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Once I was back at my home, Leo walked me to the doorstep, helping me with my bags. Once they were all inside of the foyer, I silently closed the door behind me and looked towards him. 

"Thank you for a great trip." I smiled 

"You don't have to thank me." 

"But I want to. It's not everyday that someone buys you a whole trip to Italy, rents out an island, and on top of that clothes and accessories with it. You're too good to be true, but I'm glad that I have you." I said 

He smiles and gathers me in a hug.  

"You're welcome. I love you, and I'll see you later okay?"  

I looked up at him and nodded. He kisses me sweetly and lets me go. 

"Now, go inside and get some sleep. Call you tonight?"  

"I'll do one better, I'll call you." I smiled 

"I'll be waiting. Later Pet." 

With one last kiss he lets me go and I turn to go back into the house. Once I enter, I see every single roommate sitting on the couch with huge smiles on their faces. 

"Hey guys!" I say excitedly 

"Ellie!" They chime 

I'm taken by a group hug and then released. 

"Okay, we want to know everything and I mean now." Jack says first 

"Alright alright, I'll tell, but first I want to shower." 

"Well hurry back, we'll be here." Evan yelled behind me 

I wasted no time showering and then brushing my teeth. I felt a bit better as I got dressed in some sweats and a tee shirt and then walked back to the living room where I told my roommates everything that had happened on the trip. 


When I reached my house, I un packed and then collapsed in my bed, figuring that I would shower later. I was enjoying my nice slumber when my phone started ringing. At first I rolled over into my pillow, and it stopped. I sighed, happy and continued my sleep. Then my answering machine picked up. 

"Leo, this is Josh. I know you just got back from your trip, but dude, you need to get down to the club right n-" 

I heard this huge crash in the background and someone screaming "Where is he!?" 

"Damn it! I'll call back, but you need to get down here pronto!" 

Then I heard the click. I got up and rubbed my face in frustration. All I wanted was to sleep. But I guess that would have to wait until later. I stumbled out of bed and grabbed my shoes, putting them on. I was out of the door in five minutes and at the club in ten. I went in the front entrance this time and saw the club in an uproar. There was a huge crowd and I had to fight to get through them. I saw Josh and a blonde in the middle, he trying to hold and restrain her from doing anymore damage. Judging from the broken chairs, splintered wood, and various dents in the clubs black walls, this was clearly done in a fit of rage. I rush towards him and his blue eyes flash in gratefulness. 

"Help me get this silly bitch to the back!" He growls, obviously angry and quickly losing a grip on the little patience that he actually did have. 

Together we hauled whoever this girl was to the back of the club near where the various Playrooms were. Once the noise slipped further away from us and we were in a quieter hallway, we finally stopped. It was then I realized it was Donna, with tears streaming down her face. As she opened her mouth to spew more hatred, I smelled the alcohol on her breath. I shook my head and looked towards Josh. 

"What happened?" I asked him 

"She came in all calm, but you could tell that she had been drinking. Then she started demanding to see you, and when I told her that you weren't here, she went ballistic and starting throwing shit everywhere! Chairs, drinks, tables. I swear, It took me awhile to capture her. I'm glad you got here when you did." 

I swallowed the anger that I felt building up. 

"I'll deal with her, you go calm that crowd down before anything else is broken." 

He looked at Donna once more in disgust and walked swiftly back towards the hallways from where we came. I focused on her and saw her eyes lazily looking up at me. I scoffed and picked her up regrettably. 

"Where are yough taking meh?" she asked sluggish 

"To a bed. You are not driving right now." 

I kicked a door open to an unlocked and unused room and unceremoniously dumped her onto the bed. She yelped out a "hey" in protest and sat up. 

"Guess you can't ignore me now." She said tauntingly, a wide Cheshire cat smile going across her face.  

I shut the door behind me and shot daggers at her from across the room. I was livid. 

"Why Donna? Are you serious right now, showing up at my club and causing havoc?! What the fuck is the matter with you!?" I asked her harshly 

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears and rolled down her cheeks. 

"I miss you Leo." She whispered with a sniff

I sighed and leaned against the wall behind me, arms crossed tightly across my chest. 

"So? You think the adult way to miss me is to mess up my club and bar area? You better believe that you're paying for each and every piece of equipment, cup, wall, table, and chair that you have either destroyed or damaged." 

"You wouldn't talk to me any other way." She sniffed 

She had been calling me on the trip non stop, to the point that I just cut off my phone and never cut it back on. That reminded me to do so, and with that I saw over five hundred missed calls and texts! 

"Seriously Donna!? What part of 'I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to see you' don't you get!? I have a girlfriend now, I am happy!" 

"Oh you mean that fat bitch!?" She yelled 

I stormed towards her and got in her face. 

"Shut up! You know nothing about My Ellie, and she's more of a woman than you ever have been or ever will be!" I growled 

"Yeah, definitely more woman, I'm glad we agree on something." She smirked 

The temperature in my head shot up and so did the anger. I gripped her wrist and she smiled. 

"Wonder what would happen if something were to happen to your little whore." 


"Donna I am warning you, you don't talk about her, keep her name out of your mouth!" 

"Or what? You'll hit me?" She taunted 

All of a sudden, her tears dried up and she was back to her phony self. 

"Nah, I won't, but you'll get yours eventually" 

She laughed. No, cackle was more like it. 

"Oh please Leo, we both know you will get bored of her. Don't forget that I knew you before you knew yourself! I was the one that introduced you to BDSM and control. After me you had many women and none of them truly satisfied you. You're telling me this newbie is going to be the one you actually make your sub?" 

"She's already my sub, my love, and my girl. The difference between the two of you, is that you were just a simple toy who gave it up on the first date like the whore that you are. At least with Ellie, she's more than the toy that you were to me." I said in a dangerously low voice

Her facial expression fell short and I saw the hurt in her features. I let go of her and walked towards the door. She had some nerve talking about my baby after what she herself had done. The fucking nerve of her! 

"Now, I'm gonna go call you a cab. You need to get in it and not come back to my club again, understand? I don't want you, I don't need you, I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU DONNA, AND THAT'S FINAL!" I roared

I left her sitting on the bed and dialed the cab company. Once they came and got her, I made sure she got in it before finally letting out a breath of air. I pinched the bridge of my nose and then went to go see what was happening with the front room.  

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