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Was this the right time to tell him that I loved him? I felt my heart hammer in my chest as his patient green eyes looked into mine. But I knew I was too nervous to say anything, so I just came up with a crappy answer. 

"I'm just.... really happy with you and I'm glad we're here together." I said meekly 

He smiled but I frowned inside because I  wasn't fulfilled with my little "revelation" Why the hell was I still so scared to tell him how I felt? I knew I could trust him and he was so nice and great to me... I mean, look where I was. I was in Italy for peat sakes! And I had to pay nothing for it... and the very man that did all of this for me, loves me even without giving him "any", yet for all of this I couldn’t even say the Three magical words back. 

"Well I'm happy that you're happy. And I'm glad you could come here." 

He kissed me and I smiled. I started to slide down into the water and it came up to my lower body. Leo joined me and kissed my cheek. 

"Tired huh?" 

"Of standing? Yes." I giggled 

He wrapped his arm around me and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I'm having so much fun with you." I heard him murmur 

"Really? Even if I've been bad?" 

"'specially when you're being bad. Because then the games begin." He teased 

I laughed a little myself. 

"What would you like to do for dinner tonight?" He asked me 

"Why don't we just eat in?" I asked him 

"Sounds like a good plan. I have this chicken Alfredo recipe that I would like to try." 

"Sounds good. I'll make the sides." 

"Good. We got two weeks here, when are we going to go out and truly explore Italy?" 

"It's up to you, you actually know where you're going." 

"True. But come on Pet, we gotta go and explore." 

"Why not tomorrow?" 

"Sure, that sounds fun." He replied 


"Will any of these activities involve swimming?" 

I heard him laugh softly. 

"Yes, but you can wear one of your bathing suits." 

"Thank you Jesus." I whispered 

He chuckled, kissed my cheek and got up. 

"Come on Pet, you ready to go back to the house now?" 

"Yeah, I'm getting a little cold." 

We both got up and walked towards the sun to dry off and then get our clothes back on. We packed up everything and proceeded on the long walk back to the house hand in hand. 


Once we reached the house and showered, she relaxed in the living room and I was in the kitchen getting us some water. I was only gone a few minutes before I came back into the living room I saw her curled up on the couch fast asleep. Oh no, she was not leaving me alone this early. I grabbed a pillow off of the couch and threw it at her. She snorted and sat up quickly. 

"Huh? w-what's going on?" She asked confused 

"Wake up." I laughed 

I had just sat the water on the table when I felt something soft hit my back. I turned around and saw her stick her tongue out at me. 

"You're the worst kind of person." She teased 

She scrambled off of the couch laughing and ran up the stairs. I followed behind her in hot pursuit and then lost sight of her. I was absolutely befuddled as to where she had gone. So, I started my search. 

"Oh Ellie, where are you?" I sang as I walked throughout the rooms on the second floor. I looked a full twenty minutes until I saw in the main room the door to the spacious closet slightly ajar. I smirked deviously and snuck to the closet door and then threw open the door. She let out a shriek and I pounced on her, closing the door behind me and cutting out the light. We had clothes blanket our fall as I captured her. 

"I got you." I murmured 

"So you did, but you're still a jerk." She laughed 

"Who is nothing without you." I murmured 

She raked her fingers through my hair slowly. 

"Definitely a Hopeless Romantic." She teased 

"Yeah, your hopeless romantic." 

"Is every moment gonna be filled with your devotion of love?" She playfully asked 

"Hm, it depends. Some won't have any sound at all, just me holding you and knowing how lucky I am to have you." 

She went silent and I felt her breathe in slowly and very deeply.  

"You're gonna make me cry saying sweet things like that." She said in a quivering voice 

"I'd rather they be tears of joy than sadness." 

She sat up abruptly and wiped her eyes. I waited until she was done. 

"You okay?" I smiled softly

"Yes. I need to stop crying all of the time." She laughed sniffling 

"Cryings alright with me." I murmured 

She laughed softly and felt around for my face. Once she found it, I felt her lips on mine.   

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