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I leaned back onto the closet floor and pulled him with me. I felt him straddle my waist and he kissed me deeper. I loved him so much... so why couldn't I still tell him? Everyday when I woke up and saw those beautiful green eyes stare at me with so much love and care, I always feel a twinge of guilt in my stomach. Here he was not even scared to let me know how he felt, and in a way, he had more things done to him than I did. And he was so nice to me and took such good care of me and my feelings. And I don't know... I'm feeling something that I haven't in such a long time. And now its even more intense than I've ever felt. What if he got sick of me? Or found a better looking girl than I and decided to leave me for her. It has always been my fear in life that someone whouldn't see me as enough. But I knew in this moment that we shared, nothing else mattered but me and hi- 

 "Alright, come on let's go get dinner started."

"What?" I asked breathless

"Come on, let's get dinner started." 

I. was. floored!  

"What's the matter?" I asked him 

"Nothing Pet, I'm starving. Come on let's get this food cooked." 

I sat there dumbfounded as he opened the closet and let the light from the bedroom flow in. I slowly got up, disappointed, and followed close behind him. I hid my feelings as we prepared the chicken Alfredo. He put some smooth music on and poured us some wine to sip while everything cooked. I tried hiding it, but I was very standoffish during the cooking period. 

"Pet what's wrong?" He asked 


His face took a stern look. 

"Do not lie to me Ellie. Now, tell me what is the matter." 

I sighed and put my wine glass down. 

"When we were.... in the closet, why did you leave so abruptly?" 

"I was hungry." 

I arched my brow. 

"Oh? And that's the only reason?" I asked him 

He set his own wine glass down and took his hands in mine. 

"If I made you upset I'm sorry, we could always go back to the closet." 

"It's not the fact that you left, it's just.... we were having a moment and then you ran for the door quickly. Why?" 

"You're a virgin Ellie...I, I can't do that to you if you're gonna regret it." 

"Why? Why do you keep saying that Leo?" 

"Because Ellie." He said simply 

"Because what? Y-you don't want me?" 

"Of course I want you...but I know you aren't ready." 

"How do you know that?" 

"You can't even tell me you love me but you're more than fine with me having sex with you?! Well I am not fine with that, I believe sex is something people in love should share, not just be one sided." 

But I am in love with you. Ugh, Ellie for once stop being a coward! 

"You told me you were okay with me not saying it back." 

"At first I was, but now? Now, it truly does bother me that you still haven't said it." 


"Know what? Forget it." 

He went around me and walked swiftly up the stairs. A few seconds later I heard the door to the bed room slam shut. I jumped and then smelled something burning. I hurried up to rescue the chicken out of the oven, all the while trying to keep myself from crying. I never did anything right!


I laid in the bed with an arm over my eyes for I don't know long. I knew that I had to be patient with her, and I was thinking of a way to apologize but I didn't know how. I heard the door open slowly and then smelled food. I didn't move from my position. All I heard was the clatter of a plate on the night stand beside me, a rustle from across the room, and then heard the door shut again. I slowly took my arm from my eyes and saw that she had left me a steaming plate of chicken Alfredo as well as wine. But when I looked in the corner, I noticed her suit case missing. I then heard a door across the hall shut softly. I ate and waited a little while before finally swallowing my pride and slowly tipping into her room at around twelve am. She had her back towards the door when I went in.

I softly closed the door behind me and walked to the bed. 

"Ells, you up?" I asked quietly 

"Yes, is there something you need?" She asked quietly 

"Yes, come back to bed. It's cold in there without you." 

"But you're mad at me." She replied 

"No...i'm not mad anymore. I want you next to me. So come on back across the hall." 

"I'm sorry I always mess up." She said quietly

I sighed and sat down on the bed, her back still towards me. 

"You're unlearning a very bad habit, it's takes awhile, it is okay. Baby... I know you say you trust me, but do you really?" 

"Of course I do." She said frantically, sitting up 

"But you never believe me when I say stuff... why is that?" 

"Because... I think that you're just being really nice. Because you are nice, and I love that about you. I just love that you are who you are. And... you're one of the best guys I've met in a long time and I'm sorry I keep messing things up. I'm trying, I just forget that it's not how it used to be, that you're different from others. And I...I know that, but apart of me thinks that I'm stupid for believing that you could really love me... because I don't deserve it. Or you." She finished quietly 

My heart swelled with emotion and I felt nothing but pure love for her. She turned away from me and I took her into my arms, hugging her tight. 

"Oh baby, that's all I wanted to hear: your honesty. And I apologize for getting mad earlier." 

"I'd rather you spank me than be mad. it hurts less." She said quietly 

"Oh? My naughty girl wants a spanking?" 

She giggled as I kissed her forehead. 

"If you want to have any fun, you need to come back across the hall with me." 

"Yes Sir." She replied quickly 

She got up and went in front of me. I gave her a swift smack on the butt and she giggled, running even faster. 

A/N: See, they never stay mad at each other for long :) But I know next chapter, y'all are gonna be excited ^_^

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