Chapter Twenty-Five

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Running my hands through William's hair, I wondered what the hell he must have heard to make him like this.

He was asleep in my lap, dried tear tracks down his cheeks, in as much of a ball as he could possibly be.

When we got to his apartment after dinner, he immediately got on the phone and went to his study, locking it behind him. A few minutes later, I heard shouting. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but I did know that it was his father he was talking to.

When he finished, William stormed out of his study and threw himself into my arms. He kept babbling on and on about something but I couldn't make out anything except the words, 'I'm sorry.'

Now, he was in my lap, fast asleep, and I had to call Daniel. I needed to what the hell had happened!!

Quietly and quickly grabbing William's head, I slid off the couch, gently laid it back down, and grabbed my phone from off the nightstand. I walked into the kitchen and pressed 2, speed dialing Daniel.

"Hello, my dear. I was expecting your call."

"Don't even start, Daniel, tell me what I want to know. What happened?"

"Nothing. Nothing that you should worry about, dear."

"Daniel!" I said, trying to stop myself from yelling out at him. I poked my head out of the kitchen, glancing at William, seeing him still sleeping soundly. I gave a sigh of relief and walked back in.

"I'm serious, Daniel. You should have seen him! He was... he was a mess! I've never seen him like this before...and, to be honest, I never want to see him like this again!"

" me when I tell you this; it. Is. None. Of. Your. Concern. I will deal with this, but if William wants to tell you, then there's no way I could stop him, now, is there? I seriously doubt, though, that he will tell you what happened. Now...if you don't mind, my dear, I have much more important things to be doing than listening to you trying to get into our business. Good day."

I was about to protest when I heard him hang up. I growled and locked my phone, trying not to stomp as I walked back to the living room.

William was slowly sitting up, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

I rushed over to him and said, "Hey...are you okay? How do you feel?"

William nodded his head and leaned against me. "I want to tell you what I heard, Anna, so badly, but I'm afraid of what you'll do. I don't even know if..."

"Just tell me, Will. I want to know. I'll support you through it even if it's something bad. Is it?"

He nodded against my shoulder and sighed, grabbing my hands into his. "Do you remember that girl, Brittany, from the restaurant? Well... when you and I were fighting... I went to the bar and met her... She...I thought it would help me get over you, so... we had...intercourse...and...

"She...she thinks she might be pregnant."

I gasped and stiffened, my body rigid against William's. What? How could this be... No, it's too soon. It's not possible!


"I know! I know...I made a mistake, but I'll try to fix it!! I don't know how, but..."


He stopped talking and looked at me. I said, "I think we're safe, William. No one, and I mean no one, can get pregnant that quick." I think. "And besides...who did we see with her today?"

Comprehension filled his eyes when he realized what I was getting at. He answered, "Claire. Brittany was with Claire, and Claire called Brittany her associate! They're working together! Oh, I knew I should never have believed those lying bïtchęs!!!"

I nodded and smiled along with William, rejoicing in the fact that we missed what could have been a huge explosion on our lives.

William kissed me, causing me to laugh out loud in shock,melting  into his hold. He gently pressed his lips against mine and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. I moaned as he pulled my hair tightly in his grasp, clawing at his shirt.

William let go of my lips and whispered huskily, "Why don't we work together? It'll only bring us more...pleasure."

Kissing his lips, I said, "Lets go work together right now then. It worked well the first time. "

Before William could say anything,  I pulled him in the direction of his bedroom.


"How did it go?"

"Well, Father. It went very well. I think William and... Anna will break up soon. We couldn't have timed it more perfectly."

"Very good, Claire. I'm impressed. You just might be useful to this family after all."

Claire resisted, not wanting to show her father how much that meant to her. Ever since she was a little girl, Claire had wanted only her father's approval, and now she got it.

"Thank you, Fa-"

Senator de Monte struck suddenly, his fist pounding into his daughter's cheek. Claire's head whipped back, causing her to fall against the chairs. Claire gasped in pain and looked at father, knowing what had been her mistake.

"How many times have I told you, stupid child, that the de Monte family never says thank you to anybody! And now looks what's happened.  Go get yourself cleaned up before anyone notices how much of a mistake you are."

Claire nodded and hurried out of the room, a hand against her burning cheek.

She had deserved it. She had deserved all of it. And that's why Claire was going to do everything in her power to make sure that her father got Winter Enterprises.

Not matter what it took or what had happened.


Author's Note:

Yay! SURPRISE UPDATE!!! Guess you all didn't expect this, huh? was it? Was it any good? What about that thing with Claire and her father, huh? Yikes!

And guess what? I'm going to see Mockingjay today! Right after school! I'm SO EXCITED!! Has anyone else seen it? Is it good???  :)   :D

Anyways...please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Thank you!!



© RavenMoon06

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