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A/N: I love you guys so much! Your kind words really made me feel better. I'm gonna keep writing. Seriously, thank you! :) Hope y'all enjoy


It was five Am on a Monday morning and I was sitting in the park, watching the sun rise alone. The weather was starting to get warmer, making it perfect for mornings like these.

"Doctor Coleman?"

I look behind me to see Christopher with a dog, a sweaty shirt with the words Army across it in black letters, and some athletic shorts. I never noticed how strong Christopher was...

oh my, Stop it Ellie, you know Leo wouldn't like you looking at other men!

"Hey Christopher, what are you doing here?" I asked, breaking myself out of a trance

"Oh, I always go on runs this early. Keeps my mind clear, and it keeps Onyx here quiet."

I looked towards the black lab as Christopher walked over to me.

"Aw, he is cute."

Onyx suddenly jumped on me and started sniffing and licking me. He pushed me back into the bench with me laughing and giggling.

"Onyx down!" Christopher sternly commanded

He jumped off of me and walked behind Christopher, whimpering but soon giving his attention to a nearby squirrel.

"Sorry, he likes people way too much."

"It's fine. I love dogs, been awhile since I had one though."

"They're a handful. One time I had to keep him in his cage because he thought it would be cute to run through our neighbors cook out. Turns out he was chasing a squirrel."

I laughed.

"Onyx, very bad dog." I teased

He looked up at me with a blank stare and then laid back down. I looked towards Christopher.

"So how have you been?" I asked him softly

He joined me on the bench with Onyx's leash still tightly held in his hand.

"I've been okay. It's a slow time going, but hey, I'm still alive." He said with a small smile

"You need to talk about anything?" I asked him

"No, well, not at the moment. If I do, I'll make an appointment. How was Italy?" He asked

I smiled widely.

"Beautiful. You should go one day, it's very serene and historic. We actually went to Venice."

"Hm, well that is pretty interesting. Let me guess, Leo is your boyfriend now, right?"

I smirk.

"Something like that."

He smiles.

"I am happy for you doc, I finally see this happy glow in you that I've never seen before."

I was a little put off.


"Yeah. I mean, you're an excellent doctor but, even I could tell you had your own troubles you were going through."

"Well, everyone does. Even as a psychologist, I have problems as well." I murmured, rubbing my wrists subconsciously

"Well, you have a point."

Onyx started getting rowdy, and with a heavy sigh, Chris got off of the bench.

"I gotta start walking or he'll get more antsy. You're welcome to come if you want."

As I got up, my phone rang.

"One second." I say

I look and see it's Leo.

"Hello?" I ask

"Hey, where are you, you aren't at home."

"I'm at the park. Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing Pet, I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you with some one? I don't like you being in the park when it's dark alone."

"I'm fine, I'm with Christopher. What has you up so early?" I ask him

"Uh, I couldn't sleep. And I know you were still home alone so I decided to come over. But then, I thought it would be mean to just let myself in and you're sleeping, so I called instead."

I heard the smile in his voice.

"Well, if you want, you can come to the park with me. Sun hasn't risen yet. But it will soon."

"Hm, okay, I'll take you up on that. Be there in five."

"Okay, bye."

"He's coming?"

"Yeah. That okay?"

"Of course. To make sure you're safe, I'll sit with you until he gets here."

"What about Onyx?" I ask

"He'll be fine. Plus I'd get my ass kicked if I left and something happened." He smirked

"Good call."

"So, Doc, when did you and Leo get so close?"

"You know, even I wonder that myself. It's like one day we were friends and the next... embarking on the unknown."

"He treat you right?"

"The very best." I smile to myself

"Good. That's all I ever want for you."

I felt there was something unspoken, but I chose not to ask. I saw Christopher look over and I followed his gaze to see Leo coming.

"That's my cue. I'll see you around, Doc." He smiled

He got off of the bench and walked away with Onyx pulling him along.


I soon met up with Ellie and sat down next to her.

"Hey beautiful." I murmured

"Hey. How are you this morning?" she smiled

"Good. Just couldn't sleep." I kissed her cheek

She leaned on me and I held her close.

"So what made you come out here to the park?"

"Honestly? I was gonna go on a run. That run turned into a walk, and then that walk had me turn up here." she smirked

"Why would you go on a run?"

"Uh, to make room for later on today."

"You mean for the cook out?"


"You know I don't like you not eating. Did you even eat yesterday?"

"Yes..." I heard her trail off

"Ellie, you know how I feel about you lying. Tell the truth."

"No Sir, I have not. I just wasn't hungry." She said quietly

I stood up abruptly.

"That's it, we're going to get something to eat."

"Sir I'm f-"

"Get up, Ellie." I sternly commanded

She got up slowly and looked down. I grabbed her hand and walked to my car with her in tow. I unlocked it and let go of her hand.

"In." I said simply

She got into the passenger seat, and I got into the drivers seat, driving us to the diner near her house.

"Sir you don't have to do this, we can eat at my house."

But I said nothing as I walked in and held the door open. I looked at her expectantly. She finally gave up and walked in before me. We got a table and sat down. I silently ripped into her.

"Ellie, I need you in the right frame of mind and healthy."

"I know."

"Do I need to make up a contract? Cause I will if I have to."

"No Sir... you don't have to." She said quietly

I sighed heavily.

"Need I remind you that not telling me the truth can have dire consequences?"

She looked guilty but nodded.

"Yes Sir, I know." She said quietly

"Good girl. Now, tell the nice waitress that's coming right now what you want. And we're not leaving until you eat every morsel of food that'll be on that plate. And then I am taking you home and watching over you for the day. Are we clear?"

"Yes Sir."

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