Twenty *Edited*

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That Thursday morning we were in my office. I had listened to Leo for a little over twenty minutes now explaining things. Now, we were on positions.

"Position one will be on your knees right by my side. Whether I am sitting or not, I expect you to be at my feet." Leo said to me

I stared at him in rapt attention as he told me what I needed to know. My memory and attention were being tested, an important part to being a submissive. It was lunch so no one was up here and there would be no visitors for awhile.

"Second position, bent over at the waist gripping your ankles."

He got up from the couch and walked over to me, looking down and staring me in my eyes.

"Position three. This only counts when we're in bed. On your back, legs spread."

I blushed.

"Do you understand Pet?" He asked, voice low in his throat

"Yes sir."

"Good. Let's try. Position two."

I bent over and gripped my ankles.

"Position four." He said

"Uh... sir, you didn't give me a position four."

"Stand up straight." He instructed

I did and looked at him. He was smiling.

"Good job, I like that you were listening. Good girl."

He kissed the top of my head and stepped back from me.

I smiled back happy with my praises. He kissed my forehead and took my hand.

"Let's go get some lunch."

"Okay, where are we going?"

"That nice Diner down the street I know you like."

"Ma & Pa's? I love that place."

He smiled at me.

"I know. Now come on, I want to get a table in the back." He smirked

He pulled me out of the door with me barely having time to grab my purse. We started walking and he held me close. I was smothered against his side, his arm wrapped firmly around my waist as we walked down the road. He seemed...proud to have me at his side.

I was really going to enjoy this.

Since it was a warm day it was nice for a walk. The cars whizzed by us and the air blew In our hair. He kissed my head again and I smiled. This felt really nice.

"So how was your Sunday?" He suddenly asked me

"At first it was bad, but it got better as the day progressed."

We reached the diner and he held the door for me. I went in with a thank you, and he walked in behind me. It was a quaint diner, and like the name suggested, was a mom and dad owned establishment. There were retro fifty styled booths, a jukebox playing a soft song where a man crooned for his lost love, the tiles were black and white and there were pictures of different people and places prominent in the late fifties. Leo led me to the back and we sat down, he across from me.

"So why was your Sunday bad at the beginning?"

"Well I came home and Jack got a little protective. Said that he, Brandi, and Amber worried about me all night long. They even searched for me. But that's my fault, I should've called."

"I'll be honest, I never knew that Jack could be that protective. I thought he was the goofy one."

"No, that's Evan. But he's an EMT so we barely see him at nights. He even wants to become a Firefighter, but Jack is so not having that. You should've seen that show down." I said

Leo looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"He just does it because he loves you guys. Evan is his boyfriend right?"

"Yeah. But Jack cares a bit too  much, and I love the guy, but sometimes I just want to throw a shoe at him. But at the end of the day, all I want to do is hug him."

"I understand that. I've had to be told to back off a time or two when I myself got protective of the people I cared about."

"Oh really? Who were you so protective over?"

"My sister, Katie. I'm her older brother so of course I was gonna be protective anyway. Well..... I may or may not have been the reason that guys usually didn't ask her out."

"Leo!" I exclaimed

"And I took wrestling in high school and also know karate and Taijutsu And boys knew this.... and didn't dare mess with her. When I graduated, I swear all of those boys threw a party. She even thought that things would change.... they didn't."

I looked at him and blunk three times, no words coming out of my mouth. This dude was something else.

"Seriously, who are you?" I asked him

"What do you mean?" He asked confused

"You've been all around the world, know three languages fluently, know how to kill a guy if you needed to, are an awesome cook, and a successful partner of a private practice. Seriously, you're the type of guy that people will see as 'too good to be true'." I teased

He smirked and sat back more against the chair.

"Guess you should make sure I'm not a hologram or something." He teased

"Whatever!" I laughed

A waitress came by to get our orders. I could see just how forced the smile she gave us was. She basically dismissed me after I gave her my order. She even flirted with Leo right in front of me. I mean... we weren't dating but it bothered me with all of the side glances she gave me. She was a pale brunette with long, silky, flowing hair and bright brown eyes. He teeth were straight and she had a nice smile. I looked down at my lap and twiddled with my fingers until she left. 

"Eyes up Pet." He muttered

I looked up slowly, and of course I bet the sadness could be seen in my eyes.

"Do not worry about her." He simply said


His green eyes flashed and I shut up quickly.

"What is my important rule?" He asked me

"Always trust you to protect me and cherish me."

"Precisely. So trust me right now, she has nothing on you Ellie."

I tried not to blush.

"If you don't crack a smile then I won't talk to you the rest of the day." He said nonchalantly

I gave a small smile.

"Good girl. Now, when she comes back, just ignore her."

And as if on cue, she came back with our steaming plates of food. She put my plate down harshly in front of me and didn't even look my way while Leo got his placed in front of him softly and gave a wide grin.

"I made sure the Chef put extra hush puppies on the plate."

"Thank you." He said tightly, not looking at her and grabbing his fork

I tried not to laugh as she slyly cut her eyes at me and then left quickly. We ate our food and afterwards Leo went upfront to pay while I stood awkwardly by his side. Of course the same waitress was the one doing our receipt. And this heifer just had to give it the ol' College try. I saw her "slyly" slide a napkin with her number on it towards Leo.

"Call me when you want to move onto... better things in life."

That hit me hard.... but I also felt a little anger. I knew that it was directed at me, even if she didn't look my way.

