9. A Beautiful Night

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Aratrika's pov 

I was cutting the vegetables which would be cooked for  lunch when suddenly I decided to check the fridge for two types of fish.

"Oh God!! There is only one." I said to myself.

I was about to inform Jethi ma when she herself entered the kitchen with a packet of fish in her hand.

"I knew there was only one type of fish so I bought this. But there is no mishti doi (sweet curd/ yogurt ) ,so you have to buy it. " She told me. 

I nodded as I knew except me, Jethi ma and ma there is no one at home. 

I told the maid to cut the vegetables and went to my room to wear a decent salwar suit .

After that I left to buy yogurt.
I went to a nearby sweet shop which is quite famous in Kolkata. So as usual it was busy and crowded.

It took me almost 20 minutes to buy mishti doi and rosogolla. 

I was walking towards my home as it is just 15 minutes away when suddenly a car stopped right beside me making me startled. 
Composing myself, I was about to walk away when the door of the car opened.

"Aratrika, kothaye cholli? (Where are you going?)" 
I turned to see Debanjan da getting down from the car. 

Debanjan da is my Dada's best friend. They are working together in the same MNC company. 

"Oh Tumi !! Ami toh ei mishti kine Bari jachchilam, aaj Pishi , Pisho r tader chele, Moinak ese6e. (Oh you !!! I was just going towards my house after buying the sweets. Today we have guests, Paternal Aunt, her husband and their son Moinak) 
Didn't you go to the office?" I said to him. 

"Actually I had some work here. I will go now." He said. I nodded.

Suddenly I fell as if someone was watching me. I looked around but couldn't find anyone. I shrugged.

"Oh, then come, I will drop you." He said to me.

"No no...it's okay. I will go on my own. It will hardly take 15 minutes. You carry on." I said to him politely. 

"It's okay. Come,I will drop you. Your house will be on my way,so come. See it's already 11 am and the sun is literally killing us. Come come...I will drop you." He said to me.

I sighed.  Seeing him insisting on me so much, I nodded and sat inside the car.

All the while I felt that intense gaze on me. Though I shrugged it off ,I couldn't ignore the feeling.

But who was that person? 

Saptarshi's pov 

"Good morning, " I greeted everyone as I settled down on the chair for breakfast. 

Pimoni served me breakfast and Mom came with the tea from the kitchen.

"Maa, Don't make dinner tonight. We will go out to have dinner. " I said to her. 

Sanchita squealed in happiness and Baba laughed looking at her.

" Okay...but why?" Maa asked .

"There is no reason. Just wanted to take you guys out." I replied with a smile.

Maa nodded and Pimoni smiled .

"Okay Pimoni ,you get ready, I will drop you to your college." I said to her. 
She nodded. 

After having my breakfast, Baba left for work . 

He is an officer in a Bank.

 I drove  Pimoni to her college where she works as a Maths professor .
Then I went straight to the Police station. 

"Sir, Abhishek's parents want to meet you." A constable informed me.

I smirked inwardly and said ,"I am going in my cabin. Send him after 10 minutes." He nodded and left from there. I walked towards my cabin.

As I ordered, after 10 minutes Abhishek's parents entered my cabin.

"Hello Sir," They greeted me. I nodded.

"What brings you here?" I asked despite knowing the reason.

" Sir, it's about my boy. I know that you caught him taking drugs on that raid party. I just want to take him out of here.. he is a child...he made a mistake. Can he get bail?" Abhishek's father asked me.

"You said that he is a child, isn't it? Now tell me which child is seen taking drugs? In fact I didn't know that drugs are in  a child's diet as well!!" I said sarcastically. 

Abhishek's parents turned red in anger and humiliation. 

"Listen Sir, please let the story finish here itself. The whole life of my son is waiting ahead.  I won't let you destroy it by keeping him here …. in your custody. So please tell us when we should send our lawyer for his bail." His father said with arrogance.

I clenched my fist to control the bubbling anger within me.

Rubbing my forehead, I said ," What he did was a crime. We will produce them in court after two days. For your kind information, in this drugs cases, the accused can't get a bail as it is a cognizable offence. 
Only after the public prosecutor is heard and if the court is satisfied that there is no reason to believe the accused is guilty of the offence and the accused won't do this kind of crime while on bail, the bail will be granted. 
In this case he won't get a bail because I have enough proof against him which I can produce to the court.
I think you aren't aware of the law." 

Hearing my stern voice, they gulped.

"Please Sir, help me to release my son. Hide the proof and I will give you as much money as you want." His father offered.

That's it. It was the last straw which broke my patience level and my self control. I was livid by now.

I stood up from the chair, banging my hand on the table with force. 
"If you ever dared to mention bribery, I will throw you inside the lock up. Before I lose my calm, get out of here." 
Seeing me furious, both of them gulped and left from there.

I sat down on the chair and took a deep breath to calm myself down. 
I ordered tea for myself. 
"Hello." I was reading a case file when my phone rang and picked it up.

"Hello, where are you?" Hearing Akash's anxious voice, I diverted my attention from the file to my phone.

"In the police station . Why? What happened?" I asked.

" I need something urgent to discuss with you..about my marriage. I won't take your time much, just half an hour ." Akash said to me.

Rolling my eyes, I asked him, "Where are you?"

"New Alipore, Kanika and Priyansh are also here so come fast." Hearing him, my mind drifted to a certain someone.

Will she be there with them? 

It's not possible, her family will not allow her. 

But why the hell am I thinking about someone like her? She isn't as innocent as she looks . There is definitely a face hidden behind an innocent mask. In reality she is very clever , opportunistic and maybe a gold digger. 

