Chapter 11

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3rd person P.O.V-

The Sackville-Bagg's and Thompson's were walking through the woods, following Rudolph. Everyone was wondering how Rudolph would find her. How could he know the exact place she was at? Though Freda, Fredrick and Gregory didn't seem to worried about it. Everyone else guessed they knew how Rudolph knew where she was. Anna was the first that lost her patience with the situation. She hated it when people kept secrets, she knew some secrets were meant to be kept but still- she hated it when people kept it from her.

"Ok what's going on here. Am I the only one that thinks this isn't possible. There is no way Rudolph can know where she is, it doesn't make sense." Anna said sharply.

Rudolph was in the front and kept going not seeming to hear or acknowledge her. Freda and Fredrick were behind Rudolph but not close at all because Rudolph was quite a distance away but just enough for them to see him. Tony and Anna were right behind Freda and Fredrick then Tony and Anna right behind them then Dottie and Bob right behind them. Gregory was by the kids but more off to the side. It didn't seem that he was paying attention but Gregory can be... tricky. He was most definitely listening. Dottie and Tom seemed like they were listening in as well, paying attention because they were confused as well.

When Anna spoke from behind them Freda and Fredrick looked at each other and looked back to the rest of the group behind them making sure Rudolph couldn't hear them, "Well it's complicated, I'm sure Anna just forgot about this but mortals probably shouldn't know about this. Instead of dating, vampires mate. They can get married but most don't. A relationship with vampire is different then relationships with mortals. A vampire only has one lover. It's like.." Freda said trailing off trying to think of the word.

"Soulmates?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I believe that's mortals call them. You and your mate are destine to meet. Fate will eventually draw you together one way or another. If your soulmate dies you don't get another one. When you die and you never meet your soulmate then you go over into another life to meet them. You and your soulmate are connected, you will always find your way back to each other. You can see through each other's lies and know what they are truly feeling." Freda said.

"And Rudolph is going to find Y/n because their soulmates." Tony said, not really meaning to say that out loud.

"Huh everything is making a lot more sense now. Wait but why did Rudolph meet his soulmate before Gregory, I mean he is older." Anna asked.

"It doesn't matter about age. Like I said some people's soulmates are already dead in this world but when they die they get another chance to meet their soulmate in another life. It keeps going until you meet your soulmate." Fredia says.

"Oh." Anna says.

"I had suspicions when we first saw her." Fredia said then added looking over to Fredrick, "Remeber when I first dragged you by the ear." She had a small smirk on her face looking over at him.

"Yeah well it's so obvious he's in love, I mean you heard his speach." Gregory said joing the converstion with a small chuckle.

"Um guys hate to ruin the converstion but.. where's Rudolph?" Tony asked loooking up ahead. Everyone's head snapped over to where Rudolph was last but only he wasn't there anymore.

"Oh crap." Gregory said.

Everyone went up into the air to get a birds eye veiw of the place, hoping to see Rudolph from in the sky.

Anna held Tony's hand while Dottie and Bob were being helped up by Freda and Fredrick.

"Wait there!" Gregory said and pointed to a place right by a cave, he must have seen Rudolph.

They all land in front of the cave. It wasn't dark sense it was so small and the moonlight made it easy to see. They saw Rudolph he was on his knees shaking something. They quickly went up besides him and saw he wasn't shaking somthing but someone, Y/n.

You could hear Rudolph saying softly, "Come on Y/n wake up."

She looked to be passed out but her breathing was shallow. The stake in her leg still and looked like it was bleeding since there was a large amout of blood. You could see her eyes flutter open slightly.

"Hey Y/n! I'm so glad your ok. Let's get up-" Rudolph said but someone caught him off.

"Rudolph." Fredrick said softly. It was weird they never really heard him talk like that. Rudolph turned his head to his father with an raised eyebrow, waiting for him to speak.

"She should have died when the spear first hit her." Fredrick said with a sigh.

"So.. she didn't."

"Have you ever wondered why her eyes are blue? Their blue because she not a full vampire. You aren't able to turn anyone into a full vampire because your still a fledging yourself. You might have been born a vampire but you never had human blood before so you aren't a full vampire. Your still full vampire but you were a fledgling. Now since you had blood you'd be a regular vampire now. She's a half breed." Fredrick said his voice getting sadder. The others could tell that something was wrong.

"I.. I-I don't understand, why does it matter? Why are you telling me this?" Rudolph asked confused.

"Because the reason she didn't die right away is because her human side is fighting off.. well dying. Though her human side can only keep her alive for so long, what is happening is she's dying slowly and... we can't do anything to stop it." Fredrick said quitly though everyone could hear including Y/n.

