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A/N: I'm introducing a minor character to the story, Cairo. :) That's supposed to be him at the top.


As the months passed me and Leo got closer than ever. The practice was going great, and I even moved in with him on the weekends. As for the rest of the lively bunch, My girls each got a nice man of their own. Brandi and Caine both decided to stop playing and became serious with the other. And Amber met a guy at her job. She just became a model for this huge agency and I was so happy for her. The guy she met was a 6'2 cutie straight out of the Arabian Nights. His name was Cairo and he worked as the venue coordinator. In fact, all of us were getting ready for a triple date. Afterwards I would be going with Leo home to have a nice relaxing weekend. All three of us squeezed into my small vanity and made sure our make up and things were done to perfection. 

"So, how are you guy's relationships going?" I asked them 

"Awesome! I've never met a man like Cairo before. He's so sweet and kind and funny, the perfect guy for me." Amber swooned 

"Yeah, and I like that Caine is older so he knows what he's doing. I like that he's out of the little boy stage where men just play games and string you along." She smiled 

I smiled too. 

"I'm glad he makes you happy. I never knew you liked older guys like Cain." 

"It's funny, I didn't at first. But when I met him, I don't know." 

I smiled. 

"I'm glad you guys are happy." 

"Don't think we aren't gonna get on you now. How are you and Leo doing?" Amber asked me curiously 

I beamed. Every time we talked about my Sir I felt an undeniable pride that I was his girl. I liked that in public he was gentlemanly and in private he was anything but.  

"Great. He is the best thing ever....I think I'm in love." 

We all smiled as we finished our make up. Our hair was on point and so were our outfits. I wore skinny jeans, black boots with spikes on the toe, a sleeveless silver and black chevron patterned shirt, with a black cardigan over it. Amber donned red skinny jeans with a cream colored shirt that had a anchor on it in silver. As shoes she wore a pair of grey pumps and then put on a grey cardigan. And finally, Amber wore blue jean skinny jeans with a rose colored shirt tied in the front showing off her belly ring. She wore cream colored Keds and put on a cream cardigan on as well. We were all too cute for words, and we all agreed to match each other in outfit design. We of course nailed it. Once we spritzed on the last touch (our signature perfume scents)  We all grabbed our purses and then walked out of my room. The guys were supposed to be waiting, but when we entered, all we could see was Evan, Jack, and Cairo. Amber smiled and walked over to her man. 

"You look beautiful!" He remarked, kissing Amber on the cheek. 

"Thank you Cyrie." She giggled (pronounced Kyrey) 

He wasn't even embarrassed by his nick name. I thought that was cute. 

"Guess we should call the guys?" I asked Brandi 


We both whipped out our phones and called our respectable men. Leo answered on the first ring and sounded a little tense. 

"Hey baby, I know I'm late. I'm on the way now." 

"It's okay, Caine is late too." I giggled 

Leo laughed relieved. 

"'Least I won't be the only one in trouble." 

"You're fine. Everything okay?" I asked 

"Yeah sweetie, just had an issue to deal with at the club is all." 

"Everyone okay there?" 

"Yes. Dominic asked about you, and Josh wonders when he's gonna meet you." 

I smiled. 

"Seems like I'm liked around there." 

"You just have that impact on people. I told them we'd come this weekend." 

"Awesome. Well I guess I'll see you when you get here." 

"Alright. Love you Pet." 

"I love you too Sir." I smiled, hanging up. 


I was trying so hard not to be angry. Donna I guess decided that my warning before was empty, because once again she showed up to my club drunk and disorderly. Once again we had to call her a cab. I swear, she was testing my patience. I was so tired of this woman. She even started calling me non stop again, and I almost didn't answer when Ellie called. 

I pulled in front of her house and cut off the engine. I got myself together and swallowed the anger down, then went to the door and rung the bell. She opened it with a smile and I looked her over with approval. 

"Very cute." I remarked beaming 

"Thank you, why don't you come in?" 

She stepped aside so I could get in. Once I was in, she shut the door and I hugged her. I took in her scent and was immediately calmed, burying my face in her neck. 

"You okay?"  She asked softly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." 

I released her and kissed her forehead with a smile. I grabbed her hand and walked into the living room where Evan, Jack, Amber, and Cairo were sitting. I said my hello's and Ellie and I sat on the love seat opposite the two pairs of couples and I subconsciously played with Ellie's fingers. She leaned on my shoulder and we all waited. Finally the door bell rang and Brandi stormed off to get it. Caine was about thirty minutes late at this point. 


"You're late." Brandi cut him off 

She soon returned with Caine in tow, proverbial tail between his legs. He said hello to everyone and soon everyone got up to go to their respectable cars. Looks like we'd have to do a later movie showing. We all agreed to go to the mall to kill time, and then after the movies, we'd go to dinner. Both me and Ellie got into my car. While I was starting it, I felt her hand on mine and I looked over to her. 

"You sure you're okay? You're kinda quiet tonight." She said 

"Oh yeah, I'm okay." I smiled 

She kissed me on the cheek and caressed my face. 

"Guess you're sticking with the beard huh?" 

"What, you don't like it?" 

"Who says I didn't?" She smirked 

"Then I guess I'll keep it for a little while." I said quietly 

She kissed me and I kissed her back. 

"Guess we're gonna be the last ones there." 

"See I don't mind, that just gives us more time alone. You don't mind that do you?" 

"Of course not! I get to hang with my favorite guy." 

"Good. That's what I love to hear." 

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