chapter seven

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


Third person

After kuroka heard sera she quickly transformed into her cat form and jumped onto Josh lap and pretended to sleep while Josh began to gently stroke her back. Sera along with kanna came through the door with two groceries bags sera emideitly seeing kuroka sleeping on josh lap

(Sera) awww the kitty is sleeping and it seems the kitty likes you big brother

Josh smiles and looks at sera

(Josh) ya after I bandaged her up she went to sleep on my lap

Sera smiles and sits down next to Josh as kanna sits on the opposite side of him and take turn gently petting the kitty. After sera and kanna we're done petting the kitty they left to set up a the liter box leaving Josh and kuroka alone she then jumped off Josh lap and transformed back into her regular form on the couch

(Kuroka) you have such a innocent sister with a sacred gear to boat

Josh chuckles but before he can say anything he suddenly feels a very faint magic energy in the forest Josh looks at kuroka to see she has noticed as well

(Josh) let's go it may be someone who needs our help

Josh said getting up and starts heading outside while kuroka jumps on his shoulders in cat form. Josh books it to we're he feels the faint magic energy and realizes it's not just one but eight

With the orc

Rias and her peerage are fully healed now and are in the orc room

(Rias) alright everyone I know all of you have just healed from our recent battle but we still...

Rias was cut off feeling a faint magic energy and everyone except issei noticed this magic energy

(Rias) everyone get in the circle

Everyone got into the magic circle then rias teleported everyone to a nearby location of we're the faint magic energy was located

(Rias) alright kiba and issei go explore to the left koneko to the right me and akeno will go straight got it!

(All) got it!

With Josh and kuroka

Josh had reached the outline of the forest with kuroka on his shoulders

(Josh) I sense there energy in here stay in cat form kuroka we don't want to separate in case the people who attacked you is alluring you into a trap

Kuroka nodded and Josh started making his way to the magic source equaling his divine terror on his hip along with lostvayne on his back. After a little walk he stumbles onto a group of eight people lying on the ground bruses and unconscious Josh was about to check on them until a yellow lighting holy hit in front of him making Josh jump back and looking up to see akeno with rias

(Akeno) oh a tough one~

Josh bit his lower lip slowly reaching for lostvayne but doged a punch from koneko

(Rias) Josh! I demand to know why you are here!

Josh said nothing and stood up straight while kuroka stays on his shoulder. Rias noticed kuroka and goes wide eyed but Josh doges a slash from kiba

(Rias) Josh I need you to hand over that cat on your shoulder alright

Josh smiles and start to gently rub kuroka head

(Josh) sorry rias but kuroka is my sister new pet so I can't give her to you

Rias grew a smirk and started to charge up her destructive magic into a ball while akeno and koneko watched

(Rias) last chance Josh just give us kuroka and well forget about all of this

Josh said nothing instead he drew lostvayne and held it at a defensive position rias smirk and launched her destructive magic ball at Josh. As the ball neared Josh more and more he didn't budge because he was talkimg to kuroka in her head. While talking Josh hits the attack with his sword up into the air making everyone eyes widen

(Josh) 'kuroka I want you to get everyone in the party of eight out of here I'll deal with rias'

(Kuroka) 'right becarful josh'

Josh drew lost vayne and held it in front of and rub his fingers along the blade

(Josh) sacred treasure active

Rias is shocked and angry and starts charging up another ball of destructive
With akeno preparing her most deadly attack. During this eight Joshes appeared and picked up the unconscious people going into a circle with kuroka in her regular form and teleported everyone away.

(Josh) alright rias let's dance

Josh disappears from the orc view and reappears in front of koneko with a punch to her stomach sending her back into a couple of trees kiba was quickly to react by swinging his sword at Josh but was blocked by lost vayne. Josh disarmed kiba and kicked him into a nearby tree going through four trees first. Akeno then attacked with her holy lighting bolt sending josh back a bit and created a puff of smoke making rias smirk then start to slowly walk over to Josh.

(Rias) now I will finally have all the answers I want and a very strong rook piece

Rias then felt the ground under her disappear and she fell down into a small crater with quick sand holding her there. The smoke disappeared allowing akeno kiba whom got up and walked back to akeno side holding his side both akeno and kiba see Josh with no damage what so ever and yellow lighting form around him

(Josh) so who's next?