Rudolph was looking into his father's eyes, begging for him to be joking but all he found was the devastating truth that she's dying and there's nothing that anyone can do.

"No.. no y-your lying! She's not... No. This.. y-your wrong." Rudolph said his eyes fulling up with tears. His head swung back to Y/n, his eyes wide.

That's when everyone knew. They were mates, soulmates. The look in his eyes said it all, the look of guilt, the look of hurt, the look of pure, raw agony in his eyes of the truth, the cold hard truth that she was dying. There was no way to help it. Everyone slowly backed out of the cave letting Rudolph say his goodbye except Tony. Everyone else went far enough back to where they couldn't hear them.

Tony knelt down on Y/n's other side. "I know we were only friends for a week but you had already bacame like a sister to me in that time." Tony said softly his eyes glazed over slightly.

"You know.. I've always wanted a brother." Y/n whispered softly, bring her left hand that Tony was by up.

He slowly let his hand grasp onto hers. Tony shut his eyes tight a single tear rolling down his cheek. He let out a shaky breathe and opened his eyes letting a small sad smile come onto his face.

"Bye Y/n."

"Bye Tony."

Tony slowly got up his hand slowly sliping out of hers.

Once he was up he started walking away, he looked back at Rudolph. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. He wanted to say something to his best friend but nothing came out of his mouth. There wasn't anything he could say. So he left the cave joining up with the others sadly.

Rudolph looked into her gorgous ocean blue eyes, getting lost in the depts of the wild and free ocean in her eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry." He said quietly, tears dripping down his cheeks as he held back sobs.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" She whispered softly.

Y/n's P.O.V-

I was in agony my body hurt all over like the inside of me was being ripped apart but that wasn't what hurt me the most. Rudolph, he was crying. I felt my heart break as I heard him apologize when he didn't have anything to be sorry for.

"What do you have to be sorry for?" I whispered softly looking into his fiery red eyes. His eyes used to be like fire, wild and rambunctious. It was all over the place. Fire that spred and caused havoc. His eyes were still fiery but it was a different this time. This time his fiery eyes was contained. Not trapped but tame. Like for the first time in a long time it knew excatly what he wanted, had one goal. His fire isn't spreading all over the place like before. Now it was only coming for her. Like the ice and the fire were being drawn together. They never wanted to separate.

"I.. I'm the only who turned you into a vampire, if I never went and turned you into a vampire then you-you wouldn't be here." He said a small sob escaping his lips. Then continued, "I'm s-so sorry, I regret it. I wish I could take it back but I-I can't."

"Hey." I whispered softly. I let my hand go on his cheek which had tears on it. I used my thumb to carfully wipe away his tears. His head leaned into my hand and his hand going on mine. I didn't have much strength- I felt so weak but what enegry I did have I gave it all to him. I knew I wasn't going to make it. I couldn't exactly focus on what they were saying but I knew it wasn't good.

"Don't ever apologize or regret doing what you did. You turning me into a vampire was one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. Meeting you is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I didn't even realized I was trapped until you came. You.. set me free. You let me live my life even if it was only for a little bit." I say my voice cracking, a single tear falling.

"I love you with everything I have, I didn't know it was possible for me love somthing so much that I would die for it." I whisper softly. More tears came out of Rudolph's eyes.

"When I'm gone don't shut people out. Don't clsoe yourself off from people, that's my biggest mistake. What's your biggest accomplishment?" I said my mind whirling with pain but I wanted to know. What was his biggest achievement? I wanted to think about what he did that he doesn't regret, before I die. Especially when I have so many regrets.

"You. I kept thinking that you were my biggest mistake but that's not what you really are. You, meeting you was my biggest acompilment. I love you and I always will, for all of eternity." He said as quite tears rolled down both of our cheeks.

He slowly let his head go down to mine, out nose and foreheads touching, our breathing in sync.

"I love you." I whispered softly knowing this would be the last and only time I could say it to him.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

I felt so... tired. My body felt like it was going competely numb. It spread up to my lunges and stomach and I couldn't breath but I wasn't scared, Rudolph is here with me and that's all that matters. I took one last breathe and let my eyes slowly close. Right before I competely left I felt a tear drop that wasn't my own fall onto my face. It was Rudolph's.

I let his voice echo in my head as everything went black, I love you and I always will, for all of eterenty.

Ok so if you want to stop the story here you can but if you want an happy ending, I'm going to make that. Go to the next chapter and I will continue it. Vote and Comment!! Byeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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