Leo gave her a smile, picked up her napkin and balled it up, making sure she got the full view.

"Listen to me young lady, I would like to tell you that your behavior was deplorable. All you're doing is embarrassing yourself and I think it's appalling how you treated my date. What is your name?" He demanded angrily.

Whoa....I had never seen him this angry.

"Felicia." She said quietly

"Well Felicia, I guess I will have to be having a little talk with your manager. "

Her eyes widened in fear at the word manager.

"No, no you don't have to do that." She pleaded

"Oh, you're right."

She looked relieved.

"I need  to speak to your manager."

Looking at this girl and how nervous she was starting to get actually made me feel a bit sorry for her. I didn't want to be the cause of whatever was about to happen.

"Leo it's ok-" I tried to butt in

He looked towards me.

"It's not." 

He flagged down another waitress, told her what he wanted and she went to go find the manager. I was slowly becoming red in the face.

"Hi sir, is there a problem?" Asked a tall middle aged man with graying black hair.

"Yes, your waitress Felicia here has been very rude to us."

I saw a quick flicker of annoyance cross his face.

"I am terribly sorry sir, a moment please." 

The man turned away from us and in a very low voice said, 

"Felicia, come with me to the back now!" He said sternly

She looked towards me, rolled her eyes and followed behind the man that led her. After ten minutes we saw her storm out of the diner. The man came back.

"We have decided to let her go. Once again, I am sorry for your inconvenience."

"Thank you. Let's go Ellie."

I meekly looked around at the small crowd that had formed and left quickly before Leo did. Once we were a good block away I unleashed my anger. It wasn't directed at Leo but it was just the situation itself.

"Why would you do that?! I can never go back there now!" I yelled

"She was being disrespectful to you." He said calmly

"Leo, I appreciate it, I really do,  but we got that girl fired."

"No, we didn't. She got herself fired. From the look on that managers face, this isn't the first time she's been complained about."

"But still-"

"But nothing Ellie! I wasn't gonna stand there and pretend that I didn't see the looks she gave you, how she behaved towards you, and even the own sadness on your face. Look, I care about you, and I will not let anyone talk any way they want to about you. I'll practically fuck up anyone who hurts you or makes you cry. I promise you that."

I sighed and began walking again. Despite my utter embarrassment, my heart actually squeezed in my chest from those words. He fought for my honor. How many guys would do that? And for me of all people?

He followed and soon we were back at the building. I stormed to the elevator and hit the fifth floor button. He got in after I did and the doors shut.

"You're mad at me?" He asked

Even if he said sweet things, I still was a bit upset at him.

I ignored him and said nothing

"I'm talking to you Ellie." He said, voice showing quickly growing tension

Still, I kept my mouth shut.

"That's it."

He reached past me and hit a button, I didn't see which one. But all I heard was a short bell, and then the elevator stopped. He stepped past me and had his back against the control panel.

"Really Leo?" I asked incredulously

"It's Sir, Pet. You will respect me, no matter how mad you are."

"Leo-... Sir, that was so embarrassing! You know I will never go back there right?"

"You will do as I command you to. And I say that we will go back there."


He moved forward and pinned me to the adjacent wall. I quieted down and submissively looked to the floor. I trembled with nervousness but also something else. He always got me started.

"You can't always run from your problems. Sometimes you need to face them head on. People will talk about you-"

My eyes snapped up towards his and they were wet with tears. I was annoyed with myself at the sudden emotion, but what could I do? What happened today struck a nerve, and frankly, I was holding back tears since we had left. 

"Don't you think I know that!? That's all my life has been about. My weight, my looks, my skin tone, how I sound. I've always been the fat kid in the class or the ugly girl that everyone made fun of. People are so cruel that they compared me to animals Leo, animals! They've compared me to the very bugs that scurry in the shadows. And you know why? It's because of me being dark skinned and it hurts! You'll never know what that's like. It's been years since I've been treated like that. You think I don't know I have no business being with you? Everyone knows you could do better, Leo. You're just so blind to not see it." I finished with a whisper

His eyes softened but I still saw the dominant side in them. He took both of his hands and wiped my eyes.

"I don't care who says what about us, they don't know nor understand what we have, Pet. They're jealou and they want what we have. You're beautiful baby, so beautiful to me. I see you, the real you, and she is more beautiful than I could've ever imagined. That girl today, she was as ignorant as they come and she has absolutely nothing on you my Pet. Now originally I wasn't going to say anything, but then I picked up on the small conversation she was having with another waitress when you went to the bathroom. She said that we didn't belong together because of our skin colors. The other waitress didn't agree, she thought we were cute. But people like that... they don't deserve your time or your tears."

I sniffed and he cupped the side of my face, wiping my tears with his thumbs.

"Why would someone like her even bother you?" He asked softly

"I mean... she was pretty, and skinny.... and white." I said, smirking

He stared at me, prompting me to go on.

"And I don't know...I thought that-"

"I would think she was better?" He finished for me

I nodded my head.

"If I didn't want you Ellie I would've made that clear. But I do."

My heart skipped a beat.

"I've never met someone like you. Even if this submissive thing doesn't work, you'll still be my special girl."

I smiled as he once again wiped at the fresh tears on my cheek. He hugged me and stroked my hair. I then heard the elevator doors open onto our floor. He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"Come on, we have patients to see. But when we close up tonight, come see me okay?"

"Yes sir." I said quietly

He let me go and then went to his own office.

A/N: Sigh, I wish I had a man like Leo. I hope y'all enjoy! :) 

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