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Meera's pov:

Uffooo!!!I have forgotten my copper water bottle

I tried calling house help but no one is around the room

With no other option left I got down from the bed

I opened the big and magnificent doors with all my power

Looking at the huge portraits,shields and swords my gaze followed to the stairs which is covered with royal red carpet

I descended the steps with help of railing of these stairs in my saree

After collected the copper vessel which is now filled with water I ascended the steps while looking around the big walls

It's been months but still I couldn't stop admiring the beauty of this palace

With my thoughts went on my legs got tripped and about to come in contact with agonizing stairs

I just need baby to be safe nothing much please god

With hands on my stomach,praying all mighty's for my babie's well being.My stomach was about to touch the sharp 600 years old stairs
I felt a warm hand held me protectively

I looked at Ranasa who is worried alot

Even I felt my world crashing with the thought of loosing my baby

What if something happened to my baby?

I can't live

I breathed heavily and hugged my husband who is very much scared because of the stunt I pulled few seconds back

He caressed my back

Why are you being so careless?What if something happens to you?I can't....

I sobbed in his chest with his words

I'm sorry I did not find anyone and I'm looking around the portraits and didn't concentrate

His body stiffened

I came out of the hug only to find his cold expressions now

What happened?



He screamed at his top voice making me flinch while calling house helpers

A lady with veil on her head stood bowing her head

Where have you gone?

Hukum!!I went to rani sa's mother's room

I looked at his red eyes and skin piercing glare on me

I looked down avoiding his gaze

From now you don't leave her even for a minute

Until he comes back from the hospital

Other sentence got completed by my father in law

I took the veil of the saree and covered my head

Ram ram babuji!!!

I greeted him and he nodded his head with a smile and interrogated about happenings

A king is a king even if he left the crown

After the warning sessions of the great kings I was left to leave now
I started moving but again a warm hand on my shoulder stopped I looked at Ranasa confused about his actions

I got bewildered with his sudden move of lifting me carrying in  his arms carefully and made way towards the room

As maharaja already went to his room
I looked back at the servants in the house who were gossiping and giving all teasing smiles towards us

Rana sa!!I can walk plea..

We reached our room and he made me sleep on bed where I was busy in blabbering and he is ignoring my words


He kept his hands on my lips and looked deep into my eyes


I tried to say something but I failed miserably


Can't he answer me properly always so high on attitude

Ofcourse he is handsome king to have that attitude.....

Arghhh meeruuuu
Stop it

I cursed my thoughts

From now on you will have a servant who will be with you when I'm not around you.But you need to be careful while walking or doing anything. I don't expect you to be more childish now. You need to be responsible

I'm responsible
How can he just say all?

So high on himself

Self obsessed king

Look at him

How handsome

Okay my hormones

But he is....

Ugh leave

Am I clear

Not again

Don't you get tired of being so authoritative Ranasa?

He looked at me more like waiting for my answer

I just nodded

He kept his hand in his pocket and looked at the great walls of our historic  room


Raghbir's pov:

Returning from hospital I brought gulab jamun as she loves eating it
I mean my baby made her to carve

Reaching the mansion everyone standing infront of the door bowed their head
I nodded my head

I looked towards our room
Where my ancestral portraits were lying

I'm so excited to see he....
I'm so excited to see my baby in her womb

It's been 7 hours I took a look

I slowly reached the room fearing if she wakes up because of my sounds.Now I  found the door is slightly opened.Leela our helper is massaging her hair and she kept kheera on her eyes while sleeping on our big canopy bed

As a king I should never eavesdrop as it is not a good habit but thsi melodious melting voice always grabs my attention

Putting my brain alerts aside I started hearing

What did you say leela?

Rani sa!!Rana sa cares you alot we can see...

What?He cares?

Okay this is going somewhere.I got so much of intrest in knowing her opinion

That day he lifted you infront of everyone not caring anyone.Dont lie rani sa

I made my way towards them trying not to give her any hint about my arrival

Looking at my presence leela tried to inform her but I signalled her no and asked leela to leave

Leela left while tittering

It's not caring.Its called being dominant.He is very strict you know.Early morning he wakes me up for some stupid excercises
He gives me these many fruits and medicines everyday
He is dominant and egoistic
He is beast

I looked at her cute lips which are pouting now

Her long hair touching now left open is surreal along with the red vermilion in the partition

Her flawless face with innocence make me forget everything

If my baby gets their mother features they will look so cute

He always dominates me alot.I know sometimes I'm kind and forgiving person but still he can't do that to me and take it as granted me na.How unfair?Anyone will do this to their wife?That to I'm pregnant. He don't even listen to me.He always want me to listen. Even I decided from now I won't listen to him.Let us see what he will do when I  do not follow his rules?
May be he is king for you people but I'm also a queen......
What leela!!!I'm saying you everything but you are not responding?

I leaned towards the canopy bed looking at my chubby cute wife with her big belly not to forget her pregnancy glow

She removed those cucumbers and looked around to find leela but to her disappointment she saw me and gasped


She is very scared about my presence and stood up now I'm suppressing my laugh

I controlled my laugh and gave a stern look and authoritative voice

Can you explain?

I asked her making use of my masculine voice

One of the benefits of a king


Look into my eyes!!!

I again ordered her

Someone please inform her I'm not going to burn her with my gaze

She finally looked at me with tensed up expression

What happened Rani Meera!!Till now you are talking about me like a tigress and passing comments about me

She bent her head and looked down

I heard her sobs and I was taken back

I tried to close the distance until her big belly is not allowing me to hug her properly

What happened?I'm just kidding Meera...Look at me

I'm sorry Rana sa...I don't want to comment but....

It's fine don't cry

I'm sorry please....

I cleared her tears,kissed her forehead comforting her.
I made her head lie on my well shaped chest which fits so well as if it is made for her

No Raghbir what are you doing?
You can't

My mind interpreted

Nothing wrong Raghbir
Meera is your wife

My heart shouted

My mind and brain continued pestering

Meanwhile I side hugged to my heart content by feeling her warmth


Guys I know you all will ask me how long you will take to start the story but sorry a more week to start

My exam got postponed again
So I just need a week more

Until then please don't loose your patience

Tell me how do you feel after reading it?

Meera and Raghbir suggest me a couple name

Will start next week
Keep calm

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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