Fifty One

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"Of course Justice league hands down!" I added 

"What? Oh please, X-men has always dominated the superhero spectrum!" Evan interjected 

"No, you know why Justice League is better? Its because not all of the hero's needed super powers to join the team. I mean, look at Batman, Huntress, The Question! I mean, the guy literally had a powerful intellect and a knack for conspiracies, yet he was seen as a powerful asset. I rest my case." I smirked 

"I agree with Ellie." Cairo said 

"Least some one does." I smirked as we hi-fived 

"Yeah, two against six, great argument." Evan teased 

"Shut up loser." I teased 

"Takes one to know one." He commented, sticking out his tongue. 

"Yeah, and Leo you aren't gonna back your girl up?" Brandi asked 

I looked towards him. 

"Yeah, I'm just fighting all by myself." I said to him 

"Hey, in my defense I don't like neither of your teams. I'm for the underdogs: The Doom Patrol." 

Everyone groaned. 

"What? They're a classic team!" He protested 

"Yeah, classically old." Jack said with a giggle 

"Pssh, amateurs." He murmured 

We talked until our food came and even through out the meal too about superhero's. I swear we were such kids at times, but that's what I really loved about my friends and Leo. After dinner, we all left and Leo drove us to his house. I had some of my things already over here so we didn't have to make any detours. It was weird the feeling I got living here on the weekends. I really liked his house, you could always tell when you came in his house how artsy he actually was. And I never tired of seeing his paintings adorning the walls. They just made this place more like him: unique but reliable. He dropped his keys on table next to the door and came up behind me, spinning me around. 

"Put me down!" I giggled 

He plopped us both on the couch and wrapped his arm around my waist, my feet lying on his lap. 

"Ooh, I am so full." He groaned, lying his head back on the couch 

"Ditto. I shouldn't have ordered that milkshake." 

"You? I had that huge thing of cheese cake, I gotta go take a walk around a block or two." He laughed then groaned at the uncomfortable feeling of laughing.

"I'll join you." I smiled  

I felt him strain a little and then he laid back down.  

"I don't think I could get back up if I wanted to." He said quietly 

"Maybe me getting off of you would help." I giggled 

I tried to do that, but he just held me there.  

"No, don't move." He said quietly 


"Lay down Pet." He instructed quietly 

I did just that in between the crook of his neck and shoulder. I took in his scent and closed my eyes. 

"Ellie can I ask you something?" 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"I know that you only come here on the weekends but... have you thought about moving in full time?"  

That made me tense up nervously. He sat up to look at me with concern. 

"What?" He asked me 


He sat up fully and gripped my chin in his finger making me look at him and giving me the stern look. 

"Ellie, do not lie to me." He said sternly 

"Leo...I'm not comfortable with moving in yet." 

"Well that's okay Pet, all you had to do was say so. Why didn't you say so?" 

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." I said quietly 

"Why would my feelings be hurt? I get it, we haven't been going out long it's perfectly fine to be tentative." 

I looked at him to see not a hint of anger on his face. 


"Yeah. Besides, you got a pretty great bunch you're living with right now and I know they make you happy." 

He had a smile on his face, but I could tell it was hiding something.  

"You make me happy too big head." I smirked 

"You just have to say that." He said feigning hurt 

 "I mean it, you do make me happy. I just don't want to ruin what we have that's all. I mean... let's just see how our weekend arrangement goes first, and then we'll work from there." 

"Sounds good to me Pet. Guess I better go get some sleep since you want breakfast tomorrow." He smirked 

"Leo, I was joking. You don't have to feed me breakfast, I just wanted to tease you." 

"Ah ah ah, I am a man of my word. So we need to get some sleep, come on." 

I got off of him first and he stood up. I saw a few expressions cross his face, but the obvious one was his discomfort. 

"You okay?" 


His face took on a green tint, and all of a sudden his hand was cradling his stomach. Uh oh. 

In fact... no, excuse me!" He said panicked 

And he went running for the bathroom. After that, he was up for the rest of the night. I remember waking up at 2 am and seeing him not in the bed with me. I looked over and saw the light on in the bathroom.  


I felt like crap. I felt clammy, my forehead was hot and I had the chills, and the worst stomach ache of my life. 

"Leo?" I heard quietly outside the door "You okay?" 

"Yeah Pet... I'm fine." I strained out 

"You need anything? Some medicine?" She asked 

My head was on the floor and I was empty. There was nothing but dry heaves coming out now. 

"Water please." I said weakly 

"Okay, I'll be right back." 

A few seconds later, she was back and announcing that she was coming in. I was in the fetal position when she walked in with a tall, cool glass of water and some medicine. 

"Oh my poor Sir." She said with concern, kneeling and setting the things on the floor. 

"Here, you gotta sit up." 

She leaned against the wall and pulled me up, lying me on her. 

"Here, drink some water first and then I'll give you some medicine." 

I had just noticed the straw in the glass and drank gratefully. After the medicine, I drank some more until the glass emptied. 

"I brought a bottle with me too, incase you want more water." 

"Thank you Pet." I Said quietly 

"You're welcome." She said softly, playing in my hair. It soothed me 

After about an hour of sitting there, I shifted and wrapped my arms around her waist, swinging my legs over, and laying my head on her chest. 

"What are you doing?" She giggled 

"Getting comfortable." I remarked, snuggling on my breasts

"Big baby. You feeling any better?" 

"Yeah, cause you're here." 

"You know we can't stay on the bathroom floor all night." 

"I know, but I'm not ready to move yet." I said sleepily 

"Okay Leo, let me know when you're ready." 

She kissed the side of my head. 

"I don't think that shrimp was cooked all that great." I said 

"That might be it. I hope you're not too sick." She said concerned, once again wiping damp hair from my forehead 

"Nah, I'm fine. I bet I'll be better by morning." 

"I hope so. I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving if I knew you were still sick." 

"Is someone worried about me?" I smiled 

"A little. Don't make a federal case about it." She teased 

I snuggled into her more and closed my eyes for a few minutes. 


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