chapter six

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Talking - hello nice to meet you 👋


whispering - hey can you give me the answer for number seven

Thinking - 'i wish everyone would be quite' hi

Phone - :hey wanna hang out?:

Texting - |hey wanna hear a sercreat?|

Arthur speaking - { hello 👋😁}

Time skip - Time skip brought to you by chibi Arthur hanging out with chibi sky mia josh and sora.


Sera pov in dream land

After big brother put me to sleep again a little later I woke up to look up at a dark ceiling  them turning my head looking around I see nothing but darkness feeling scarred I begin to speak in a fearful voice

(Sera) "excuse me is anyone there?"

Nothing i didn't hear a response so I was about to walk around until a very loud roar that  struck me full of fear keeps me still. Then I see a a very big black scaled dragon with purple mixed into him land In front of me looking at me with eyes of in trust then what shocked me the most was he started to speak!

(???) "So you are my new weilder"

I tilt my head in confusion

(Sera) "excuse me but what do you mean by weilder?"

The dragon gave out a chuckle then looked me back in the eyes

(???) "Before we begin my name is tama the dragon god of darkness"

My eyes lit up with sparkle


Tama chuckles and moves his claw towards my forhead then gently taps it making me learn about the supernatural

(Tama) "I shared a bit of my knowledge with you sera for now we are partners"

I was about to ask so many questions but I felt myself waking up

(Tama) "until we meet again sera"

In the real world

I open my eyes to see my white ceiling then I sit up on the bed thinking about the supernatural and everything

Third person with the orc

Rias and her entire peerage is in the orc clubroom healing from last night's fight conditions on everyone. Akeno is badly injured she has bandages around her stomach and bruses all over her body, kiba almost the same as akeno with bandages all over his body but he has a broken arm and a couple of broken ribs from when he got kicked by yami {aka Josh} into the wall, koneko is really damaged she has four broken ribs a sprained arm and a very bad headache all from the punch of yami. Rias and issei were left in damaged so they are trying there best to help everyone.

(Rias) issei take care of everyone for a moment I gotta call someone

Issei nodded and started to take care of everyone. Rias left the room and went to a complete serpate room then formed a gremory magic circle in the palm of her hand and called someone vial magic circle

Back with sera still third person

After sera was done thinking about the supernatural she got up and got dressed because today she didn't have any school because of all the recent killings same for the middle and high school kids so sera ran to her best friend kanna room and gently knocked on the door

(Sera) "kanna do you wanna come play outside with me?"

Kanna door opened to reveal a fully dressed kanna

(Kanna) " I was about to ask you the same thing!"

Then both girls ran outside passing sanji cooking with erza in the kitchen both seeing the two girls run into the backyard making them smile

(Erza) such beautiful friendship

(Sanji) ya *smiles*

The two are cooking breakfast that consists of French toast with a side of eggs. Then erza looked at the time

(Erza) it's time for Josh to wake up

Sanji nodded then washed and dried off his hands before heading up to Josh room on his way he found shebas coming out from his room

(Sanji) good morning shebas

(Shebas) good morning sanji

{Real quick in the anime I know shebas hates humans but for this story I am gonna make it to we're he hates devil's I will give him a little back story later}

Sanji smiles then looks at shebas

(Sanji) so are you gonna go watch over sera and kanna

(Shebas) yes I was about to ask you if you knew we're they were 

(Sanji) me and erza saw then run outside into the back yard

Shebas nodded and then left sanji now in front of Josh door gently knocks on it only to hear Josh voice

(Josh) come in

Sanji opened the door to see Josh on his computer ordering stuff online

(Sanji) Hey Josh I wanted to let you know breakfast is gonna be ready in 20 minutes

Josh turns around and smiles

(Josh) thank you sanji I'll be down in a couple of minutes I need to do some stuff

Sanji nodded and left Josh alone after sanji left Josh turned back to his computer to see a order of four guns, two cars and a bike. After Josh hit order he opened up his gamer skills and tapped on god slaying creation and smiles having a few magic ideas.

- time skip brought to you by a chibi sera and kanna catching bugs while a chibi shebas watches -

After Josh was done he looked at his new skills

New skills obtained

Ice god slayer - complete immunity to all other ice magic attacks while access powers to sly a god

Dark god slayer - complete immunity to all other dark magic while giving access to dark powers to sly a god

Dark Lighting god slayer magic - complete immunity to all other lighting magic while giving the user access to dark lighting powers to slay a god

Josh smiles then opens his inventory seeing two new devil fruits he had made clicking on the first one say 'string string fruit' then clicking on the other one saying 'ice ice fruit' Josh smiles and gets up closing his inventory and walking downstairs to see everyone sitting at the table except tohru

(Josh) hey we're did tohru go?

(Erza) she went shopping for tonight's dinner

Josh nodded and sat down then began to eat the breakfast sanji and erza had made enjoying every bite

With tohru

After shopping for tonight's dinner tohru is seen with a smile and is walking through the park but sees a girl in a nun outfit fall onto the ground making her but stick up in the air and her dress go up to her stomach showing off her green panties. Tohru calmly walks over to the girl setting down the grocery fixing her dress then helps the girl onto her feet

(Torhu) hello there my name is torhu

The girl looks up at torhu revealing her emerald green eyes then a gust of wind blows off her vail

{Is that what it's called?}

Torhu quickly grabbed the veil and hands it back to the girl seeing her long blonde hair

(Torhu) here you go miss...?

