Chapter 20

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Tamara's POV

This is one of the characters KsushkiesCumberpatch created. If you want to see their pictures (and Tedtorie) check chapters 10, 11, 12 and 13. Hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for this looooong wait.

Me and Dean received an owl with an invitation to a funeral. I didnt quite know the guy but Dean did and it was a big shock.

"Ready to go Dean" I ask, standing near the fireplace. "They wont wait for us forever"


He arrives to the room as dazzling as usual.

The only thing in the universe that shines brighter than his eyes is his smile.

But today it's a sad day. So neither of them was shining which saddened me.

I can always count on him to cheer me up but today that doesnt seem possible.

Charlie Weasley was important to everyone.

"Are you okay?" I ask

Stupid question.


The fireplace lights with green fire and we disappear through it, holding hands.

%#~~~magical Floo Powder time-lapse~~~#%

We see a beautiful garden surrounded with bushes filled with white roses and trees full of white flowers too.

It's all extremely beautiful. Charlie deserves it.

I only met him once, at Seamus and Padma's wedding. Dean got drunk and Charlie helped me get him home safely.

Basically he was an amazing guy.

Was was was.

I hate funerals.

We all sit on some chairs in front of a small altar with a picture of Charlie Weasley, held by a group of fairies.

After his family say some words, they call Harry Potter.

I remember him from Griffindor.

He always seemed a wonderful guy.

I never really had the chance to talk to him. I hope I do today.

"Hello everyone" he begins "I know this may sound a bit cliché, however it's still the truth. Charlie Weasley was a brother, a son and a friend. He died in the most heroic way I can imagine. Fighting for his family. He saved my son's life. And I there is no way I can ever repay him for that. But, to honor him, me and Ginny decided to change our son's name to 'James Charles Potter', this way Charlie will always live through our memories and through little James. We are all here for one reason. Not to cry over his death but to celebrate his long life. To Charlie. "

"To Charlie" everyone repeats in unison.

I cant see one person who's not crying.

Some more people do speeches but none of them is as deep as Harry's.

At the end, we head to some tables where we'll have lunch and share our thoughts about Charlie.

Me and Dean end up in a table with Harry, George, Parvati and Ginny.

"Dean you never introduced us to your new girlfriend." Parvati says

"Fiancée actually. " he corrects "Guys this is Tamara Traegan."

"Your face is kind of familiar do we know each other?" Ginny asks

"Probably from Hogwarts. I was a Gryffindor too"

"Oh yeah probably... So how have you two meet?" Ginny asks

"Actually it was at Hogsmeade." I say

"Yes she was struggling between choosing a 'Chocolate Frog' and a 'Cauldron cake'" Dean continues

"He came in with his expert face and told me the 'Chocolate Frogs' were, by far, the best. Things just took off from there." I smile at the memory

"Well I was right wasn't I?" He asks kissing me

"Oh look Harry so cute they even finish each other sentences" says George

"Look at our little Deanie" Harry hugs George and pretends to wipe a tear.

"Guys..." Parvati and Ginny say, at the same time

Padma's POV

"Bonnie, sweetheart, be careful" I say as my daughter chases the young Victorie Weasley around a table.

"Calm down Padma they're just kids you can't control them" Seamus says "Trust me, I tried"

"Kids are supposed to be free you know? My father once told me that children speak for the nargles. That's one of the reasons why I love them. The other one is because people always told me I can handle them very well." Luna says smiling brightly

"Do you think you can babysitt?" I ask

"I don't think so... I'm leaving for an exotic island tomorrow. I'm searching for Crumple Horned Snorkacks. Maybe Neville can do it for me. Can't you honey?"

"Um sure we can talk about that later." Neville says "Who's that guy over there? I don't remember him from any of the Weasleys' family parties"

"Merlins beard I can't believe that guy came... Does your sister know that?" Seamus asks

"I hope not... That's Oliver Hayson. He's Seamus oldest friend but he is a muggle." I explain

" I'm not trying to be rude but what is a muggle doing here?" I think I lost count of the number of times I explained Oliver's situation...

"He knows some stuff about magic. Let's call him an apprentice."

"And he happens to be Parvati's nemesis..." Seamus warns

"My nemesis? I already told you Oliver's not my nemesis. He is just the person I despise most in this world."

Parvati aproached us without being noticed and started a long speech about her hate for Hayson.

"Talking about me eh?" Oliver sees us and comes to say hello but as my sister is very smooth and lovely....

Parvati sighs and walks away. There's arrogance on the way she walks.

"Was it something I said?" Oliver asks

"I thinks no one knows..." I say exhausted

"Ugh she is impossible. See you later Seamus"

Oliver walks away too, but in the opposite direction Parvati went.

When the meal ends, everyone gives Charlie Weasley a last goodbye and heads home.

Ave atque vale Charles Weasley

Hey potterheads

Sorry for this super long wait I know I suck.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I dont know what you think of the whole 'James Charles Potter thingy but if you want I'll change back to 'James Sirius Potter' its your call.


I finished reading the tmr series this summer. One word-> biggest fangirl attack


Why you cruel world??!!!!?!!!?!!????

And about Teresa I never liked her that much so when she died I was like 'oh well okay' but I dont ship Thomas and Brenda very much either. To be honest I ship Thomas with Newt more than I ship Thomas and Brenda XD.

Thanks for your support ly


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