Alternative Ending ... shot(bonus)-6 ( Unspoken words)

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Hey guys it's a long time I'm away from watty for many reasons, watty acting cranky and college and a few more. But I just couldn't leave this pending. Cause' this is one of my closet stories. So here am .. and yeah am still trying to get used to my new semester, it's a bit tedious, lots and lots of assignments. Once I'm acquainted with it I'll try and update regularly on Saturday and Sundays. Sorry for the delay though.. Happy reading 😊💙

I still remember your reflexion under the low light
I still hear you calling my name, calling me right now
You are the only one that's in my mind, the only one that keeps me going
Even though you aren't here next to me, even tho you ain't here by my side

Every breath I take it makes me feel so broken
There're so many words that have gone unspoken
And now I'm laying down here
Wondering why the hell you had to disappear
All my heart wide open
With words unspoken

Even though I'm walking fast, I don't get any closer
Even though I'm praying every night, still have no answer
I'm a dreamer please don't wake me up, it's the only place where I still see you
Day doesn't seem to be enough to walk my path through

You left me out here all alone, here on my own
With only memories, the pieces of a past still incomplete
But I'll be strong, won't look back, I'll move on.
There're so many words that have gone unspoken

- Leroy Sanchez ( Unspoken words)

*** 8 years later***

Om kithe hai? ( Where is Om?) asked Dadi to a servant and he answered saying he had no clue.

It had been three days since anyone had seen Om, it wasn't something new but it surely was a matter of concern.

Life in Oberoi Mansion was never the same since the day Gauri had left, to be precise Om was never the same since Gauri left.

There still was a cacophony of voices which resonated in the huge Oberoi hall, but it lacked the soothing effect.

Early morning worship was know a ritual in the Oberoi Mansion now but there was no trace of tranquillity. Only a sense of guilt remained.

The pool area aka the favourite hangout place of the junior Oberoi's where once joy always escalated to its zenith, was now more or less abandoned. Rarely did they sit there anymore.

For a variety of reasons, some personal, some because a lot had changed in the past seven years.

And if ever occupied it lacked the spark, that lighted hope and love in people's heart. Smiles were exchanged occasionally, demeanours were maintained. Everything was carried out eloquently but something was amiss.

There was a shadow of guilt on the whole of the Oberoi clan for the past seven years.

It haunted them, till today, as if an evil witch had cast an irreversible spell.

A witch would have been a hell lot better, but it was their deeds. Those deeds which had tormented an innocent soul.

And of course, the keeper of equals karma returned the torment with interest. There hasn't been a trace of happiness since the day Gauri had left.

Om drove towards his rented apartment where he had usually stayed after Gauri had left.

As Oberoi Mansion was too much for him to take, each spot of the mansion resonated with her memories.

He unlocked the door to only be welcomed with silence, silence so eerie that it tried killing him every time he returned here. But how could one murder an already dead man?

He closed the door and threw his coat on the sofa and headed towards the kitchen to make his favourite glucose biscuit tea, even though he failed miserably at making the tea, he loved drinking it as it was related to his most fond memories.

Picking up the mug of tea he entered his room , which was nothing like his taste, it was vibrant and lively just like her. Be it the curtains or the items in the room all had an essence of her.

He did all this in attempt to fill the void , he felt when she left but to no avail. The void seemed to have grown with each passing day but he had learnt to live with it.

He tied his hair in a messy bun and struggled to find his spectacles , on finding them he gave a little smile and unlocked a small room next to his bed.

Where there were paintings of her to be precise of paintings of them , of all the things they could've been only if he hadn't messed up.

This place was his only solace, when he was losing his mind. He stood in front of the unfinished painting of them, one of his favourite work .

There they were standing perfectly as it should've been with a baby girl in Om's hand. He always wanted a daughter .

A daughter so dauntless and beautiful like her mother . A daughter selfless like her mother. But now it was all just a dream. But these dreams were prettier than reality and he didn't mind living in it for an eternity.

He knew the truth about Kali and Gauri he was more than ashamed a part of him was still guilty and wanted to bessech forgiveness but he wanted her to have what she wanted a happy ending.

Not only because she deserved it but also because he was a selfish man and he wanted all the happiness for the woman he loves , be it with him or without him.

He had learnt about Kali due to his suspicions on their last day together when she had suddenly stopped speaking.

He sure had drowned himself in guilt and was suffering from depression . His brothers not being able to see him in such a condition had decided to get Gauri back.

But Om had been furious stating she wasn't a commodity, she wasn't liable to anyone. She had the right to decide who she wanted to be and with whom she wanted to be. And no one had the right to stop her.

It was pinky who hadn't backed down from taunting and Dadi adding in she hadn't expected this from Gauri followed by Jhanvi and Tej.

Hell hath no fury like a broken man, and there he had unleashed the doors of hell on them. Never had anyone of the Oberoi's witnessed Om's rage. It had a different kind of intensity.

His eyes were red as if they were drugged, his body shivering in anger . It was as if lord Shiva himself was on the way to destroy humans.

None had been pardoned that day , be it Dadi or Shivika who had tried taming him. But they didn't have a clue that a wounded lion was the hardest to tame.

He left the room and changed in his pajamas and white kurta and sat on bed beaming with joy as he held the book in his hand.

