Part 36

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Meera's pov:

After the scenario we both started maintaining distance

As much as I wanted to be with him I'm scared of loosing my everything

At the mention I caressed my very much visible belly

What if he takes everything as nothing and asks me to go away as per the contract?

I'm hell scared

But somewhere my heart is positive with brain giving me various ideas of being kicked out of his life and my baby's life

Thought passes me terror

But you never know what has stored in future

So better prepare for the worst

My most of the day consists of my walks  with leela and I focus more on my studies..Evenings I see myself with his father and my mother

Raja matha sometimes asks me to join in prayers and her grandson is someone who is absent for all the day unlike the olden days and reaches the palace very late night

To console my heart I would say myself he's not someone I should rely but who am I kidding that man always ends up caressing my hair and my belly all the night thinking I'm asleep
I never know when I would sleep with his foot massages and good night kisses on my forehead
After I asked him not to kiss me he didn't even try to do it

This is can be one of the beautiful dreams to many women but the fact is he doesn't have anything for me

One thing I cannot change is my feelings for him

I have completed studying one of the chapters and now my mouth is getting dry.
I scanned the whole room to find the water jug empty and my bottle invisible

Uffooo!!!I have forgotten my copper water bottle

I tried calling house help but no one is around the room

With no other option left I got down from the bed

I opened the big and magnificent doors with all my power

Looking at the huge portraits,shields and swords my gaze followed to the stairs which is covered with royal red carpet

I descended the steps with help of railing of these stairs in my saree as I have attended another havan in the morning

After grabbing the copper vessel which is now filled with water I ascended the steps while looking around the big walls

It's been months but still I couldn't stop admiring the beauty of this palace

With my thoughts went on my legs got tripped and about to come in contact with agonizing stairs

I just need baby to be safe nothing much please god

With hands on my stomach,praying all mighty's for my babie's well being.My stomach was about to touch the sharp very old stairs
I felt a warm hand held me protectively

I looked at Ranasa who is worried alot

Even I felt my world crashing with the thought of loosing my baby

What if something happened to my baby?

I can't live

I breathed heavily and hugged my husband who is very much scared because of the stunt I pulled few seconds back

He caressed my back

Why are you being so careless?What if something happens to you?I can't....

I sobbed in his chest with his words

I'm sorry I did not find anyone and I'm looking around the portraits and didn't concentrate

His body stiffened

I came out of the hug only to find his cold expressions now

What happened?



He screamed at his top voice making me flinch while calling house helpers

A lady with veil on her head stood bowing her head

Where have you gone?

Hukum!!I went to rani sa's mother's room

I looked at his red eyes and skin piercing glare on me

I looked down avoiding his gaze

From now you don't leave her even for a minute

Until he comes back from the hospital

Other sentence got completed by my father in law and rajamatha with other head people in the town

I took the veil of the saree and covered my head

Ram ram sago sa!!!
(Father in law in rajasthan by google matha)
(Rajasthani's correct me if I'm wrong)

I greeted him and he nodded his head with a smile and interrogated about happenings

A king is a king even if he left the crown

After the warning sessions of the great kings everyone left I was given a chance to leave now
I started moving but again a warm hand on my shoulder stopped I looked at Ranasa confused about his actions

I got bewildered with his sudden move of lifting me carrying in  his arms carefully and made way towards the room

As babuji sa already went to his room
I looked back at the servants in the house who were gossiping and giving all teasing smiles towards us

Rana sa!!I can walk plea..

We reached our room and he made me sleep on bed where I was busy in blabbering and he is ignoring my words


He kept his hands on my lips and looked deep into my eyes


I tried to say something but I failed miserably


Can't he answer me properly always so high on attitude

Ofcourse he is handsome king to have that attitude.....

Arghhh meeruuuu
Stop it

I cursed my thoughts

From now on you will have a servant who will be with you when I'm not around you.But you need to be careful while walking or doing anything. I don't expect you to be alone anymore and inform someone if you need anything

Self obsessed king

Look at him

How handsome

Okay my hormones

But he is....

Ugh leave

Am I clear

Not again

Don't you get tired of being so authoritatively dumb Ranasa?

