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I resurfaced, wiping the hair and water from my eyes and saw Leo do the same, hair covered his eyes and all I saw was a stupid smirk on his face and I splashed him. 

 He laughed uncontrollably and I lunged at him, dunking his head underneath the water. I could tell he let me do it, because compared to him I wasn't nearly as strong. I let go of his hair and he seemed to spring back up with the smirk still etched on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"Aw come on baby, don't be like that." He commented as he floated over to me and captured my waist in his strong arms. 

I was pulled to his chest and stuck there. It was silent and all I heard was the roar of the water fall, the caw of the birds above, and the wind blowing through the trees. But all of that transformed to the background when I looked into his bright, beautiful green eyes. He smiled at me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I laid my head on his chest and he slowly rocked us. We were naked in water, outside in the middle of nowhere in Italy, with beautiful scenery. And all I could think about was the man that held me in his arms. I had never felt so safe with a man than when I was with Leo. I heard his heart beat, and it was louder than anything else in my immediate proximity.  

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" I heard him chuckle 

My face got hot. 

"Huh? Oh, I guess I'm still calming down from our splash earlier."  i said 

He looked at me amused. 

"Uhuh, sure. You hungry?" 

"Nah, you?" I asked him 

"Well I am starving. I'm gonna go eat, you play around until you get hungry I guess." 

I looked around and I saw a rope hanging from a tree. A smile crept across my face. 

"You go do that I think I will be properly entertained." 

He looked to where I was and I saw him give a neutral face. 

"Alright Kitten, have fun, but be safe okay?" He said 

"I will." I smiled 

He kissed my forehead and I started to trek up to the small hill where the rope dangled. One I was back far enough, I grabbed the rope, ran as fast as I could, and jumped, flying in the air until I felt the cool water envelope me once again. 


I set up the picnic blanket and food and ate while I watched her have the time of her life. She seemed to thoroughly enjoy it here, and I enjoyed seeing her smile and laugh. When she was finally through for the time being, I passed her one of the towels so that she could dry off. I had mine wrapped around my waist, and she had her tightly wrapped around her frame.  She sat beside me and hugged her knees to her chest as far as her stomach would allow. 

"Hi." She said with a smile 

"Hi, you hungry?" I asked 

"Famished. What did you pack?" 

"Oh just some sandwiches, cake, pasta, juice, and some pie if you're interested. I even have some honey dew." 

"Sounds good. I never had honey dew before." 

I feigned shock. 

"You've never had honey dew? Oh, we're about to change that." 

She giggled as I un-hilted a pocket knife, cut the melon, and offered her a piece.  

"Open." I smiled 

She did hesitantly and I slid the fruit in slowly, her biting down softly and chewing with a thoughtful look on her face. 


"It's good. I want more, may I?" 

"Help your self." I chuckled  

I grabbed a sandwich while she munched away on fruit. I even packed grapes, which I had almost forgotten about. I munched on them and watched her eat away. When we were done with our lunch, we waded in the water and I floated on my back, she just watched me. 

"What's the matter?" I smirked 

"I don't know how to do that." 

"What? You mean float on your back?" 


I got myself upright. 

"I'll teach you." 

"Wait... could we at least swing from the rope more?" 

"Sure." I laughed at her 

With a giddy "yay," she went over, grabbed the rope once again and swung into the water, dropping in. I ran in after her, seized her waist and spun her around with her laughing. 

"Hey, I'm getting dizzy!" She giggled 

I stopped and placed her back in the water on her feet and she smiled up at me. 

"This is really fun. Do we have to leave any time soon?" 

"No, we could stay here all day if you want."  

"Well, until dinner time at least." She remarked with a small smirk 

"Sure thing, whatever you want." I smiled

She kissed me quickly and then disappeared under the water. She stayed down for awhile, and I almost panicked until I saw her black hair underneath the mighty waters of the waterfall. With a sigh of relief, I swam over to her. 

"You have a good set of lungs." I teased 

"Huh?" She asked confused 

"You were under there awhile." 

She smiled. 


"Of course Pet." 

She giggled. 

"Well I'm sorry for worrying you." 

I walked towards her, underneath the water fall and into the little shelf that it flowed over.  

"You look so beautiful pet." I smiled at her 

"Thank you." She smiled, twisting her lips to the side 

"You know, you never complement me." I teased 

"Because you already know how good you look." 

"Some times it good to hear It from that special someone." 

She blushed as I got closer with our lips barely touching. 

"So, say something." 

"You're... cute." She said meekly 

"Oh? Just cute am I?" I asked teasingly 

"Well... you're really nice and thoughtful, gentlemanly." She said quietly 

"Mhm, what else?" 

"And you're very.... protective."

"It's my nature." 

"See, you already know this stuff!" She teased

I laughed and leaned my forehead on hers.

"I may, but its nice to know what my Pet thinks of me. But I have a feeling you're holding back something, what is it?" I asked, stroking her cheek 

She looked at me for a few seconds like she was thinking about what she'd say. And I waited patiently 

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