Kiba summoned one of his demon twin sword and charged at Josh while Josh drew divine terror in his right hand and lostvayne in his left. Once kiba got close enough to Josh he started to unleash a furry of sword attacks at Josh only for Josh to either parry block or just simply dodge. Josh quickly grew tired of this it's evident that no one trained in this peerage so Josh once again disarmed kiba and did a x slash across his chest. He then kicked kiba into akeno which sent them both flying back into the trees Josh was about to go get rias out but doged a punch from koneko on his right he looked to see koneko bleeding from the forhead with blood coming out of the left side of her mouth. Koneko threw started to do a furry of punches that Josh blocked and he had to admit her punches were harder then last time they fought. Josh quickly knocked out koneko by side stepping on one of her punches and hitting the back of her neck then catching her

(Josh) alright that's enough

Josh used his yami yami power to pull rias from the quicksand and set her down on her back onto the ground. Then he sets koneko next to her then josh uses gate to teleport away during all of this issei like the little girl he is was hiding behind a rock shaking mad unable to move but our attention is averted to a top of a tall tree we're a hooded figure is standing there cloak blowing with the wind.

With Josh

Josh teleported back home in his room to see a sleeping sera and kanna on his bed he then smiles and tucks them both in this being a often accurence. Josh then leaves to the living room we're he see a girl with blonde hair healing the strange people that Josh and kuroka had rescued he then looks around the room to see torhu and erza in regular clothing with torhu having her green tail out making something to eat while sanji helps the blonde haired girl

(Josh) everyone we're is kuroka?

(Sanji) do you mean kuro-Chan she is outside talking with someone

Josh nodded and walked outside to see kuroka sitting on the back porch chair swaying both of her tails while smiling

(Josh) I see your happy kuroka what's up?

Kuroka turned around and smiles

(Kuroka) well my boss is allowing me to stay here in kuoh since rias gremory docent know how to take care of her own parts of town

Josh chuckled a bit and sat down next to kuroka

(Josh) that's good I didn't wanna have to adopt a real cat your hard enough to take care of

Kuroka gave a playful gasp then a light punch to the arm

(Kuroka) am not!

Josh laughed and looks out in the forest

(Josh) I can see what's gonna happen on Monday since rias is probably gonna put two and two together and ask me to join her then give a speech about how joining her will give so many "benefits" for me

Josh said benefits while crooking his fingers getting a giggle out of kuroka. Josh then turned around to see the blonde girl from earlier

(???) Excuse me sir I healed all your friends

Josh smiles

(Josh) thank you very much for your help my name is Josh gate and yours might be?

(???) Asia argenteno it's a pleasure to meet you I heard so much from torhu

Josh chuckles a bit then checks the time on his phone

(Josh) wow it's late luckily tommorow is Sunday say Asia wanna stay the night I'm pretty sure everyone is gonna wanna think you for healing them

Asia smiles brightly like a child getting to neet his or her favorite YouTube or actor

(Asia) yes sir I would love that very much but I don't wanna be a hassle

Josh smiles yet again

(Josh) your not a hassle in fact I would be honored if you stay here

Asia smiles brightly and turns to tell torhu she is staying and Josh gets up with kuroka and walks into the living room to see everyone bandaged and healed thanks to sanji and Asia

(Josh) alright let's get to work

Josh starts to gently pick up everyone on the floor and take them to separate rooms he first takes a girl with black hair with red tips she is wearing a damaged dress with boats, the second girl has long white hair that is in a pony tail she is wearing a white dress with heils, third is another female this one has long black hair with a cute bow in it she is wearing a black vest with a white undershirt exposing some of her stomach, after those four girls were dome Josh went to take everyone else but saw erza take another red heard girl wearing a Spartan outfit to a room sanji taking a blonde hair boy to a room while Shebas took a of anger haired girl to a room while torhu took a guy with black hair with a old Japanese outfit to a room.

{Guess the anime and names of everyone and you get a surprise ^-^}

Josh smiles and lays down on the couch while kuroka in her cat form jumped onto his chest and curled up falling asleep Josh chuckles and falls asleep as well as the hooded figure from before watches Josh with glowing blue eyes but the screen slowly turns to black as the hooded figure starts to remove the hood.

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