He read the title loud -HIRAETH by RI

Of course no one knew who Ri was but he knew she was a blogger who rose to fame in the last five years but he had followed her since her initial days.

But he knew who she was , his heart knew who she was. His Gauri, he had been proud of the fact that she had finally got her happing ending. These were his little joys which helped him move on his life.

Her book had released 2 weeks back , it took him a lot of courage to buy and read the book . It ended up in emotionally draining him as well as giving him a reason to live.

But he decided to read it again and again to derive his strength from it.

He opened the first page which stated - this book is dedicated to all those people who are willing to live and struggling to survive. To those who brave ones who put a smile each day in spite of the pain and smile genuinely. To tell you all you're beautiful and you're worth it.

In the introduction his favourite line was - I'm not writing this book to heal people or touch people am writing this book to tell them they're worth it. They deserve love and they deserve happy endings. And life is all about finding one for you and if you can't find one make one. Cause' life is full of opportunities and choices. Be clumsy , be you and listen to your heart and sure it'll lead to the right path.

Om was just about to begin reading when his phone rang it was Shivay calling him stating some emergency and he hurried away.

Gauri couldn't believe here she was back in Mumbai , this place made her nostalgic and sad at the same time ironically.

This place had a different kind of warmth compared to Bariely the place where she grew up, a lingering feeling of warmth she used to feel in his arms, her supposed safe haven.

She had found her happy ending surely, she was a psychologist and an author of a book which was well received by the people. But there still was a void in her heart which she felt since the day she left, cause' memories remain .

Memories of those sweet cum bitter days where you hoped for things remained. The void of hope remained to be precise a longing to belong to some remained.

She didn't want to label the cause' of the void because she didn't have the guts to hurt herself or raise any expectations.

She was here only for a day, and she had a purpose. And once she had served her purpose she would leave. She had surely prepared herself mentally but she knew it wasn't enough.

Om had returned to his apartment only to be welcomed by Saumya, he was more than overjoyed to see Saumya there.

Om and Saumya were having a tête-e-tete , when Saumya said she had a surprise .

Om not sure of what her surprise was said -ok.

Saumya said - you'll love it bade Baal wale Bhaiya..

And she called out Gauri ...

Time stood still for Om when he heard her name , he could see Saumya with a huge smile on her face. He could see the door unlock, and she stood there with heavy eyes similar to his and proceeded towards him.

He wasn't sure what to do. He had never dared to dream of seeing her again , because he knew his vulnerable heart wouldn't be able to take it.

But here she was , he couldn't control himself he immediately flunged into her . Capturing her in a bone crushing hug. Gauri was too shocked to react .

A part of her did miss him all this while. But still they couldn't be together. Seeing him sob like a baby she gently rubbed his back. Minutes later he released her realizing how akward and uncomfortable it might be for her.

Sorry- he mumbbled .

It's completely fine , she said.

Saumya understood the akwardness do decided to break it and said- bade bal wale Bhaiya I'll leave.

Om smiled genuinely and accompanied her to the door and hugged her and said- thank you.

And Saumya smiled and left. Saumya had meet Gauri in one of her talks , and since then Gauri had become Gauri's counselor and then it lead to a beautiful friendship.

And Saumya had often shared about her loved ones. But realizing Gauri was her bade bal wale Bhaiya's love she had requested Gauri to meet him once and release him from his guilt. To which Gauri agreed because she didn't like people to be sad because of her.

Gauri was nervously playing with her fingers, Gauri had immediately agreed to meet Om on Saumya's insistence but she had no clue about what would happen.

She had a quick glance at his room, it was nothing like him , it was something akin to the old her. She was a different person now be it for good or for worse.

And there lay the book written by her "Hiraeth", it wasn't surprising though it was touchy. She always knew he was an ardent supporter of her blog.

Under the cover of a name of Kara.
And he was so bad at it. Or was he even trying to his his name ? He could of named himself like he man , superman or something of that sort she often thought .

The only kind of exchange they had was through words , through emotions . Weekly she had this habit of opening a discussion panel in which he was always present.

Om returned to the sitting room only to be welcomed by a hot cup of tea. A genuine smile adorned his lips . It was something he had craved for a long time .

He sat next to her sipping the tea , small sips for two reasons. One he wanted to relish the taste and two he didn't want the tea to end it meant the conversation would end.

Same was the case with Gauri she was sipping a little waiting from him to speak as she studied him, he had grown older of course. He had a strand of white hair, but he still had that beautiful face of his . And of his long alluring mane, which were tied into a bun. But he looked tired and weary. And she had an uncanny urge to open that bun of his.

Om also studied her , she was looking different she wore a plain black suit with a black duppta with golden borders, adorned with metal golden bangles. Gone were her huge tassle like bangles and her heavy work duppta, and her heavy earing and her hair were tied into a bun. And he hated that , he had this uncanny urge to open the bun.

Both kept on sipping the tea , but they soon realized the tea was over . Now what they both thought and nervously looked at each other.


Hope you enjoyed reading it. The woman in me prefers the ending at Shot 5 but for all Rikara shippers including me this is the alternative ending starting from this shot. Thanks for reading, regards Ana 😊💙.

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