21. Shocked

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Saptarshi's Pov 

"Good Morning,." I greeted Baba when I saw him sitting on the sofa as I entered the living room after taking a shower after my workout session.

" Morning Morning. " He greeted me with a smile.

"Aaj taratari uthle? (Why did you wake up so early?)" I asked him. 

It is just 7:30 am. Usually on Sunday everyone sleeps till 8 am except me. I woke up at 6 am as always.

"Kichu nah emni. Ghum venge gechilo Tai. ( Nothing..just. My sleep broke that's why.)" Baba said and gestured to me to sit beside him. I did as he said.

Then we had a good conversation about our individual works and other things related to it. 

We were in the middle of our conversation when Maa and Pimoni joined us. 

Then I along with my father went to the market to buy vegetables, fish and other necessary things for a week which we do every Sunday. 
"Oh tora ese gechis.. ne ne taratari fresh hoe ne… Breakfast ready hoe geche. ( Oh, you guys have come.  Now Go and freshen up fast. Breakfast is ready.)" Pimoni said as soon as she spotted us entering the house.

Baba went to take a bath. After keeping the bags in the kitchen ,I went to my room as well to take a shower.

At around 10 am  we sat down to have breakfast together. 

We were having breakfast while talking with each other, when an extremely irritating voice reached my ears.

"Aunty, kemon acho? (Aunty, how are you?)"

No brownie Points for guessing, it was Sreetoma. 

"Oh, Sreetoma , Tanusree ..ay ay. (Oh ,Sreetoma and Tamusree, come come." My Maa excitedly greeted them. 

They came to the dining table and sat down with us as Maa told them. 
In fact she filled their plates with food despite their denial.

"It's okay Aunty,we had our breakfast." Sreetoma said. 

"No...you have to eat." Maa said to her, smiling.

"Okay. Only because of you I am eating." Sreetoma said with a pout. 

Seeing Sreetoma's  over obedient attitude towards my mother, I rolled my eyes. 

Every alternate day this irritating girl comes to our house. I know the reason very well.
 From the time she has heard that Maa is going to search for a bride for me, Sreetoma has started her mission to impress Maa. She is behaving the way Maa likes , she is talking the way my Maa appreciates and everything she is doing just to be in Maa's favourites list. She is just pretending to be someone which she isn't . And this disgusts me to the core.

Honestly at first when I met her, I was okay with her as I saw her as my sister's best friend's sister only. But from the time I realised that she was hitting on me, I started to dislike her. But today ,seeing her pretending to be someone which clearly she isn't and faking her personality, somehow my disgust towards her has born within me.

But as usual I can't say anything due to my Maa and my sister who to my bad luck had become her fan.

Maa patted her head, making her blush . I made a face seeing her drama.

Sanchita was talking with Tanusree whereas Maa and Sreetoma were busy in their god-knows-what talks. Only Baba and Pimoni and me were silently having breakfast. 

I gobbled down the food as soon as possible as I wanted to escape the piercing eyes of Sreetoma which was making me uncomfortable. 

" I am done. I am going to my room." I said as I got up.

"Aare Dada, ektu bose nah.. dekh Sreetoma Di eseche… kotha bol or sathe." (Dada, sit a bit please. See ,Sreetoma Di is here, give her company) Sanchita said, making me clench my fist.

Sreetoma opened her mouth to say something but I immediately interrupted, making my point clear .
"I have some work.. so please excuse me." 

"Tui Jah.. Kichu lagle bolis ,Ami pathie debo tor room e (You go… if you need something tell me, I will send it to you.)" Pimoni said to me .. Maybe she understood my discomfort. 

I smiled at her and nodded . But soon my smile wiped away as soon as my eyes fell on Sreetoma who made a face at Pimoni and her eyes were shooting daggers at Pimoni. This made me beyond angry.

No one noticed this but I did. 

I rubbed my forehead to control my anger. I didn't want to create a scene. 

"Dada, please stay…" Sanchita whined.

"Chup Chap Kha , edik odik nah takie." Though I said to Sanchita sternly , my eyes were on Sreetoma and my words were for her as well.

Sreetoma was startled hearing my stern voice and looked at me. I immediately looked at Sanchita whose face fell a bit.

I didn't say anything to Sreetoma but it didn't mean that I left her easily. 

I will definitely take her class at the correct time for disrespecting my family.

"Saptarshi, Keno evabe kotha bolchis boner sathe sobar samne? (Saptarshi, why are you talking like this with your sister in front of everyone ?)" Maa said to me sternly.

"O ke bolo unnecessary kotha Kom bolte. (Tell her, not to talk unnecessarily. " I said to Maa and left from there. 

As soon as I entered my room, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. 

As the anger started to leave my body,  I realised that I shouldn't have talked to Sanchita like this. Though she was requesting me unnecessarily but still I should have handled it calmly. 

But my anger and words were solely towards Sreetoma who was disrespecting Pimoni .

"Anyways, I will apologise to Sanchita." I said to myself and took my laptop. 

I walked towards my bed and sat there comfortably. 

Opening my laptop I went to the Gmail section and opened it to check the important mails .

As I was checking the mail ,my eyes went to Akash's mail which he had sent me yesterday . It contained the photos of his Aashirwad ceremony which happened last Sunday.

I opened it and checked the photos he sent to me. 

While checking the photos my eyes stuck on a particular photo.

The photo of Aratrika. 

I touched the photo lightly and a smile appeared on my lips as I remembered how she smiled at me that day when I apologised to her.

Suddenly an urge of seeing her face to face appeared in my heart but I shooed the urge away.

"Don't behave like a teenager." I scolded my heart.

That day changed so many things in my life.

That day I came face to face with some truths. I saw those two men with whom I saw Aratrika two years ago and a month ago. One of them was Suporno's friend, Debanjan who came along with his girlfriend  ,she was the girl who was with Aratrika in the book fair when the first time I saw her. And another was Aratrika's cousin Moinak.

After knowing the truth, I was feeling extremely guilty for blaming her for being characterless girl...judging her without any reason.

"You were  busy finding a reason to hate her because you knew that your mother wouldn't agree for a love Marriage. And when you saw her with those two men, your searching for the reason finished. You just tried to make yourself hate her by assuming that she was characterless as she was roaming around with boys." My heart said to me.

Yes , I agree. But that doesn't lessen my guilt as it was totally wrong on my part to judge her unnecessarily. 

I wanted to apologise to her once again but then I realized that I didn't have her number. 

"I need to get her number. " I mumbled to myself. 

"Whose number do you want?" Hearing the voice I jumped at my place and turned around only to get almost a heart attack.

How's the chapter?

Let me know.

I am sorry for being so late as I was stuck in some personal matter.

But from now you will get updates properly.

Next Update will be on Thursday (at night).

Enjoy reading.

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