Nineteen *Edited*

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When I entered the house, it was ominously quiet. I knew everyone was here because all of their cars were outside. This was just going to make it even harder.

I tiptoed past Brandi's room, and was almost to mine when I heard, "Ah, look who's home!"

I slumped my shoulders and dropped my head at the sound of Jack's voice. I turned around and faced my penance.

"Where have you been? We have all been worried sick about you!" He yelled

Jeez, could I just get into the door in peace?

"Jack, I am fine, I was just with a friend."

He crossed his arms tightly across his chest.

"Mhm, really?"

"Yes! Calm down." I said

"Well sorry if I don't want to 'calm down', but I have been up all night worried sick about you, and so has Amber and Brandi. We have been scouring the streets for you, calling all of the hospitals, even went to your office to see that your car was there but you weren't!"

I stared at Jack with a tight expression.

"Stop freaking out! I was with Leo, I said I was fine!" I yelled back.

I heard the door to my left open.

"Ellie, oh my God!" I heard Brandi yell

She ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"Where the hell have you been?" I heard her ask

"I was with a friend." I said, keeping calm

"Which friend?"

I sighed and gave her "the look", out of all of them, I didn't have any other friends, except for Leo of course. She should know this.

"Wait, hold up... you were with Leo weren't you?" She asked


I looked back at her expecting to see a look of scolding, but actually she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Yeah." I replied

"Come on Jack, there is a reason she didn't call us. She's a grown woman, not a baby. She's capable of making her own decisions." Brandi defended

I looked towards Jack who's stern look was now slowly fading into soft annoyance.

"That is true but she needs to check in. You know how it is around here, people are cruel and nasty."

"So is everywhere else. Even gated communities have robberies." I explained

"But still-"

"But nothing! I get it, you were worried but seriously Jack, stop treating me like a child because I am not one."

I left the hallway and slammed the door behind me.


Once I reached home I noticed very quickly that it just didn't have a certain life to it. I missed Ellie, and it hit me as soon as I pulled into the driveway. But I had other things to attend to. I was supposed to go to the club tonight, only I was asked to come in as a tag team with a friend of mine who was also a Dom. I had to be there by six so I had a few hours to myself... which was what made me cringe. As soon as I walked into the house and I looked at the couch all I saw was the scene replay from just twelve hours ago. The breathing, writing, her cute little sounds of happiness. It was like it was happening all over again. I took in a deep breath to calm myself and then went to the back to my special room where I grabbed a duffel that lay by the door and started filling up the bag with different toys and whips and gags. I even put spreader bars in there. I grabbed lubes and even blindfolds and then zipped the bag shut, leaving the room and locking it, putting the padlock I always had on it in place. I decided to shower and find something that I could wear for tonight. I decided to pick out a black suit. I even heard it would be Masquerade night.

Once I dressed and showered, I left my flat at around five thirty and drove to Caged. After pulling up I put my mask in place and with a smirk, walked in through the back way, duffel in tow. I knocked on the door and the little slot at the top opened.

"Password?" Asked a gruff voice

"Control." I replied

The slat closed and then the door itself opened. I walked by the muscled tough looking Hispanic man who promptly closed the door behind me.

I smiled as I faced him.

"What's up Leo?" He asked me

"Nothing much Dominic, just here helping out a friend tonight." I replied

"I don't get why you're never around much anymore, I mean... you do own part of this place."

"True, but I have a private practice to run, that requires a lot of my time now. "

"Yeah, Mr. Smart Guy, I hear ya. But hey, I won't hold you, I know you have business by the looks of that bag."

I smirked.

"Always business when I actually do show up."

"Mind if I get in on the action?" He asked teasingly

"Now you know your Mistress wouldn't like that." I warned

"Hey, I won't tell if you won't." He winked

"Don't let Anna hear you."

"Aw she loves me, and besides, sometimes I mess up on purpose." He said, a loving and playfully wicked gleam in his eyes.

I laughed. It feels good to catch up.

"We have to hang out sometimes." I said, slowly backing away

"Just name a time. You're the one that's always busy."

"I'll call you and let you know."

"Good man." He replied

I left with a smile on my face and a shake of my head as I walked to the room I was texted to meet my friend in. Once I arrived I saw already that the fun was starting. There was an Indian girl on the bed, hog tied, with a red gag already in her mouth. My friend Josh was spanking her with a flogger and all I heard was her moans of ecstasy. I walked in and put my bag down, stripping my suit jacket and laying it on the back of a nearby chair.

"I see you started without me." I remarked

He turned to me stopping for one second.

"One second slave." He said to the girl

She looked over at me with wide, dark, lustful eyes. Her long black hair was in a pony tail and from the pieces of hair sticking out, I could tell that it was used like the reigns on a horse would be. Her hair was matted and her forehead was slick with sweat, but she looked happy. Josh set the flogger down and walked over to me.

"Good to see you Leo, long time no see." He said happily, his blue eyes sparkling

"The same as you, Josh. It's been a long time."

"Yeah, a whole year. It's been so long since you've been here."

"The practice has kept me busy. So who's this whore on the bed?" I asked him

"Priah. Beautiful isn't she? She's been my slave for almost six months now."

"Nice pick. So, what are we starting on now?"

"Well she was getting a spanking, she disobeyed me earlier."

He walked over and smacked her round cinnamon cheeks hard, earning a muffled yelp from her in surprise. He smacked the other cheek and she let out a long groan and he rubbed.

"But now that you're here she's really gonna get it, isn't that right My Rose?" He asked her softly

"Mmm-mm" She agreed

I got into my Dominant zone and immediately went into action, grabbing my own flogger and starting my own regimen of punishment. I had missed the rush of punishing a submissive. It was like I never left.

As the hours progressed we decided to finish up and in good time too because it was now nine at night and I had to get home. Zipping myself back up and grabbing my shirt, I started to put all of my articles back into my bag and then took off my mask and wiped the sweat from my face. I felt Josh's hand clap onto my shoulder and I turned slightly.

Priah had already left the room, and partially naked I might add.

"You still got it man. I'll be honest, I'm surprised you actually came." He said honestly

I zipped up my duffel and hoisted it up around my respective shoulder.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"I thought being a psychologist would make you soft. But I see your Dominant side hasn't waned. I've seen it happen.... not pretty. But you, you're a natural."

I smirked.

"What can I say? I'm one of the best."

"Atta boy. Now are you gonna stay away for another year or will I be seeing you soon?"

"You'll see me. And I might just have my own toy to play with."

"Whoa, you got another submissive already?"

"Test run. She's my partner at the practice."

He stared at me in amazement yet a little apprehensive.

"I have to meet this girl, what's her name."

"Ellie." I said, an involuntary smile on crossing onto my face

"Oh boy, I know that look. Someone's in love."

My smile quickly disappeared. I had forgotten just how well Josh knew me. After all he's known me most of my life.

"No, I am just....happy. I have not had a Sub in so long."

"Who could blame you? I know what Donna did was unforgivable. I understand. But don't shut down and just leave all of this behind again. You and me own this place, and without my right hand, how is this any fun?"

I nodded.

"You're right. I'll be back next weekend. And then you'll get to meet Ellie."

"There gonna be any double action like we did here tonight?"

"No, she does not want to be shared. I respect that about her."

"Awh, that's no fun. But I'll see you. I have to go find my little minx now, you know how she is." He chuckled as he left the room

I smiled and followed out after him. After saying goodbye to Dominic and a few other surprised faces, I left and went home.

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