I sighed ,shaking my head and left from there.
"Bro, I am near the cinema hall. Where are you?" I asked Akash on the phone.

Currently I am in New Alipore.

He told me about a coffee shop. After knowing the name and direction ,I started my bike. 

I was crossing a sweet shop when someone caught my attention. Someone was none other than Aratrika. 

I frowned when I saw her talking to a man and smiling at him . The man was good looking and looking at his car, I understood that he was rich.

My eyes stayed on her, who was wearing a white salwar suit with a dark pink dupatta around her neck. 

Suddenly she looked around and finally in my direction which made me turn my face to the other side .

 Again I looked back at them to see them talking with each other for sometime. After she sat inside his car, he drove towards God knows where. 

Unknowingly, this scene angered me as my jaw tickled in anger.

Clutching the handles of my bike in a firm grip , I drove towards my destination. 

She is characterless as well. I came to a conclusion. 
"Maa, are you guys ready?" I yelled from outside.

"Five minutes please. " Maa said . I shook my head.

It was already 8 pm. I was ready and was waiting in the living room along with Baba and Pimoni who were ready as well. Only Maa and Sanchita weren't done yet, God knows what they were doing.

Finally after 10 minutes, they walked out of Sanchita's room .

"Amra Kintu biebari jachchi nah." I joked as I saw them more than necessarily dolled up.
(We aren't going to a wedding function)

"Ohho Dada..tui bujhbi nah. Meye Der sundor dekhate koto ki korte hoi." Sanchita said sassily.
(Ohho Brother, you won't understand. Girls need much more to look beautiful. )

"Pimoni toh toder aage ready holo...kintu dekh tao toh koto misti lagche Pimoni ke !!!!." I said as I kept my hand around Pimoni's shoulder. 
(Pimoni was done before you guys. But see how pretty she is looking!!!)

Pimoni smiled ,patting my cheek. Baba smiled.

Maa's face was neutral. As usual she didn't like the praise for Pimoni from my mouth. Sanchita rolled her eyes.

We started to walk towards our car.

"Tar mane ki amra ma meye kharap dekhachchi, bolte ki Chas tui?" Maa said ,slapping my head . 
(Then you mean that we mother & daughter are looking ugly. What do you want to say!!)

We settled down on Baba's car. I was in the driver's seat, Baba took the shotgun. Maa, Pimoni and Sanchita sat on the back seats. 

We are going to Aana Rozana Kitchen. Priyansh told me that It's a nice restaurant.  I thought I would try it with my family.

" Tumi toh sundor lagcho. Tobe r ekjoner ta Jani nah ." I said with a wink. 
(You are looking beautiful. But I don't know about the other one.)

"Dada!!!" Sanchita shouted ,making us laugh.

Teasing her is so much fun.

We reached the restaurant. Luckily we got a table for ourselves. 

Everyone ordered their dishes. 

"It's been so long since I have ate outside. " Sanchita said dramatically.

"Last month didn't your friend throw a party in Arslan?" I asked with a frown. 

" So what? That's last month...I am talking about this month." Sanchita said.  I shook my head.

"By the way how's your studies going?" I asked her.

"Good.. all good  ." She said to me. 

She is studying History honours. This is her final year of Graduation.

"I think I need to visit her tuition once. I need to meet your professor."  Baba said . Pimoni and Maa were enjoying our conversation. 

"No..no.. Baba . I told you nah that I am doing well." She said immediately. 

"If you are doing good, why are you afraid?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. She gave me a sheepish smile.

"It would have been great if you would have taken admission in Dibhai's college. We would have gotten news very fast." Baba said.

Sanchita pouted. We laughed. 

After having our dinner ,we started for our home.

"The dinner was so amazing. " Baba said .

"Yes ,but who told you about the restaurant?" Pimoni asked me.

"Priyansh.  He came here last week." I said with a smile.

"This year we will order food from this restaurant for Sanchita's birthday ." Maa said, making Sanchita hug her with a big smile.
Baba nodded with a chuckle. 

"What about my birthday?" I asked Maa.

" There won't be any birthday party for you because no one loves you." Sanchita said ,poking her tongue. 

"Maa and Pimoni are going to cook for me because they know that I don't like hotel food much…. Now it explains who loves whom more." I said. Maa and Pimoni nodded with a chuckle.

Sanchita huffed in anger, making me laugh. 

Like this the day  came to an end with a beautiful night.
Aratrika's Pov 

The day was eventful.

After I came from the shop, My mother scolded me for coming late.

While cooking I burned my finger as I needed to cook in a hurry.

My Pishi ,Pisho and their son Moinak came to our house at around 1 pm.  Pishi ,Pisho as usual didn't leave a chance to taunt me.

 But Moinak isn't like this. He talks to me normally and maybe we don't share a close bond like Me and Dada share, but still he is cordial to me. He is five years younger than Me.

They had their lunch while talking about Kanika's marriage. 

After lunch, I remained  in my room . Jethi ma told me that she would handle the tea and snacks ,so I got time for myself till 9 pm because after that I needed to make dinner.

The time I got for myself was spent by painting and watching some dance videos from my phone which my Dada gifted me secretly. 

After dinner, I went back to my room. 

I was dead tired by now.

I was about to sleep when a knock made me alert.

"Aru, it's me. Open the door, fast." Hearing Dada's voice, I got up and opened the door.

"What happened?" I asked him.

Dada entered and sat on the bed.

"What happened ?" I asked him again. His silence was  making me panic.

The information he gave me was enough to make me faint.

How's the chapter?

What surprise does Aratrika get?

Next update will be soon.

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