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 As he introduced me to all of his family members, I soon felt at ease when I saw nothing but sincere smiles as they greeted me and shook my hand, some even hugged me. I was happy, they accepted me from what I could tell, and honestly, my biggest fear was that they wouldn't. But I see how absolutely wrong I was. The final stretch soon came up when I was led to one last final table. There was a man with black hair and light brown eyes sitting next to a woman with blonde hair, blue eyes and next to her was an older woman with eyes like Leo's and blonde hair like the girl next to her. I had no doubt that this was Leo's mother and sister.  

"Mama, Katie, this is Ellie." He smiled 

"Ellie, how nice to finally meet you. I am Miss Calvary." She remarks, reserved and respectful. She stands to shake my hand. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Calvary." I smile, successfully not stuttering. 

She let's go and I turn to the woman beside her about to say hi but she beats me to it first.

"Ellie! It is so nice to meet you!" She says excitedly 

She actually gets up to come around the table and hugs me. She's careful of her belly and I try to be too. 

"Whoops, don't want to smush the baby." She laughs. 

I chuckle back too, relieved as she let's go. I turn to the man that was beside Katie. 

"And this is my husband, Oliver." 

He shakes my hand too. 

"Pleasure to meet you, Ellie." He says in a booming voice 

"Nice to meet you too, Oliver." 

"Ellie, sit with us. We want to get to know you." Miss Calvary smiles 

"Okay." I smiled back, taking the seat closest to her. Leo sits next to me. 

"Leo, Oliver, why don't you two go talk to Josh over there? Oh, and ask Priah if she minds coming over here as well." 

"Yes Ma'am." They both say 

Leo gets up, but not before kissing my head and leaving. 

"So Ellie, how did you and Leo meet?" Katie asks 

"It's funny actually, I met him first when I was out with some of my friends on a Friday night. And literally bumped into him. I'm a bit of a klutz sometimes." I say shyly 

"Oh that's nothing, I fall a lot myself. I swear, Oliver wants to wrap me in bubble wrap to keep the little one safe in here. I don't walk around much." Katie smiles 

I give a small smile of my own. 

"Oh my son, he's just as clumsy as you are." Miss Calvary laughs 

No doubt about that. I think to myself 

"Yeah. Mom, how did you have kids with such messed up equilibriums? You sure you got us checked for a middle ear problem?" Katie asks 

"I've had your brother more tested than you dear, trust me, I would've known something was up by now." 

"Is he that bad?" I asked with a laugh

Katie smirked. 

"Oh if only you knew him growing up, Ellie. He might have been the most feared guy in school, but he was still a huge nerd." 

"Yeah, if he had girl friends, it was only girls that were in his social circle. He had the looks and brains for any one in that school, yet he played it safe. I never quite understood my brother." Katie finished. 

"I know what you mean. I learn something new about him everyday.He's interesting without a doubt." 

It was so easy to talk to them. They were pretty cool people from what I could see. Even if Katie did most of the talking, I could tell Miss Calvary was still happy. But the minute her face fell, I got confused as to why. But then I saw Katie's eye brows furrow and her gaze followed the same way Mrs Calavry's was looking so I decided to look too, and when I do I see a middle aged man enter the yard with a young girl on his arm. Leo looks over at me from across the lawn and by the look on his face I can already tell that this man was his father. Uh oh. 


"What do you think they're talking about over there?" Oliver asks me 

"I don't know man. But Katie is laughing... that's a good sign." 

"Katie likes everyone Leo, she'd probably befriend Hannibal Lecter because that's just her nature. No, I'm actually talking about your mother, she's actually smiling and talking. I haven't seen her smile too much lately. 

"I know, I'm just glad she's a little better. " 

"How's she been holding up since... you know." 

"Fairly good. Dad left over a year ago, and she assured me at the time that she was okay. I'm just recently learning that she was sick. But she's finally bouncing back, and I like that." 

"Me too. Your mom is a strong woman, no doubt about it. Katie tells me she'll be going back to work soon." 

"Well, she'll be at a desk all day. If it were anything else, I'd strongly tell her not to go." 

"If your mom is anything like you, she won't listen." 

"What do you mean, 'like me'?" 

"You know, stubborn as a mule." 

I push him and he laughs. 

"Just telling the truth." He smirks 

I keep watching my mother and sister talk to Ellie. I hope they aren't interrogating her. 

"What happened to Priah and Josh? I just noticed that they aren't here." 

"Probably some where shacking up." I say 

"What do you think he introduced her as?" 

"His friend. Knowing Josh, he isn't serious about much girls. Messed up part is, she thinks that's actually her boyfriend." 

"Ouch... that won't end well I'm assuming." 

I tip the beer in my hand into my mouth and take a drink. 

"Not by a long shot. Josh is emotionally shut down. And he's too stubborn to actually admit that he is. Why do you think he and I are even friends?" 

"Good point." 

I suddenly see my mother's facial expression change and then see Ellie turn towards me. The look in her eyes bides me to look behind me for some reason. And when I do, oh I wish I hadn't. There is my father walking proudly into the place with his new girlfriend on his arm. I look towards Ellie who has a sad look on her face. But on mine is purely anger. I stand up and Oliver joins me. 

"Don't do anything rash, Leo." He warns

"I'm just gonna talk to him." I said, cracking my knuckles

Knowing me, talking and hitting go hand in hand. I'd give him a chance to state his piece and If I didn't like what he said, he's get punched. Simple as that.


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