Teaser 2

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Everything in the room of the big castle is now kissing the floor as the prince consort is searching for something

She is surveying every corner of the room

Walls of the room wondering what happened to her?

But her eyes caught a red cloth covering a frame

She has forgotten what she is searching for

She is so curious to know what got hidden on the back of that red cloth so they kept it so precious

She have seen her twelve months husband staring it for hours

Her cotton like hands itched to drop that red cloth

Her hands were about to clear the obstacle to find the answers for her questions gushing in her little brain but a voice made her flinch

What are you doing???

Masculine voice dictating anger and frustration

It is the prince Raghbir Shekhawat


He reached her and caged in between the wall

She is jiggling in between his monstrous body and a chunky wall

His aura is alone enough to certify him as the heir of the great Shekhawat's

I never like people touching my things.Learn to be in limits. understand?

His significant voice ecoching her ears but his brown eyes were dragging her attention more

Her uneven breaths clearly explains how much he affects her

Answer me

Again his voice made her lips shiver and blink her eyes trying to grasp what he is saying

She just nodded her head as she already got hypnotized by his eyes

But this time his eyes got lost in her beautiful lotus eyes

Hazel colour eye balls making her look more  alluring

Beast with the beauty💕💕

A huge wind hit them

Her long beautiful hair which smudged on her face made his heart skip beats

Where her tender hair strands kissed his lips

All thanks to the wind flowing in the room

He looked at her big eyes,small nose,baby lips with slight pink and reddish shade

His eyes praised at his choice

He cursed himself at the very next minute for gawking at other women and for claiming her as his choice

As the wind cleared the red cloth which is suffocating the frame from a very long time

His soft eyes were back to its robust appearance

He looked at the frame with guilt before leaving the room

She looked at the frame which made him change within seconds only to find a graceful lady giving a perfect meaning to the word beauty


Drums blasting the town giving the goosebumps because of the royality with happiness encircling everyone around there

Flowers showered on the man and lady who are standing on the royal terrace with twinkling eyes looking at the people who are in tremendous joy

Stay happy child!!!!Take care of my grandchild!!

The great king Hanshraj Shekhawat blessed his new daughter in law Meera who got pregnant with prince Raghbir Shekhawat

Catching their breathe people started celebrating the good news given by the prince

Heir of the dynasty arrival is a big news to the jaipur citizens

People were dancing and shouting with cheerfulness

Motherly hormones in Meera felt very proud for the child in her womb  but next second she felt sad thinking about the baby as she is just a surrogate mother

Again the big bell rang to hush them

With the command of their king people payed their full attention to the king's words

My dear people!!!I'm so happy with the good news given by my children.This month I'm giving bonus to everyone who is working in our Shekhawat factories and offices
I want all of your blessings to my son Raghbir Shekhawat and daughter in law Meera Ragbhir Shekhawat for their happy life and togetherness forever

Raghbir and Meera looked perplex at the word forever

Stared into eachother eyes

One with a question

How long?

Other with an answer



Meera's thoughts always halt at the baby and its father who always gives her tough time to handle his mood swings than her's in pregnancy

She tries to stop her running thoughts and flowing affection towards the little fetus in her stomach but all in vain may be that is called motherly bond

Raghbir's reflexive thoughts were always about the baby along with the mother of the baby
Even how much he tries to avoid


Hello guys!!

Again a teaser is released by the suggestion of vpsisthename20

I just hope it's fine

I already got overwhelmed by your response to the first teaser thank you so much😘😘

Story starts in the month of march please wait for sometime as my exams need to complete

So until then
keep reading ❤❤
Keep loving❤❤❤

Lots of love indebited❤❤❤

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