Story A Chapter five

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About a month later Artemis is feeling more and more on Edge lately with her nails getting sharper almost to the point they look like claws and it not long till Persephone got bored of it I'm going for spies and have them keep tabs on Artemis to see if she can find any use out of this development of Interest but when Persephone checks the moon calendar and then smirk in Amusement on tomorrow night being a full moon.

"Artemis are you Alright you seem to be on Edge since this morning." Says Elsa during lunch since she seem to be the only one can get close to her without being growl at that is.

"Don't know why am acting like this again it's like I sense danger all around me and I can't shake the fact that the first seems to have it out for me." Says Artemis with her seemly smelleze Persephone's sent in the School lunchroom and fairly right because one of Persephone's spies is three tables on her left listen on them.

As the day continues other spies that are on the classes schedule as Artemis keeping a watch on her in some almost got caught when the day is done.

The next day and the ghoul dorms is studying for the for a big test in a few week because whoever get a high enough grade gets to move into one of the main houses of their choosing.

Unfortunately Artemis is having a hard time trying to study but the study anxiety is only the half of it when the sun is starting to set.

"Ok if sheep why am I thinking about Lambs when I have a math test to study for?!" Shouted Artemis when her hair start to grow in front of her face then growdon frustration.

Here where it get weird Artemis anxiety started to go down low enough for her to think more clearly and well.

"Don't know how I got pass my an-" Then Artemis realized from her dorm room mirror she grew a tail a dog tail senior flea dog ears when she looked opinio directly.

"Artemis it oh most curfew finish what you are doing in there." Says Elsa outside the dorm room.

"Ok just let me rrrggg-" then Artemis shut my mouth when she started to growl and that made Elsa suspicious.

"Artemis do have a dog in their?" Asked Elsa which made Artemis nervous enough to bark like a dog making things worse and well she went out the fire escape when Artemis started to grow a dog snout and once the full moon is fully out things got more crazy from here on out.

Ovalsan:This is when the night mission tutorial comes in.

In her weird dog girl like State she can barely see what she's doing with the Primal urges clouding her mind leaving her confused and angry until she sees a light through the door crack then she heads towards it and once she's through Artemis find herself in what seems to be some kind of theme park.

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