36. Hurricane Eris

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Grim knew the layout of the castle like the back of his hand.

He didn't say a word as his body went on autopilot, leading him through the wide hallways. He had way too much on his mind to bring up small talk.

His plan had to work. There were no if's, and's, or but's about it- it was do or die.

Which kinda sucked, seeing as his plan kinda sucked too.

The throne room wasn't as grand as he remembered it being. Marble was chipped, the floor had fissures torn into it, and pillars supporting the ceiling threatened to quit their job. It was like a tornado had ripped through the room.

Eris stood in the center of the room, the beautiful eye of a hurricane of destruction. Her eyes were a cold, soulless sea of black as she hovered over Hades, fists clenched into tight balls.

Hades sat on his knees, head bowed. His cloak was in tatters, face covered in blood. A gash tore through his torso, blood feeding a pool of scarlet at his feet.

Whatever had happened, Hades was defeated.

Eris didn't bother to turn around. "Grimslay, have you made up your mind yet? This is your last chance to join me."

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