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"This is not so done!!!"

Huffing Meera sat on her bed

Why not?
Afterall her temporary husband started showing his temper on her although not in a rude way but game of ignoring  got on her nerves

After the confession Raghbir started sweating alot

He knew this gonna come up but did not expect to come this soon
Infact he felt like his heart gonna come out of his chest with her so beautiful words

He wanted it to be a dream at the same time he wanted it to be true

Man of confusion

Ofcourse the nickname to him is not given by Meera right now as she's is in deep sleep

He honoured himself for the thoughts he's undergoing

After anika he has seen women trying to grab his attention for the money,power,beauty but never he imagined a women confessing her interests to him while sleeping on his lap

In all words he's too overwhelmed to think sane

But later on he came to a point where he needs time for sorting out the issues within himself

He rolled his eyes about saying the same to himself from past month

He could never understand why he always end up itching hands to touch her body,his eyes always ends up landing on her plump lips after their first encounter it didn't help but increased his desire

Can it be called as infatuation?





But what about his anika for whom he stayed single for all the time?

Didn't he cheat on her after kissing Meera forgetting the world?

Didn't he loosen up feeling the undeniable attraction towards Meera?


From the time this lady bomb entered his life it became too unpredictable and adventurous

One thing for sure he likes Meera so much that he can never hurt her nor he can distance himself from her

She's like a drug for him that he got addicted to..

But what about...

His thoughts got wavered like a sea tide which has fallen down when he saw a little drool made his trouser wet.

Amusingly he watched Meera who is in deep sleep with parted lips

He never knew that he can get distracted this easily...

Smiling he lifted Meera who is weighing so much right now perks of being 6 months of her pregnancy

After making her comfortable on the large bed he made his way to study room to not get deviated from the work

Meera wanted to confront but at the same time she is guilty at the point for breaking their rule.of.friendship

Oh wow didn't you guys break it by eating eachother's face the very next moment

Her brain remarked it making her flustered

Meera wanted to take some break from the thoughts and started studying

After sometime she saw a panting leela to crash into her room

Leela!!!What happened to you?

Rani sa!!!There's so..some..something that...

Don't tell me your hukum caught my food!!

No ranisa!!!

Meera exhaled loudly listening to the confirmation

Rani sa!!!Hukum asked you to come downstairs as there's someone you have to see

Meera furrowed her eyebrows thinking of the possibilities and asked leela for better reasons

Reaching downstairs she saw Raghbir and a lady sitting on the chesterfield along with jeevan

Raghbir who didn't even look at her face till today passed a wide grin

Seeing the smiles and grin meera moved forward to see the lady sitting only to have tears in her eyes



Meera hugged her mother like the world came to end

I missed you amma!!I love you so much

Meera's mom started shedding tears with the reconciliation

Ma!!!How come you are here?What about your treatment?

Meera is so confused yet very happy to see her mother but at the same time she has billions of questions in her mind

Your mom is completely alright!!Now she can continue her treatment in India with care

Jeevan answered the reason behind her mother's early return

And now I can be peaceful meeru!!I don't have to take any tension about you.Right now you can take care of yourself with your husband's love and care..Right Raghbir?

Love??? Thoughts went wide with a single word love but still Raghbir managed to answer

Yes atthaya (mother in law in telugu language)

Meera eyes went wide with his endearment to her mother only to view a hifi between mom in law and son in law

This idea completely belongs to your mom Meera!!She wanted to see your reaction..

With that all laughed at the expense of meera's funny expression

What's going on?

They all heard a loud booming voice from the stairs to witness Raghbir's father and grandmother

Aapji sa!!Meet Meera's mother."Mahalaxmi devi".She's in abroad for medical treatment and came back to India

Raghbir's father,former king of jaipur smiled at the lady reached her along with raja matha

Namaskar!!I'm glad to know you are okay now..Meera beti will be very happy now

Thank you so much raja saheb!!It's very nice to meet you

No I'm not the king now and meera is more of my daughter.Please call me bhai sa

Ji bhai sa!!I'm very happy that you are treating my daughter as yours.My meeru is so lucky to be in this family

With that she side hugged meera

I must appreciate you have taught Meera beti good manners. She's blessed with golden heart.She always spends the time with me and we both team against your son in law often

Everyone in the hall burst into laughter by witnessing Raghbir's eye roll at the comment

Even after everyone's laugh has ended well and elders got busy talks started but Meera silent giggles been part and parcel after every few seconds looking at Raghbir

Realizing glares would show no effect at her he held her hand tightly without anyone's notice

Giggles of lady bomb got died with his action and tried to wiggle her hands out his solid grip

Leave my hand!!

Silent whishpers made the grip go tighter

Even before Meera can try more Raghbir himself indulged in talks as if he's not trying to hold something

Meera!!Are you okay?Why are you not talking anything?

