Chapter 19

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Harry POV

The memories hit me like a truck.

The darkness.

The silence.

The pain.

The cemetery is exactly like it was when I was fourteen.

Except that now I'm not alone.

We are all in a circle in a defensive position, with our wands raised.

But, surprisingly, nothing happens.

DeAnna leaves the circle ignoring our protests and heads to a big statue.

I know that statue too well.

"DeAnna come back here now I'm not kidding." I warn

"Shush can't you listen?" She asks

We all shut up and wait.

After a few moments of silence I hear a baby crying.

My baby crying.

I run to the statue and see James laying behind it.

He is wearing the same clothes Hermione put him yesterday, but now they are all dirty.

I start to hear a whistle. The sound is getting louder and louder and before I can move a spell hits the statue.

It falls and I get stuck under it.

I try to look back and see that everybody just disappeared.

Its happening all over again.

Seven people with masks and all dressed in black are holding my seven terrified friends.

And I'm just staring at them, useless, stuck under the same statue that stopped me from saving Cedric.

Wait.... James!

I desperately try to move the only thing between me and my son but I don't succeed.

It doesn't matter because soon I realize he is not there.

In the middle of the circle of masked people, there is one without a mask, holding my poor baby.

And I hate to admit I recognized it.

"Well, well if it isn't the famous Harry Potter. I was looking forward to see you again." Said the man cuddling James head.

"Take your filthy hands out of my son Lucius" I scream.

"I'm afraid I can't do it. You see, if you really wanted to hand over Elisabeth, you wouldn't bring your friends to help you."

"What do you want from me! Don't you think that I suffered enough? Let me live my life alone!" I scared James with all of my yelling so now he is crying.

I try to reach out my wand but she is too far.

I see Hermione moving her mouth by the corner of my eye, but there isn't any sound.

Probably they were all hexed.

"When you killed Voldemort, Potter, I lost everything. My wife and my son started to forget who to serve. But, oh no, I didn't I kept doing everything my Lord wanted me to do. So they started to hate me and left me. Without my family and my master I was completely lost. Then I heard about her... Elisabeth Riddle.... She is meant to continue her brother's work and that's what she'll do. Now she can come with us the easy way, or the hard way. You choose Potter." When he finishes his speech a too familiar sound comes from one of the masked men.

Or should I say women?

"Hem-hem? Lucius, sweetie, we all love your speech but I'm afraid we need to hurry up. I'd be surprised if Mr. Potter doesn't have friends waiting to come and help him. He has always been such a special boy. Did you miss me Mr. Potter?"

"I could say yes Professor, but I must not tell lies, as you nicely taught me"

She gives me one of her annoying laughs. And points her wand at Ron's head.

"I suggest you to be nicer Mr. Potter. I bet Mr. Weasley would like to get out of here alive."

"Easy there Dolores we're not here to fight. At least not for now. " Lucius finishes with an evil grin and turns to me.

He starts talking again but I'm not listening.

"Accio wand. Accio wand" come on Harry do it like Hermione "Accio wand. Accio wand"

After a few silent attempts I feel my wand in my hand so I smile.

I hope I don't kill myself with this.

"Reducto" I yell pointing at the statue.

I run towards Lucius as millions of tiny little rock pieces fall above us.

I hear a scream and a man falls on his knees after George kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

A few moments later, spells flew everywhere, in red and green lights.

"Don't you take one more step Potter or you and the baby will get matching scars. " I stop and look at him furiously.

I am terrified about what can happen to James. But I'll not show any fear.

"It doesn't have to be like this Lucius. Give me the child and I won't tell the Ministry"

I may or may not have my fingers crossed.

"You wish" he spits

Am I the only one who sees resemblances between the Malfoys? Like the bloody stubbornness?

"Then take the consequences. Expelliarmus!" I take the brief moment of confusion Lucius Malfoy has when his wand flew away to take James away from him.

When Malfoy realizes what happened, I already made a magical shield between us and started running.

DeAnna knocks out a Death Eater so I give her James and she Apparates with him. I turn back to help the rest of them and run towards Lucius again.

"Avada Kedavra"


Our two spells collide in a flash of red and green.

Everything turns into slow-motion, and the only thing I see it's Lucius and my desire to kill him.

He touched James. He tried to kill him. No one hurts my son.

With one last try I finally hit him with the spell and he falls back unconscious.

I look back to celebrate with the others when I realize all the Death Eaters are gone.

Hermione is hugging Ron and Elisabeth. They are all crying.

Bill is on the ground holding a motionless body.

Not any body

Charlie Weasley's body.

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