Part 1

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Raghbir pov:

Bhai!!!Please give a plate of idly vada

I heard one of my man asking for food to the waiter

We are travelling to Hyderabad.As I need to attend our college function

As it is Shekhawat's college it is very necessary to take part of the celebrations

I looked at the dark sky which is my only source of peace from last 2 years

I feel anika is looking at me through the darkness in the sky

I got my order and started eating my food reminsing about past events of my life

Suddenly guys in the dhaba started getting over excited by hooting and making weird sounds

Don't know the reason moreover not intrested in knowing about it

I concentrated on gulping the food until I listened to some anklets sounds

I saw a girl dancing for some item number song

I tried to look at the person but couldn't have a glance because of the men who surrounded her

I saw men sitting in the place back  because of the dhaba men insisted them to just sit and enjoy most importantly not to stick to that poor girl

Seriously how she can come here at this odd hour to dance

Don't judge her Raghbir

I looked at the girl to find her dancing with a veil on her head
Unlike other strippers she is not giving a body show but must accept she attracted every men sitting here by fully covering her body

I shrugged off my thoughts and completed my bottle of wine

I looked at the other men who is raping her with their gazes

I wish I could put some shit into their heads

As a king I never sit in a dhaba and eat food but situations made me to stand here

I somewhere feel like she is in her own situations

I must say the girl is very good in dancing

She have one of the best talents but why the hell she is using it infront of some stupid creatures who takes her as some moving meat

How ridiculous
Lust is clearly visible from most of the men stares

I wanted to help the girl
So I waited for the performance to end

She completed her program still covering her face with the veil

I tried to talk to her but she went to change her dress

It's been 20 minutes but still she is no where to be seen

Hukum!! Vehicle is ready.

I nodded  but still I wanted to help her

So after sometime with no other option I made my way towards the small hut in the dhaba

Anyone there?

I shouted but I didn't find a single creature, I was about to leave from there

I heard a big shout from the hut

I reached there only to find her struggling

A man held her hand and trying to open the veil

Her bangles got broken because of the drunkard which made blood to flow out from her wrist

I hit him with a wooden chair lying in the room

He turned towards me to fight with me but I gave hard punches on his faces
Already he drank so much that he lost his senses

I looked at the girl who ran away by taking it as a chance


I tried to call her but she left the hut

I found her anklet on the ground

I collected and searched for the girl but she is out of my sight

Keeping the anklet into my pocket I left to start my journey

Meera pov:

Amma!!Eat medicines in time.Dont go out.If you need anything call me

I insisted her to eat her medicines which she is skipping it from last few days

I have forgetten gudiya!!I will eat

I know you... don't lie ma

She tries to give me lame excuses about her skipping medicines but I know the real reason
As her medicines would get over soon then I will buy it again
She don't want me to expend money on her medicines

I'm sorry meeru.I wish you leave me so that you can atleast be happy.Im an obstacle to you.Like every other girl of your age you never enjoys.You were busy in tuitions and dance classes

I nodded my head in no as she is crying

Then you should never give me birth. So you never need to take care of me then you will never fall sick
You will be very healthy then
You are not my obstacle I'm your only obstacle amma

You are my gudiya!!Never say that meera.I hate to hear it from you

Feelings were mutual amma

I somehow convinced and left to the college

Meanwhile planning to earn money by this week so that I can buy her medicines and some books for me.But some thoughts were disturbing me alot

I went to the college and looked at the decorations

It is really fantastic

Shekhawat college is one of the top most college's in the town

It is one of the properties of jaipur kings

It have all royal look which I always admire it

Today's chief guest is the royal prince of the great Shekhawat's

Anyhow I'm so thankful to them as this college gives scholarship to all the merit students
I'm the one among them

While I was in my thoughts someone patted my  right shoulder so I turned to look at the person

But when I looked there was nothing

So I turned left to find my monkey faced friend viraj standing there with smirk on his face as if he won some Olympics.But I'm not in a mood to fight with him as I'm thinking about my mother

Meeraaaaaaa bai!!When did you stitch your mouth?

He loves to call me meera bai and all

Viraj!!Can't you shut your mouth

Look who is talking about shutting the mouth.
The only one Meera Neeruganti who can close her mouth once that is also when you eat your food.

I glared at him by twisting my mouth but nothing worked

We both were very good friends since the childhood

He belongs to the same economical status as of mine only difference is he have a beautiful family

After a small chitchat
we went to the auditorium where I heard the host saying something loudly and entertaining people over there

I looked around only to find students jumping and dancing with excitment

I don't know I'm feeling too low from yesterday

I couldn't think of anything else

Again my attention caught by the voice of the anchor

Welcoming the royal prince of great Shekhawat's,Chair person of Shekhawat colleges and hospitals,People's prince,to be king Dr.Raghbir Shekhawat sir


This name is giving goosebumps to me

Meera it can be the claps echoing in the auditorium so don't worry

But what about the claps which were ecoching in the auditorium since past half an hour

Raghbir pov:

I looked at the students who are waiting for the speech of their principal to complete soon

I chuckled internally feeling their frustration but maintained a stoic face

When they offered me to speak something I went and spoke a few words as not intrested to irritate them more

After completing my speech I was about to get down of the huge dias.

The Hyperactive host asked me to distribute the awards

As it is a farewell celebrations the 2nd years and final years of B.S.C had taken part of the events held in the college

One by one collected their prizes and left the dias

I heard host announcing the winners one by one and I congratulated them

Last but not the least our dancer Meera Neeruganti for best performer award

I saw a graceful girl coming towards the dias whose name is probably called as Meera
She looked different from all others present around me

I have seen the same posture somewhere

I forwarded my hand to congratulate her then I looked at her bandaged hand which is making me to feel more suspicious

I was about to ask her but she left the dias

I have seen her talking to her friend feeling my gaze she looked at me

I have seen something in her eyes

Who is she?

Single question nagging in my head


Hello guys!!!

I'm back now
But can't promise you for daily updates as without a break they stared new semester  for us that too offline

About my exams I tried writing well don't know about results and all
Hope will get good score

So please adjust with my irregular updates

Now tell me how is the chapter?

Is it okay?

So Raghbir and Meera started now
Let us wait for twists and turns

Enjoy the chapter

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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