Chapter 10

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Ok so in this I'm going to be descibing you. You can put your own features instead but this is the way I imagined her/you.

3rd person's P.O.V-

Once the vampires realized they were far enough and no one was chasing them they stopped and once they all agreed they had to see where the Thompsons where and to get
Y/n. They had landed after seeing that who ever was shining the light on them was gone. Sure enough Tony and his parents where there looking around in confusion.

"Where did you guys go?" Tom asked the family.

"And where's Y/n?" Tony asked added.

"We were here talking but a arrow flew at Rudolph. Y/n had pushed him away and got hit instead. Who ever it was had come prepared and shined a light on us we flew but Y/n wasn't able to follow us with an arrow in her leg." Anna explained.

"If she's not here then where is she?" Tony asked.

"Well since the persons not here they must have got what they came for- a vampire and left or she she got away- which isn't likely and their tracking her down." Gregory said then added, "I'm suprized that she didn't turn into ashes when the arrow hit her."

"Even if she's alive then where would we even start looking?" Anna asked.

"Rudolph, where do we start looking?" Tony asked him.

Suddenly everyone looked over to him. "Me?" Rudolph asked confused.

"Rudolph you know her best would she have escaped or got caught?" Tony asked.

Rudolph galnced away in thought aware of everyones eyes on him.


"She would have escaped." Rudolph said looking back to them.

"Are you sure? It would have been hard to escape with her injures." Fredrick said with a raised eyebrow.

"She would have escaped, she's stronger then she looks." Rudolph said with a determeded nod.

"Alright we'll have to look for her then." Gregory said.

"Where do we even start?" Anna mused.

Everyone glanced at each other before looking at Rudolph.

"I know her best but I'm not a mind reader." Rudolph said with an annoyed look.

Rudolph saw his mother smiling at him softly and she said, "Rudolph?"

"Yeah?..." He said eyebrow rasied with confusion.

"Close your eyes." Freda said her voice soft but demanding at the same time.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Close your eyes." She repeated.

He sighed and rolled his eyes, muttering somthing under his breath that no one could hear but he reluctantly closed his eyes.

"Freda.." Fredrick said to his wife with a warning voice. Then added, "I know what your doing."

"Fredrick you can't deny it for much longer." She said.

"Anyone mind filling me in?" Rudolph said annoyed.

"What do you see?" Freda siad her voice calm.

"The inside of my eyelids." Rudolph replied sarcastically, obviously not impressed with this.

"Get creative." She said.

"Look! we don't have time for this! we need to-" Rudolph said but got cut off.

"Rudolph.." Freda said in a warning voice.

He sighed, "Look.. I.. I don't know." He said scrunching up his face, eyes still closed, everyone watching to see what was going to happen.

"Don't get fustereted. What is the first thing that comes to mind. What are you thinking right now?" She said.

"I... Y/n." He said.

"What does her hair look like?" She asked.

"It's black."


He sighed. "A-A raven.. fercie and deremanded." He said his voice almost a whisper but everyone could still hear.

"What about the things she does. eating, walking, talking, anything." Freda said with a faint, proud smile on her face.

"Perfect.. Gracful and beatiful like swan. Wild and free like a mustang. Interging and demanding like a cat." He whispered but since it was dead silent everyone could still hear. Rudolph now looked compeatly calm while talking, eyes still closed.

"What about her eyes?" She said.

"At first they.. they were like ice. Frosty and always had a barrier up but.. then it became like the ocean. Dark and frightening water but also calm and free. It's a risk going in them, you might not ever get out but.. it's because you don't want to leave. Because once you go in... you can't imagine what it's like living life without the ocean. It's so easy to get lost in them.." He whispered. He was talking about the ocean but also her beatiful, gorgous eyes.

Everyone was a little shocked to hear Rudolph say that, no one wold have expected Rudolph to say anything like that. Somthing so deep and emotional. How soft and in awe he was when speaking.

"Focus Rudolph. Where is she?" Fredia said her voice detremended.

"In a cave..." He said. Everyone stood there shooked. How could he possibly know where she is. Though Fredrick sighed though a small sort of sad smile came to his face.

"I guess it is true." He muttered under his breath.

"How bad is she hurt?"

"....Unconscious." He repiled.

"Which way?" Freida asked.

"I... " He said.

Suddenly Rudolph's eye's snapped open turning to his left, his eyes fierce and determined. He narrowed his eyes and said,

"This way."

Hope you enjoyed! Vote and Comment!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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