He looked at me more like waiting for my answer

I just nodded

He kept his hand in his pocket and looked at the great walls of our historic  room

Raghbir's pov:

What should I do with this women?
Always so clumsy with her steps

"Made for eachother,one is clumsy with steps and other with thoughts "

He scowled at his own bitter truth mind has delivered

Anyways as per the orders of my father I should work from home expect the time I need to attend important meetigs and surgeries

My heart fluttered with happiness thinking about the time I get to spend with Meera but at the same time I got the glimpse of teary eyed Meera


Raghbir beta!!
Go and focus on you work


Sighing I left to the study room and started working

A twinkling shine made me to stop on my tracks

Same anklet I have kept it with me
I still vaguely remember that night I have seen a vulnerable woman yet with a strong will to do something for herself

Her dedication and bravery speakes loud about her needs

I hope the lady gets everything she deserves....

Handling a profession and a kingdom with other businesses sometimes can get on your head with immense pressure

Right now my situation is no better with all the work and no rest

Right now I was burning the midnight oil to finish almost everything but few things were left that needs my attention

Feeling a cool breeze on my face I have seen my A.C which was turned off

Inclining my face towards the windows I have seen darkness swallowing the sky while the twinkling starts trying to outstand

A figure facing the night sky with duppata playing along the moving wind

She stood with a smile on her face experiencing the cool air kissing her face

The moment felt so surreal

As if she's the goddess of peace

A feeling of peace and calmness settled in me

Few minutes ago I was all drowning myself in work but right now I got immersed into the enchanting nature in form of the lady infront of me

The same lady who is here playing with me,for me,for "us"

The same lady I always end up being uncontrollable around her yet she have me under her control

That's Meera

Do you have work to do?

I do

She smiled and tried to leave only for me to hold her hand

It can wait...

We both smiled at eachother and started staring at the bewitching sight infront of us

I was waiting for her to speak when there is no indication I initiated

Aren't you sleepy?

No..My back is paining..

Oh no but its because of pregnancy the baby is growing right...I will suggest you other meds

She nodded with a smile where I went to bring her a chair

Rana sa!!!!

My heart jumped out of the chest with her yelling

I quickly moved towards her and asked if she's okay

She took my hand on to her belly and asked me to wait

Meera!!!What's wrong with you? I thought you got into trouble you know how sca...

My ranting got died in my mouth with a sudden hit on my palm which is resting on her belly

Meera grinned at me where my eyes just widened with the kick followed by other one

What...What happened Meera?

Are you really a doctor?Or that certificate is just a show piece?

She asked narrowing her eyes

Is that what I'm thinking?Like baby kicked?For the first time!!!

My happiness knew no bounds with all the feeling of jittery
Feeling my baby is something too beautiful for me nah for us

This is not the first time I have felt a kick on my palm as my other child whom I lost gave me my first hand experience...but right now after years when I feel the same I got more determined to save my baby

Every new experience would bring me the memories of my past but with Meera it would turn out to be something else which is very positive and enthusiastic....

For your kind information this is not the first time its 3rd time.I have sensed it in the room and thought to reach you and let you experience it

A tad bit of disappointment feigned me as Meera willingly didn't come to meet but baby is the reason for her arrival

I passed a small smile and nodded a thank you

Here I was thinking she will leave the room but that's Meera we are talking about she simply dragged the chair and placed it at the window to make herself comfortable

I was staring at her when a little drizzle hit my face and she giggled

I faked anger towards her only to get hear supressed giggles

Meera don't laugh!!

I tried to warn her in an intimidating sense but looking at her funny face I ended up laughing

Our laughs echoed in the room while new monsoon rains started pouring in washing away the tightness in our hearts around eachother

Hello friends!!

I tried to update as quick as I can and I will update more and finish the book soon

I hope this one is good to read and feel

Don't worry Raghbir gonna realise but we all know how stubborn is he
And loving someone else is not an easy task and let me tell you its very tough
So let's give him that time
Meera's the one who has to be more patient so who are we to say?
Be patient my dear readers

So tell me what you thought about the chapter

Lots of love indebited

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