56. Angry Husband

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Author's pov

"Stop freaking out, Aru. And stop walking like that..you are giving me a headache." Saptarshi said as he held her shoulders. Aratrika was walking from one corner to another corner in her room.

She glared at Saptarshi and shrugged his hands away.

"Here I am dying in anxiety thinking about the dinner tonight. How will I make it? I can't use the kitchen as well. Do you have any idea about the pressure which was on me ? Boro Masi asked me to cook something for her and if I can't fulfil it ,do you know what will happen? Mamoni and Boromasi will be so angry with me. Baba, Pimoni ,Sanchita everyone will be so upset. I don't want that.

And you are asking me not to freak out!!! How can I not?

And if I am giving you a headache,  leave me at my own condition. I will manage without disturbing you. " She said with an angry huff.

Saptarshi looked at her with his eyes widened. He had never seen her anger before.

"What?" She asked with annoyance, feeling his gaze on her.

He smiled a bit and pulled her in his arms. She struggled a bit but ultimately stopped and relaxed in his arms.

"I have never seen your anger before. This is the first time I am seeing it. Trust me, I loved it… at least you can also get angry. Otherwise I was thinking that my wife can only be sweet which may cause me diabetes." He said.

She blushed in embarrassment.

"I didn't want to be angry…I am sorry. " She said, looking down.

He pulled her chin up and looked straight in her eyes.

"Never say sorry for expressing yourself freely. That's what I want you to do.
If you dislike something about me, tell me ;if you want something more from our relationship, tell me ; if you are not satisfied with some reason be it in our relationship or anything else ,tell me….. Talk to me freely about anything and everything.
It's for me..it's also for you…for us.
Because communication is important .

Most importantly,if someone is insulting you, take a stand for yourself . I will be there for you for sure but I want you to take a stand for yourself. " He said to her.

Aratrika nodded and hugged him ,keeping her head on his chest .

" We need to make the food." Saptarshi said to Aratrika.

Aratrika looked up at him in surprise and asked, "Do you know cooking?"

Saptarshi smiled sheepishly. Rubbing his neck, he replied, "Basics..like kneading a dough, marinating the meat , making tea, coffee, noodles and pakoras(fritters)."

"It's more than enough." She replied.

"But what are we going to make today?" Saptarshi asked her.

"The main problem is how are we going to cook today?" She asked ,getting panicked.

"Don't worry, we will cook in the kitchen…I will make sure of it .. Come with me." He said and dragged a confused Aratrika with him to the hall where everyone was present as it was lunch time.
"Maa ,I need to talk to you." Saptarshi said to his mother. It was 5 pm. They were in the living room.

Everyone was present there except Aratrika and Sanchita because they went to buy the groceries for dinner. Sanonda also accompanied them.

Piyali nodded.

"Maa, Boromasi wanted to eat Aratrika's handmade food. So she needs to use the kitchen." He said to her.

Piyali glared at him.

"But I already told you that I don't want her to step inside my kitchen and my temple. And that's final." She said ,glaring at Saptarshi.

"But it's not possible to cook without gas. One induction won't be enough as well. And obviously I will not let my wife use the stove …it needs hard work to handle it." Saptarshi stated clearly.

"Oh you won't let your wife do the hard work but you will not go against your mother's words. Wow…. Ekhon thekei bou er side  nichchis !!! (You have started to take your wife's side from now!!!)" Piyali asked angrily.

"It's not about the side ,Maa.
It's ridiculous that you are asking her not to use the kitchen but prepare the food. Why are you behaving like those mother in law of the serials…this doesn't make sense. Please, stop doing all these." Saptarshi replied ,frustrated.

"It is nonsense!!! Now my decisions are nonsense to you. " Piyali asked angrily.

"It's not nonsense." Siddhartha's voice stopped them. Everyone looked at him.

" Yes, it's not nonsense. It's more than that….it's childish. Whatever you are doing is childish, Piyali.
Are you taking their lives as a fictional world? Do you really think in reality it's possible for her to cook dinner without using the kitchen and other things!!!
You won't want them to use the gas, the spices, the vegetables, the rice, the pulse, anything…but you want the food.
How will Aratrika cook? By A magic!!
Suppose, as you asked them..they won't use the things and kitchen.
They will buy groceries and cook the food in induction.
And I know very well what you will do after that.
You will not eat because the ingredients were bought by her.

Why are you doing all these? You were not this sadistic, Piyali. I expected better from you." Siddhartha said to her. Anger was present in his tone.

"But I don't accept her as my daughter in law…she is just an unwanted guest….why will I allow her to enter my kitchen? Moreover she is a widow." Piyali argued.

"Stop behaving like an uneducated person!! Widow…widow…widow…you have been chanting this from day one itself. In which era you are living!!! You claimed to be modern and here you are doing injustice on the newly girl in the house just because she was a widow.
In Fact she isn't a widow anymore…she is married …married to your son .. can't you see that?" Siddhartha said being agitated.

Saptarshi can understand how angry his father became. Piyali gasped in shock.

"Please , calm down. If Piyali doesn't want her to use the kitchen, let it be…."

Before Lolita could complete, Siddhartha interrupted her, "Please, I respect you . But please,you stay out of my family matters. Don't try to fuel the fire anymore. Stop encouraging your sister in this nonsense..it won't take you and her anywhere."

"You can't talk to my sister like that." Piyali argued angrily.

"And you can do injustice to your daughter in law and your son as well…how hypocritical you are!!" Siddhartha mocked her. Piyali chose to remain silent.

"Listen Saptarshi, tell Aratrika to take the kitchen and be comfortable in whatever she was going to make. If anyone tries to disturb her, call me. I will see who has the guts to go against my words." Siddhartha said in his cold tone and left after glaring at Piyali.
Saptarshi shook his head ,looking at his mother and boromasi and left as well.

"Listen, we will stop her from entering the kitchen. You don't worry." Lolita said to her.

"No Lolita, I can't go against Siddhartha. He is already very angry with me ….has been like this from the day this marriage drama started.
You don't know his anger. He is the most calm person but He is dangerous when he is angry.
I don't want him to be more angry.
Let Aratrika cook today. I will not allow her from the next day." Piyali said and left to find her husband.

Lolita shrugged with a small smile.

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