked

(Sirzech) how???

(Josh) my secret now we're is your sister traing at?

Time skip brought to you by a chibi issei being forced to watch boku no pico for 100 years straight

As rias and her peerage were hiking up the hill issei was having a hard walking up it rias and akeno we're already on top of the hill looking down at issei as he slowly made his way up and sees kiba past him with a bigger bag then his as rias sighed she turned around to see a black magic circle appear in front of her and out came Josh, Asia, yang, pyrrha, nora, ruby, ren and zwei rias was shocked to see them here before rias could speak Josh showed her a contract


This contract will allows Josh and everyone that deems instructors to teach rias and her entire peerage as he or she see fit. Rias will not force trick or turn anyone of Josh friends or family into her peerage if this is broken rias gremory will be severely punished along with her entire peerage except the new piece and said piece will have there chest piece removed.

Josh gate and sirzech Lucifer

Rias gritted her teeth and anger as issei and kiba finally made it to the top of the mountain issei seeing boobs emideitly grows a perverted a face with a little nose bleed

(Issei) boobies!!!

Rias sighed in annoyance

(Josh) issei calm the hell down now since I have brought my instructors to help you train yang will help you to hand to hand combat, pryyha and jaune swordsman ship, Weiss blake and ruby more magic control, ren and nora endurance asia is the medic I help out in all categories so let's begin shall we

(Rias) hang on one second! My leader ship is strong enough to help my own pee

Rias was interrupted as yang was in front of her with a fist one inch away from her face

(Yang) if you can't detect even a simple punch like mine how will you hope to defeat someone who's been in multiple battles? stop being such a bitch and start being a leader set your pride to the side and be a friend to your peerage

Yang walked away and back information after that the training begain at first rias and her peerage could handle everything for the first day second day however things were much worse during hand to hand training issei was challenged yang to a spar needles to say issei got a broken jaw six broken rips and a fractured hand after he tried to grope yang, sword traing was only issei and kiba since Josh decided to send akeno and rias to magic control at first everything was fine well not entirely you see kiba had gained a small crush on pryyha during her time at school and hated the fact she spent all her time with Josh and her friends so he took out his anger on jaune once pryyha asked them both to spar kiba thinking jaune this would impress pryyha tried to quickly end the duel using his knight speed but jaune just used his sword in its sheath to hit kiba in the head knocking kiba out

(Pryyha) jaune? How did you do that?

Pryyha asked a little surprised that jaune was able to defeat kiba with one strike

(Jaune) well John helped me out with something that made me a lot stronger and faster

Pryyha took interest in this and walked over to jaune

(Pryyha) what did he do?

(Jaune) he made this fruit called light light and once I ate it I could transform into light it self watch!

Jaune then held out his hand in a gun finger and shot a light bullet at a tree making a hole

(Pryyha) wow jaune that is cool!

With Weiss ruby and Blake

After rias and akeno got to the traing spot they saw ruby and Blake reading books while Weiss was standing there looking at them

(Weiss) training started thirty minutes ago it should have tooken you five minutes to get here care to explain?!

(Rias) it docent concern you why ice queen!

Weiss looked over at rias and summoned her glyphs underneath her incasing rias feet in ice

(Weiss) I think your forgetting somthing rias you see we don't have to be here Josh didn't drag us here he asked who wanted and who didn't wanna help you infact we can leave anytime we want the only person who has to train you is Josh and that was because your brother came to our home and asked for his help not ours so keep your mouth in check or next time I'm freezing your entire body

Weiss then unfroze rias feet as Ruby and Blake put away there books and started to increase rias and akeno magic outputs as the teaching was over rias had a question for the trio as they began walking away

(Rias) why did you agree to train us anyway?

Weiss ruby and Blake stopped then looked at rias

(Blake) that's personal rias

Before rias could ask any further the trio ran towards the house leaving akeno and rias alone akeno then walked next to rias

(Akeno) rias I don't think this plan will work after all if Josh gets a wiff of our plan he could tell your brother

(Rias) that's why we don't speak another word of the plan issei and kiba know there parts all we have to do is wait until nighttime then we strike those four will join my peerage

With Josh

Josh was currently in his gamer shop walking over to nora and ren since this is there last easy work out then it will be his turn he keep scrolling until he stops to see  somthing shocking a necklace that has a small white pearl with a black ring around it. Josh then checks who is selling it seeing the username as 'the_next_karem-king' josh teleported to his room and started to open his safe after it was open he saw his worst fear his mothers necklace gone josh went to buy the necklace which was in a bid online seeing people only wanting to pay 56,000 so josh did the reasonable thing and bidded 1 million after that everyone left for the harem king to pm josh

(N.H.K) :wow that much for a necklace?:

(Josh) :yes now how are you sending it?:

(N.H.K) :just come here and pick it up:

The person then sent a address and a room nubmer that was in kuoh Josh emideitly teleported to it seeing apartment buildings he then went to the room number and knocked on the door only for a man wearing a pink magical girl outfit open the door

(???) Yes how may I help you?

(Josh) ummm I was told to pick up a necklace here that is a peral with a black out liner

The man looked confused but then ohhh and handed Josh a package

(???) I got that in the mail today it didn't have a return address or anything on it once I opened it there was a necklace that you described along with a note I didn't bother reading the not so I just put everything back in the package

(Josh) oh thank you here's something for your trouble I guess

Josh then handed the man 2,000 dollars and left vial teleportion back to training camp and opened the package pulling out the necklace and not Josh opened the not to read this

Dear Josh gate

You've been tricked hope you like being single forever

Then issei name was crossed out and put N.H.K Josh emideitly ran towards the house and busted through the door which had a magic spell on it to see a very terrible sight ruby ren blake and kiba were knocked out while yang pryyha Asia and jaune we're tied up standing over them was akeno issei and rias holding out the rest of her pieces


Rias didn't get enough time to finish as Josh punched her in the gut making her drop the evil pieces and spit out blood

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