17. Allegations

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Aratrika's  Pov 

"Aratrika " 

Hearing his voice ,I looked at him.

" I am…. I am sorry for everything. " He said to Mr
 ,making me stunned.

Before I could say anything to him ,he left without turning back.

Why did he apologize? I asked myself. 

"Maybe ,for the way he talked to me or behaved with me that night." My heart replied.

Before I could think anything, the door burst open revealing Kanika.

"Do you need something?" I asked her politely.

" You are called for lunch." She said ,making me shocked.

What the hell!!! Why I am getting shock after shock today ?

I was never allowed to have food with my family after that incident. I can eat after everyone is done having their food , otherwise I am allowed to eat in my room itself.

 Then why am I being called today? Maybe Dada called me.

The happiness started to bubble inside me at the thought of having food with my family again.

Wait a second,  Did I hear it right?

"What did you say ?" I asked Kanika to confirm it as I couldn't believe my ears.

"You are called for lunch… Dada wants you to join us." She said. 

I smiled at her. 

I knew it. 

I was happy that because of Dada I would be able to have lunch with everyone. 

"Let's go." I said to Kanika who came forward to help me. 

With the help of Kanika ,I went downstairs and looked at everyone. My heart broke a little to see the unhappy faces of everyone except Dada, Jethi ma. Baba kept an emotionless expression on his face. 

My smile wiped away. 

"Aru, come,  Sit here." Dada said and patted the chair which was beside his. Kanika took me there and helped me to sit down on the chair.

Soon lunch was served and we started to eat. 
"Dada, Thank you." I said Dada as he helped me to walk towards my room.

After having our lunch everyone sat in the living room. Though Dada wanted me to sit with everyone,  I decided against it as I could see none was happy.

I had my lunch with everyone and It was enough to bring a smile on my face though the unpleasant expression on my family's face hurt me a lot. So by sitting again with everyone, I didn't want to make them more irritated. 

"Why so? You are the daughter of this house, it's your right." Dada said as we walked towards the stairs.

"Aare Promita , tui?" (Aare Promita, you?)

Hearing Baba's voice, I turned around to see Promita Pisi and her husband standing near the door.

" I heard what happened here..that's why I couldn't stop myself from coming here. " Pisi cried out in a loud voice as she walked towards the living room followed by her husband. 

"Means?" Ma asked her.

"Yes.. we heard what Aratrika did. That's why I couldn't stop myself. I have always told you Borda (Elder brother) that this girl is nothing but a reason for your miseries but still you kept her in this house." Pisi said to Jethu but her eyes which were filled with hatred were on me. 

Suddenly she came and stood in front of me, making me shift towards Dada more.

"  And you useless girl, Why ? Huh!! Why do you always find different ways to torture this family? Why are you so jealous of their happiness? Can't you let your family be in peace?
You are eating in their money but still creating unnecessary problems and expenses for them...Why are you so selfish?
 Doing this unnecessary drama of being injured and giving tension to everyone… That's why I say that she doesn't need to go out… just throw her away in a corner of this house. 
What do you get by doing this? You are sitting like a snake on their happiness...bloody bad luck!!! " Pisi yelled at me.

I closed my eyes feeling the words which were nothing but venom. A tear slipped from my eyes. 

I opened my eyes to look at everyone. My heart broke as nobody came to take a stand for me. 

"Pisi, are you in your senses? You don't have any right to say anything like this to her. She hasn't done unnecessary drama...it is you who are doing unnecessary drama here right now. Trust me , if you dare to say any more nonsense, I won't spare you." Dada said to her sternly. 

"Suporno, apologize now." Jethu yelled at Dada.

"Wow Suporno Wow…. Just because of this girl you are disrespecting me. See what this girl is trying to do!! She is trying to break this family. I am telling you that this girl will destroy our family one-day. Mark my words." Pisi said loudly.

"That's enough Promita.Suporno ,take Aratrika to her room." Jethi ma said.

"Why Bou Didi? Why are you safe guarding her? She needs to know that she is an unnecessary burden on us and she is way too difficult to handle. Such a useless and unnecessary nuisance!!!." Pisi said with irritation. 

