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I should leave ,she said, with uncertainty. A part of her wanted to stay back, and hold on onto him. Crash in his arms , sob out loud and throw a fit at him for being such a jerk.

A jerk whom she still loved somewhere deep down without her own knowledge . But a part of remembered the scar he had given her soul, which had somehow turned fresh after today's meet .

A lot had turned fresh after today's meet. Memories of him, of them be it good or bad. It made her smile.

The way they complemented eachother made her smile. The way they fought, bickering as if they were Tom and Jerry made her smile.

But their end made her smile die down . Were they supposed to end like that?

was true love always tragic? She was a huge bibliophile now , and of course her favourite genre was romance, but almost every beautiful love story ended on a unhappy note. Was it always necessary she thought?
Maybe she guessed. But there lay the beauty . As one could live the ending in a million of different beautiful ways.

He didn't what to do , only if he hold on to her and never let her go. The last time they parted he survived but this time he doubted his survival. He could already feel the hollowness coming back . As if it always belonged right in his heart.

Just for once only if he could reverse time , at any cost be it his life, he would have done it. But there lay the problem , there was an abyss in between his want and right. He wanted her as he need a fresh breath of air to keep himself kicking in.

But did he have the right to?
Hadn't he given it up long ago?
Wasn't he then one who removed the mangalsutra from her neck?
But he had done so, because he knew no matter how hard she wanted her happy ending , she couldn't untie that mangalsutra, because he knew what marriage meant to her. What he meant to her. He didn't want her to go through the same emotional turmoil again. Did he still mean something to her ?

"Omkara" - she called out, bringing him back to reality.

Their eyes meet and her eyes lead him to a view, he smiled at himself. That was how badly he wanted to hold onto her he realized.

Unconsciously he had held her hand.
He looked up to meet her teary brown orbs . And there are story was told , emotions were expressed in the best way. Because love didn't need words to be expressed, all it needed was an act,an act out of love.

That's it for now. Am almost done with this one. Will be up in two or three day . Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading regards Ana 😊💙💞 .

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