Chapter Twenty-Six

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No, no, no, no! This couldn't be happening! Everything was perfect! What could have gone wrong? We timed everything perfectly! What...

Suddenly, crashes were heard outside the room and stomping noises grew closer. Claire rushed to her bedroom door and tried locking it before her father could come in. It was no use.

Senator de Monte burst through her door grabbing a hold of her neck and slamming her against the wall. Claire's head gave a satisfying crack when it hit the wall, making Claire give out a cry of agony. She tried removing her father's hands from around her neck, but it was a laughable try of effort.

Claire's vision started getting a little blurry from the lack of oxygen and from the pain at the back of her head.

"You failed me, stupid girl. You failed me, you and your stupid plan. I knew I should have never believed in you, and you know where failures go in this family?"

"No!" Claire gasped, fighting even harder no. I can't. I can't go back there! "Please, don't-"

"Oh, yes, Claire. You know where failures go. You've been there before. Why are you acting like this? Shouldn't you be happy? You're going to your first home: The Dark Room."

Claire cried out again as men came into the room and grabbed her from her father. She gasped in air when he released her neck from his hold, watching as he wiped his hands on a piece of cloth.

She fought the men holding her and attempted to flee when they let go of her, but her father, who had moved closer to the doorway, saw and stuck his leg out. Claire came crashing down, hearing a soundly crack coming from somewhere in her body. She stuck a hand in her mouth and screamed, curling up into a ball, feeling a sharpness in her ribs, pain resonating throughout her body.

The men picked her up, half dragging, half carrying her.

Tears dropped down her face and she gasped in pain everytime they moved her sharply. From the corner of her eye, Claire saw her father look at her in disgust, still wiping his hands on the cloth.

I know. I know. I deserve this. I promise, Father, I'll make it better. I'll fix it. I'll fix it.


William's arm was around me, and our legs were tangled together. I pulled away from his chest and sat up, blinking at the light coming in from the windows. William groaned and let go of me. He turned toward the nightstand, seeing the lights on it flashing 6:10 am.

I flopped back down onto the bed.

I turned around toward William, seeing him facing me too.



William moved forward and placed his forehead against mine. He grabbed one of my hands and curled ours near his chest.

"Do you want to know a secret?" He whispered, shifting closer to me.

I nodded and blushed, feeling his bare body against mine again.

"I love how your last name is my first name. I feel like you were always meant to be mine somehow."


"I know, cheesy, right?'s true... Anna Williams...William Winters..."

I smiled, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. I squeezed William's hand, brushing my nose against his.

"You want to know another secret?" He asked, squeezing my hands in return.


"I love you..."

My eyes widened and I looked at him in surprise. What? He loves me?

" love me?"

William laughed at my astonished face and kissed my nose. "Yes, you silly girl, I love you! What's so hard to understand about that?"

"It's just...Nothing. Nothing. It really shouldn't surprise me at all. You are a very loving man, Will, and it's hard...not to love you back."

Like mine had before, William's eyes widened in shock. "Anna...are you saying that-?"

"Yes, William, I love you too." And it was sincere too. Throughout the time that I had spent with William, I had grown to love him, fully and whole-heartedly.

But... it also made me heart ache because I know that the only reason I am here is because of Daniel...because of the contract...

And I know that if William ever found out about the contract, he would be furious. And that's what makes my heart beat fast, I think I might burst one day, and there would be nothing I could do about it.


Author's Note:

Ohemgeeeee!!! Two updates in two days??!!?? I haven't done this in a year when I first started this story!!! And in that note:


It can't believe it's been a year since I started this story!! The day I actually started this story was on November 11, 2013, and look how far it's gone!!

I'm very thankful to all of my readers, especially the ones that have stuck with me throughout the year and have not given up on me, and on the honor, I gave you this highly unexpected update!! Hope you have enjoyed it!!

Anyways... in honor of this anniversary... please remember to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!

Thank you!!



© RavenMoon06

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