"Suporno, didn't you hear what I said? Take her to her room." Jethi ma sternly told Dada.

Dada took my hand and took me to my room.

My mind was repeating Pisi's words again again… my ears were ringing her words. I was so occupied in my mind that I didn't know how we climbed up the stairs and Dada took me inside my room.

"Aru" Dada called me ,making me come out from my thoughts. 

He was about to say something, so I stopped him.

"No Dada...please not now. Leave me alone." I said to him softly. It was hard for me to stop myself from crying. But I didn't want to cry in front of my brother to make him tense.

"But Aru...how…." 

"Please Dada… please." I begged him ,closing my eyes. 

After sometime I heard footsteps going away.  I opened my eyes to see my room empty.

The very next second, I started crying...I started to cry my heart out.

The pain which I was feeling on my chest was becoming unbearable. I was feeling suffocated.

How could Pisi think that I would do something so cheap? My parents,  Jethu, nobody protested….that means they believed in it as well...isn't it? 

The thought itself made me sob harder. I rubbed my chest to numb the pain a bit  ….but it wasn't going . In fact it was engulfing me more .

It was too hard for me to bear the hatred of my family for me every single day.

Why me? Why always me?

Author's pov 

After Suporno and Aratrika went out of their sight, Promita said to her Elder Sister in law Sudeshna ," why did you do that , Bou Didi? She needs to learn that she can't do anything she wants to do." 

Her words and expressions were spitting venom towards Aratrika. 

If anyone had noticed ,they would have seen the sinster smirk on Smita's face when Promita was insulting Aratrika bitterly. Her hatred towards her sister was so big that it was giving the peace to her soul seeing her sister to be insulted like this.

" She didn't do anything. Moreover she is unwell… at least consider her health. " Sudeshna argued. 

Everyone around them was silent. Suporno came back. 

"It's her drama...I am telling you that she deliberately burnt herself to gain your sympathy. Maybe she thought that you guys would melt seeing her injury and start to forgive her. " Promita said over confidence to prove her point.

"Calm down, why are you unnecessarily taking so much stress?" Promita's husband , Pronoy said .

It was hard for Suporno to stop himself from saying something to Promita who was speaking crap from the time she came here. 

" I think this is enough, Promita. I don't want this drama to stretch more. " Brijesh, Aratrika's father said. Kanika nodded her head ,agreeing with her father.

"No… I think you should listen to Promita once. Maybe she is right . " Binita, Aratrika's mother said. 

Sudeshna and Suporno looked at her in shock . They knew that she didn't care whether Aratrika was unwell or not but they never expected her to blame Aratrika like this.

Kanika shook her head tiredly.

"Kakima ,Unlike you , Aru is mentally alright so she won't do something so stupid and cheap." Suporno spat at Binita, unable to stop himself. 

" Suporno, don't forget that you are talking to your elder. And like Brijesh said , I want this topic to be closed here. Aratrika is a family member and we can't disagree. She is unwell and if she gets fit and healthy, we will be able to get rid of this unnecessary problem due to her health. So let it be the way it is. 
And Promita, Don't get hyper and get ill for a girl like her." Biplod said .

Sudeshna looked at her husband with disappointment. 

Unable to bear the toxic environment, Suporno left the house, ignoring his mother who was calling him from behind.
Kanika left from there as well and went to her room.

Biplob and Brijesh guided Promita and her husband Pronoy to the guest room where they could catch up in peace.

"Didi , let's go. We need to prepare something for them to eat." Binita said with a smile to Sudeshna. 

The smile infuriated Sudeshna. She looked at Binita in anger which made Binita a bit startled.

"You do it, Binita. After all your thoughts absolutely match with your guests." Sudeshna said to her in anger.

Binita sighed as she understood why Sudeshna was angry.

"Didi, you don't know what that girl can do and what not. " Binita said to her.

"I know and that's why I am saying. Anyways, I don't want to talk to you. So excuse me." Saying this Sudeshna left from there leaving her behind.

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