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A/N: Aite, first off: Y'all are some freaky freaks lol every other comment I get now is when are Leo and Ellie gonna 'do it' lol paitence is a virtue and all good things comes to those that do wait. So relax, in due time it will happen. Lol but I will admit some of your comments are pretty entertaining. I love y'all, enjoy!


I laid there for quiet awhile after our little games that we played. He had his arms tightly cinched around me. I was still awake but he had gone asleep not too long ago.

His breathing was soft and level in my ear as he slumbered, and it gave me the precise calm and safety only he could give me. I softly twisted to the side and kissed the side of his forehead with a feather light kiss and he moved, giving out a sound of delight.

I felt his arms tighten a little more and him moan softly in my ear, resettling. Out of nowhere I feel my heart swell with emotion and felt the words just spill out in a small whisper, "I love you, Leo." and after saying it, I bit my lip thinking he'd heard me. But after a few seconds, nothing happened. Well, though it was no huge feat, I still said it. I was a bit porud of myself. Now all I had to do was tell him when he was conscious.

My phone started ringing and I heard Leo groan. I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I whispered

"Ellie!" I heard my roommates chorus

"Hey guys." I smiled 

"I hope we didn't wake you but we miss you and wanted to know how your trip was going."

"It's going great. I miss you guys too, how are the two love birds?"

"We're great. But nothing has really changed, you've only been gone a week and two days."

"Yeah, and what's this I'm hearing that you had to stop in Paris because you were sick? and you're adding another week onto your vacation?" I heard Brandi interject.

"How'd you hear about all this?"

"Well duh, who do you think? Mr Tall, Dark, and Handsome called us when our calls went unanswered. We were worried about you, he was too... but he convinced us to calm down and that you were fine. You sound fine so I guess now we don't have to get on a plane or anything to check on you." Jack said

"Guys, it was just pneumonia, and I'm okay now. You all worry too much." I said

"We love you, we just want the best for you."

"I know. Believe me, Leo got me for you, so there's no need to worry." I laughed

"Mhm, well I know it's late there so we're gonna let you go. But we expect pictures when you get back." Amber interjected.

"Alriiight. I'll see you guys later."

They all said bye and "we love you.", I told them that I loved them too and then promptly hung up the phone.

"They didn't yell at you too bad did they?" Leo asked me sleepy

 I jumped a little at the sudden sound in the darkened room.

"No, but thanks for ratting me out." I giggled

"Hey, in my defense they kept calling while you were asleep in the hospital, and when I answered I got yelled at then when they finally calmed down a little I explained why and then that of course got them more flustered and worried. It took forever to convince them that you were fine. They really love you you know."

"Yeah I know, they just have some crazy ways of showing it." I giggled

"I'm glad that they're around to make sure you're happy and taken care of, even when I can't be there for you."

"Well I mean... you're always there, we own a practice together, so it's not like I could ever not see you, especially since our offices are the only two on the third floor."

"True. Are you ever going to sleep tonight?"

"I don't know if I can actually go. Sorry for waking you."

I heard him chuckle. 

"Actually I never really went to sleep."

My heart quickened and I tensed a little. That means he had heard everything.

Lord, please if you can hear me please slow my heart down!

"So.... you heard everything?" I asked quietly

"That I did." I heard him smile "I've been waiting for so long for you to say it."

His hold on me tightened more.

"Say it again." He murmured happily

"Say what?" I asked playing his game

"You know what Ellie."

"Okay okay, I... I love you." I said with a coil of nerves tightening in my stomach

"Again." he whispered in my ear, making my toes curl

"Again?" I asked breathless

"Yes. Say it again." He murmured in a deep voice

"I love you Leo." I whispered

I felt him shift and suddenly he was looming above me.

"What are you doing?" I giggled

"Say it one more time." He asked

I could hear his breathing deepen.

"I love you." I said quietly

I felt him lower on top of me and latch his lips onto mine. Surprised by the sudden passion.


I was so happy that she had said it. I may have had her repeat it for the firm conviction and of course the music it brought to my ears. I felt her squirm underneath me as she laced her hands into my soft black hair. She started to giggle as I nibbled towards her neck.

"Stop that tickles!" She laughed

"Why? I'm having fun."

She twisted this way and which way to stop me but I was too heavy. 

"Alright, I give up." She said with a lazy smile on her face

"Not much of a fight."

"You're too heavy and strong." She said matter of factually

I laughed.

"What time are we going to sleep love? It's probably almost morning."

"I don't know, but I'm not sleepy." She playfully whined

"Jet lagged probably. Same here, it's so weird."

"And it's all your fault." She teased

I tickled her sides and she erupted with laughter.

"My fault huh? Well at least after this you could actually blame me for something."

"No, stop!" She yelled in tears

She pushed on my chest laughing but I just wouldn't budge.

"Italy, Italy, Italy!" She screamed

I stopped tickling her and got up. Safe words were like my kryptonite, I had to respect them.

"Weakling," I playfully sneered

She feigned shock and threw a pillow at me.

"We're gonna fight if you keep on!" She laughed

I threw the pillow back her.

"That a challenge string bean?" I smirked

She threw the pillow back at me.

"Yes Muscle Head, it is."

I laughed and lunged at her, knocking her back onto the bed and pinning her by her wrists.

"But this muscle head is in charge."

"You don't scare me." she said with a soft smile

"I know, but one way or another, you'll tremble in my presence."

She smirked.

"You're so full of yourself." she chided, sticking her tongue out at me

"Maybe, but you haven't gotten full of me yet. Just wait.... you'll eat those words."

I caught a distinct gasp but she quickly hid it. I smirked softly and quickly kissed her, feeling her heart beat quicken and beat against my chest. She was comfortable around me, yet still nervous.

I pulled away and cupped her face.

"Let's get some sleep alright? I guess we'll have to force ourselves."

"Or maybe, we could burn energy another way." She smirked

"Oh, I know what you-"


I felt a pillow hit me and I pretended to be stunned.

"Pillow fight!" She laughed, hitting me again

I popped back up, snatching her pillow away from her. She screamed and ran away from me laughing. I chased after her with the pillow raised above my head.

"Yeah, you better run!" I yelled, lagughing myself.

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