Jeevan asked Meera who's busy in getting out of the grip

She passed a tight smile to jeevan and wicked smile to Raghbir

Actually I need few medicines and I can't find them so I'm just thinking

Even before Raghbir can ask her to check wardrobe Meera stunned him with her request to help her

Raghbir who is running away from meera like a rat seeing the cat got caught now

Ofcourse to his wild cat who is waiting for an opportunity to confront

Meera!!It's in the same desk why don't you check it I will join you within sometime

Noo rana sa I am not able to see and moreover I'm feeling weak

Why is no one seeing my daughter?Two doctors in the house but still she's not feeling well. Raghbir go and help your wife

With no arguments tone the former king of jaipur ordered current king of jaipur

Meera victoriously grinned and winked towards her father in law who in return winked back

The duo's response yet again made Raghbir to roll his eyes discreetly and others in the room to burst into laughter

Raghbir quickly ran into the room and found the medicines on the study table

Without any delay he tried to escape by passing her the medicines

Meera!!Your meds a..

He saw meera who folded her hands pressed herself against the door which is now locked and looked at him while raising her eyebrow

Raghbir felt that posture of her is too hot to handle with the bump she's having and doubted as if he's pregnant while his hormones are messing up

He cleared his throat and averted his gaze to other side

What is it rana sa?
Are you fine?

Yeah I'm. Okay listen take your meds and rest for a while I will ask leela to send some fruits for you

Oh sure sure...But before that I need..

He didn't let Meera talk even for a few seconds and tried to find a gate way solutions to escape

Actually I need to take a call so I have to go out please excuse me..

He started moving close to the door where meera has pressed herself after locking it while checking his phone

You are excused rana sa only for the time you are avoiding me. But not right now

Meera confidently opposed his move

What??Meera I have some very important issues to solve..

Oh enough of solving others issue right now its time to solve mine.So I request your complete attention on me

With finality in her tone she took his phone

Stop being a kid Meera. Give me my mobile back

Not until you tell me the reason why you are avoiding me?

N..o..nono  I'm not...

Really then why aren't you helping me to wake up and take me for walks?Not spending a real good time with me?Please enlighten me with your pretty great reasons

Raghbir's tongue got tied with the explosive bomb and her questions

I told you right I'm busy..

Oh shut up Mr.Busy bee..You have time to have a meeting with that cherry barrie but not even a few seconds for me?
Is that because I became fat and nosy?

With that meera's eyes started watering along with the rants consists of accusations

I lost my hair and weight got exceeded twice.My cheeks were blown like a balloon. That's the reason right?I started walking slowly and not able to maintain pace with you right?

Raghbir's heart melted and felt bad with her insecurities
Unknowingly he redirected it

He held her cheeks and cleared the tears on her cheek and sniffling nose with his hanky

She hugged him and sobbed to which Raghbir reciprocated hugging his little fur ball in his arms

Yet again she pushed him back and started shouting

Look at are not even saying anything. You know what silence is half acceptance. I can clearly...

Raghbir couldn't handle the missing warmth of her body and now the ranting of her insecurities doing no good so he quickly sandwiched her between him and the door forgetting the confession scenario

Shhhh!!!If I didn't answer anything doesn't mean your reasons are right. Do you understand Mrs.Shekawath???

Meera who felt her cheeks getting red with his sweet and hot words with a finger on her lips while unexpectedly caressing them carefully nodded her head

You are not what you are saying.You are the most beautiful women right now.With those deep eyes and buttom nose,not to forget your full plump lips you don't know what I'm thinking all the time with you around me.Be it your pace as a snail but still I want you to be your side...always

Raghbir confessed all this while looking deep down into her eyes
Infront of her there is nothing that he can follow properly

When his eyes dilated more dark with the desire to kiss those lips meera started giving in

When they were about to dive into a deep passion


This made Raghbir to stiffen and stay rooted

Meera sadly smiled and made some distance only to raghbir hold her hands asking her not to leave

I know it's hard for you to think about... other women..but still I can't give in into a one sided relationship to get more hurt.As much as my hormones needs it my heart too deserves it only if you have sorted your feelings and accept me wholeheartedly. I don't want to take anika di's place but I want one my for myself in you heart.So till then distance would be better for me and.... my future

Raghbir felt these words to be too sensible yet it hurted him at the mention of being as other women.....He wanted to scream you aren't but his tongue got tied looking at her so he nodded no

Meera released herself from his grip and left with tears in her eyes only to birth a new panic alarm in his heart

He started imagining Meera leaving him the same way she left now

Right now to downstairs but what about the time she leaves him forever?

How are you all?
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Any rajasthan readers please ping me for the upcoming plot help

Thank you for waiting and reading patiently

Lots of love indebited

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