20. New Feelings

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This Chapter is dedicated to my dearest buddy and the birthday girl SanjanaDE ❤ ..
Happy Birthday my partner in crime 🎂 ...
You deserve all the love, hugs, blessings and wishes😘😘😘.
Thank you for being there for me always ❤.

Enjoy the chapter.

Author's pov

Aratrika ran away from there and stood near the swing which was in the backyard of her house.

The tears she was trying to control rolled down her cheeks without her permission.

She knew that her life had become a hell now and never in her life she was going to experience her family's love for her once again.

Today after watching Kanika being blessed by her family lovingly made her feel more miserable than she feels everyday.

Thinking all these things her sobbing increased and she sobbed by pressing her mouth with her palm so as not to make sounds which might attract unwanted attention.

It's her sister's function and she didn't want to ruin it.

But unknown to her there was someone who was watching her ...there was someone who was feeling pain by seeing her tears.

That was none other than Saptarshi who had followed her. Seeing her crying like this he had the sudden urge to destroy the reason for her tears so that her innocent face never gets teary and painful. He really wanted to know the reason but right now all he wanted was to make her stop crying as he didn't like seeing her like this a bit .

He wanted to go towards her and console her but he couldn't as they didn't share any kind of comfort zone or relationship where he had the right to console her. His brain reminded him that.
And that thought disturbed him a lot and irritated him as well.

Throwing all these unnecessary thoughts and restrictions away he decided to do as his heart wanted to do.

He was about to walk towards her when he saw a lady walking towards Aratrika. He remembered very well that she was Promita ,her Paternal Aunt (Pishi).

By the looks she was giving to Aratrika--- grinding her teeth while saying something, a look of displeasure and loathe on her face and most importantly the venom in her eyes---- all these were telling him that her Pishi didn't like Aratrika a bit. His fingers curled into a fist in anger as he saw how That lady was holding Aratrika's arm in a very tight grip. His anger increased more as he saw Aratrika's crumbled up in pain due to the grip. He also noticed that Aratrika was crying more than before after whatever the lady was telling her.

Enough is enough .

He decided to stop it.

"Aratrika " He walked towards them. Hearing him they both turned towards her and his eyes met with Aratrika's eyes. He literally felt his heart breaking a bit as his eyes noticed her painful teary eyes .

Within a second Aratrika's pishi left her hand and gave a fake smile to Saptarshi. Saptarshi kept his face neutral otherwise he was a minute away from breaking her hand with which she created a dark red bruise on Aratrika's hand. Aratrika swiftly wiped her tears.

"Aratrika, you are here... Actually Anu is searching for you. Come." Saptarshi said to Aratrika.

"Saptarshi, you go. I will bring Aratrika with me. Isn't it Aratrika?" Pisi said with fake sweetness. Saptarshi noticed how Aratrika shivered a bit hearing her Pishi.

"No , you don't have to worry. I will take her with me. Anu told me to bring her and now if I don't take her with me ,Anu would've killed me with her glares." Saptarshi said with a fake laugh.

"Let's go." Saptarshi said to Aratrika softly. She nodded and started to walk with him.

While leaving Saptarshi felt a burning gaze on his back and knowing who it was, he smirked.

As they walked towards the hall, Saptarshi's heart beat increased a bit for a certain someone who was beside him. He was stealing glances at her and a sudden urge of holding her hand aroused in his heart but he shooed that urge away as he didn't want to prove himself as a pervert and desperate guy in front of Aratrika.

On the other hand Aratrika was busy in her thoughts. The words her Pishi used on her were ringing in her ears and piercing her soul.
"What are you trying to do? Are you trying to destroy your sister's happiness by these fake tears of yours? Like crying here then gaining attention so that people out there will sympathize with you . In this way the family which is providing you food, the family which is your own and most importantly the family which provided you a shelter after you destroyed their everything, you are trying to malign their names by crying these fake tears of yours. Listen you girl, if you are planning anything like this, let me tell you I won't leave you at peace. I know how to handle a girl like you.
And another thing there are many male members from the side of your sister's in-laws, so control your hunger for men. Don't show your character in front of everyone otherwise it may hamper your sister's married life.
And stay away from Akash...I don't want your evil eyes on him and our Kanika's happiness. "
These were the exact words Promita told to Aratrika .
Unknowingly once again her eyes filled with tears once again as she was once made to realise how much her own family hated her.

A throat clearing sound broke her thoughts. She looked to her right to see Saptarshi walking along with her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her softly, looking at her.

Aratrika nodded at him and looked down. Once again she was surprised by him as she couldn't understand why he was suddenly being so soft towards her.

" Aratrika, I don't know what is the exact reason for your crying...but I can guess that it was your Pishi who made you more sad than you were already." He said to her.

Aratrika's eyes widened.

"Does that mean he knows that I was crying before as well? Was he...was he following me?" Aratrika thought and peeked at him.

Saptarshi cursed under his breath as he registered the words which he had spoken.

"Can't you just control your mouth?" He scolded himself.

Clearing his throat, he said , " Umm...I...What I mean is don't let anyone's words affect you if you know that you are honest and pure. Moreover it's a great day for your sister..so don't spoil your mood... enjoy the day."

Once again he cursed under his breath as he felt how bad he was at consoling a crying woman.

Aratrika nodded her head. She understood that he was trying to console her without knowing the reason. Unknowingly a warmth spread all over her as she saw his effort just to make her feel good.
After many years, for the first time someone tried to make her feel good . She liked the feeling.

As they reached the hall, Aratrika asked him, "Where is Anu?"

Saptarshi liked how soft her voice was. It felt like soft and soothing music to his ears.

"Umm... there she is....come " Smiling a bit, Saptarshi said to him and walked towards Anu who was sitting with Priyansh and they were busy bickering about something.

He was so busy in Aratrika that he completely forgot that the reason for which he brought Aratrika here was just an excuse. It was fake.

They reached there and Aratrika stood beside Anu . Bit Anu and Priyansh were too busy bickering to notice their surroundings.

Saptarshi was about to walk down when suddenly he stopped and turned towards Aratrika.

"Umm...Aratrika, " he called her .

Aratrika looked at him. Somewhere she felt different the way her name sounded from his mouth . But she ignored that silly thought.

"Maybe because he called her by her name for the first time. That's why it sounded new-new to her." She thought.

" I am sorry for my previous behaviour. I ....I know I don't have anything which will justify my rude behaviour , but still forgive me. I am really ashamed of my behaviour." He said to her.

Aratrika could only see sincerity and Shame in his eyes as he apologised.

She decided to forgive him . Though he didn't have any right to insult her the way he did , she decided to forgive him as she had noticed how everytime he was sincere with his apology.

"He didn't know me, that's why he misunderstood me. Moreover how can I not forgive when he is being honestly ashamed, whereas my own family misunderstood me despite knowing me. " She thought.

"It's okay Saptarshi, I don't hold any grudges against you. " She said to him softly with a smile.

Saptarshi's heart skipped a beat at that very moment as he got a smile from her which was solely for himself and not to forget the way his name sounded from her mouth.

He never ever loved his name so much before.

Today he has got a reason for which he has fallen in love with his own name.


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