The girl gently took the veil and looked into torhu reddish orenge eyes with her green emerald ones

(???) asia argenteno

Torhu smiles and notice Asia luggage on the ground picking it up and looking back at Asia

(Torhu) well Asia it seem your are lost do you need help locating we're you need to go?

Asia smiles and nods

(Asia) yes please but I don't wanna cause you anymore trouble then I already have

Torhu smiles

(Torhu) it's nothing really I just need to call my friends and tell them I'll just be a little late

Asia nodded while torhu pulled out a phone from her pocket and  calls Josh While torhu is calling she docent notice a blacked haired female watching them from the tree line. Josh picks up

(Josh) :Hey tohru what's up? Is everything Alright?:

(Torhu) :hi Josh everything is fine and I might be a little late I bumped into someone new to town so I offered them a tour:

(Josh) :That's alright I'll tell everyone:

(Torhu) :thank you Josh:

After that torhu hung up and looked at Asia with a smile

(Torhu) alright now since that's taken care of let's start this tour

Asia smiles and started to spend the day with torhu during this at school in tue orc room rias had contacted her brother to tell him about yami. The gremory magic circle appeared in the center of the orc room and out came a man with red hair and bluish green eyes with a pissed of look on his face this was sirzechs Lucifer one of the current leaders of hell.

(Sirzechs) rias tell me everything that happened

Rias then began to explain how she and her peerage we're going to kill a stray at a empty warehouse when they found a man in dark armour outlined with gold lines with a red cape going down to the man's ankles he also had red glowing eyes with a dark demon voice. Rias then explained that she had challenged him to a duel after he rudely denied the information that she kindly asked for and how he had made fun of her

{ liar -_-}

Sirzechs was furios not only he beat best pieces but also insulted her

(Sirzechs) alright rias I understand I'll put out a bounty on this man and when we catch him I'll make him spill everything then let you force him into a peerage

Rias nodded and sirzechs left only making rias smirk

(Rias) such a strong piece will surely help me beat riser and get out of this forced marriage

With Josh he was currently doing some paperwork in his room at his desk about a inheritance from his parents that he had recvied in the mail when sera and kanna came in holding a black cat.

(Sera) big brother look! We found this kitty in the garden injured

Josh stopped and looked at the cat using observe

Name - kuroka toujo

Title - second most wanted stray devil (SS)

Gender - female

Race - fallen ,neko , devil

{If a devil gets resurrected by fallen angles does that replace the devil genes?}

Sacred gear - none


Senjutsu - chi manipulation, aura detection

Youjutsu - this form allows the user to transform into a cat

Spatial manipulation



Josh smiles then looks at kuroka

(Josh) I don't mind say why don't you go ask shebas if he will take you to the market to pick up cat food and a collar I'll take care of her wounds

The two nodded and left the room closing the door behind them. Josh then gently sets kuroka down onto the couch

(Josh) alright you can come out now kuroka

The cat smirked and transformed into a girl with black hair two black cat ear along with two black tails, she is wearing a black kimono with red on the inside with bells going along her waist she also had bruses and cuts all over her body

(Kuroka) I wasn't expecting to be found out so quickly by a human and such a handsome one at that~

(Josh) thank you for the compliment beautiful now may I know why you are here?

Kuroka walked over to Josh and loosens her kimono a bit allowing Josh to see a slash mark from a sword on her left side

(Josh) I see well I'll go get the first aid you sit down and be a good cat

Kuroka nodded and sat down on josh bed while Josh went and grabbed a first aid kit out from his bathroom. When he came back he saw kuroka had already made a way for Josh to help Josh then kneed down in front of kuroka and started to clean out her wound

(Kuroka) 'I wasn't expecting this today first i went to go check on my little sister then was ambushed by a group of bounty hunters know I'm having a human clean my wound'

Kuroka thought in her head then Josh asked a question that shocked her

(Josh) so kuroka why are you ranked number two for most wanted stray devil?

(Kuroka) well I was number one until the little sister of Lucifer was attacked by a blacked armoured knight that uses strange magic had injured 80% of her peerage

Josh chuckles and starts adding medicine to heal it then add bandages around her entire stomach. Then Josh started to bandage up the lighter wounds

(Josh) kuroka why are you here personally?

(Kuroka) to check up on my sister she is a rook in that bitch gremory peerage

Josh nodded and finished bandaging up all of kuroka wounds

(Kuroka) alright I answered some of your question I want to ask you some as well

(Josh) sounds fair go ahead ask anything

(Kuroka) first how did you know who I really was second why aren't you freaking out and third  are you the black night that hurt my little sister?

(Josh) first I can sense magic and have an ability that tells me information about the person in front of me second I know of the supernatural third yep

Kuroka smiles

(Kuroka) well looks like I found my new master

Kuroka hugged Josh pressing her boobs against his chest making Josh blush really hard but then he heard sera and kanna come through the front door

But the screen falls to black

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