Oval brake 1A

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(Footnote: The following will have plot note from Rockstar Bully.)

Now how to describe Rockstar bully?

Alpha star of the groups in bullworth Academy how is your usual School stereotypes not much to work after that as a main villain ends up showing his whole plans and your shot of the Headmaster.

Well I guess at this point about certain antagonist of the first game they have deeper agendas in shall we say the last place anyone would look for shadow leaders.

As for the following entry they commentate an issues.

Anti social: Gemini Peak is the first in the series 2 have co-op play and the issue that Bart Fire fart twin kids Bridget and Holt went through is of force conformity gender Conformity to be exact due to they are cross-dressing dad.

Anit social: Regal ten is where Stila Swanblade Mcbumber only daughter of scarlet make bumper how to deal with boring Elegance and stumbled into Underground minor gambling racket at the school using to fund the school illegally in rip-off and fleece any that stood against them the only difference between this entry in Rockstar bully you can drive because street racing is one of the mission sets in the entry with other Sports based minigames.

The last know entry anit social: virgin Tina Lunas daughter Lisa go swing all-girl boarding school in one part of town while there's an all-boys boarding school on the other side of town and I thought the home in the middle do the entry being on foster care and abortions because underneath the town's child compassion image it's a rape camp.

Hinobi originally wanted to only make one Anit social game both behind the scenes notes of the later enter of the Sinner  Boulevard series let's add more entries do to what the media calls the sinner blessings but that's another story.

Now Artemis first trip to the Hinobix grid has only to be a free roaming interactive hologram even if you self aware whenever she would turn to a game her memory will be reset it but this could be where the earlier system memory reboot have happened.

Let's say reclaiming a wristband is not the only way but Artemis's had some shall we say for now reality distorting side effects.

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