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A/N: And now, the part you've all been waiting for: The Finale. Now guys, I am writing a story called "Saved from myself" it is different from the other version. New characters and new plot. Do you guys not like it? And also, I have a feeling after His is done, my other stories still won't get much attention lol. Anyway, onward to the final part of His. Also, I thought this song would be PERFECT for this part. I just got done watching this movie. Best movie of all time! :)


After waking up the next morning, I rolled around in the guest bed feeling like crap. My throat was sore and my eyes were puffy and swollen from crying all night. My head throbbed and I felt the room spin, but I had to get up and get out of here. Checking my phone I saw texts saying that I would be picked up sometime after twelve. Looking at the time, I saw that it was only 7.

Five hours stuck here....

I placed my hand on my chest, noticing my Day Collar. It used to bring me joy, but now....nothing. I decided that once I was picked up I'd leave it here and that would be the end of it.

It was only after I laid back down that I noticed the water and two Advil sitting on my night stand. Also, there was a card sitting next to it. I reached for it and read it:

I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, and I am so mad at myself for everything that I have done, and I know no amount of explanation will be enough for you to forgive me right now. But I love you, I mean it. She's nothing to me, and if you give me a chance, I'll spend everyday of my life proving it to you.  


I scoffed and flung the card back onto the table. I took the pills and water gratefully and then went to take my shower. Afterwards, I sat on my bed and played games on my phone, caught up with my favorite stories on Wattpad, and even got on the Whisper app for my latest helping of daily gossip. By time I got bored of all of was only 9:30. Ugh, still two more hours to go.

I heard a soft knock at my door and I pretended to be sleep when it opened. I heard soft foot steps enter and walk over to my bed. Obviously he didn't notice my ruse, so I kept it up.The fact that I loved this man as much as I did already freaked me out to begin with. But now...I see that I wasn't enough for him. And yeah, he deserved the best.... way better than I could ever be. Even from the few times I met Donna, I could see why he felt like he did when he had her. And why when she left him why he was so devastated. I guess that if I left...he wouldn't even miss me.

I kept my eyes shut as I felt him sit on the bed and his finger slowly sweep back some of my hair. I focused all of my energy into not moving any part of my face. 

"My baby...I'm so sorry." He murmured

His fingertips roamed every part of my face: my eyes lids, my nose, lips, and cheeks. He kissed me on the forehead and soon got off of the bed, leaving me alone once again. I felt a single tear fall before I opened my eyes again. 


Once I heard two short beeps coming from outside, I then heard footsteps and Leo's voice saying It was time to go. I had stayed in that room doing nothing but thinking, and now, I had to walk by the man that had destroyed me and pretend like he hadn't.

"Coming." I said in a strong voice

At the last second I took off my collar and placed it on the table.

I was done.... for good this time. There was no going back now.

I walked out of the room with a purpose and passed Leo along the way. 

"Ellie wait." He said quietly 

I looked back at him, not saying a word. The look on his face almost forced me to stay there, but I knew if I gave in, I'd just be damning myself.

He walked up to me and I took slight step back. If I kept my distance, then getting out of here would be a bit easier. But the look in his eyes, they held so much vulnerability and shame. It made me want to reach out to him and hug him, pretend that I was okay. But I wouldn't do that, I couldn't do that. All that would teach him is that it would be okay for him to hurt me and all I'd do was welcome him back. Well, fuck that, I was through being weak and it was time I took a stand. 

"Please.... don't leave I'll do anything you want, I'll never speak of her or thin-" 

"Leo....just— stop. I'm done, alright? I was a fool to believe someone like you could ever love a girl like me. I get it, she's pretty and perfect. And I'm" I scoffed, shaking my head

I turned to grab the door knob but felt him grab my arm and he pulled me towards him, holding my face in his hands. I was about to lose it in front of him and I couldn't let him see just how much he hurt me. But my lip trembled and my throat restricted. I just had to get out of here.

"No baby, you're perfect, I'm just a messed up guy, I'm sorry." 

"Stop it." I said softly, trying to turn my head as his green orbs burned into mine.

"It's the truth. I'll do anything Ellie, just please don't leave me. Name it, name anything and I'll do it, I'll get it for you. I'll do what it takes to make this work." He pleaded desperately


"Ellie please, I love you, I need you, please don't leave."

I ripped my face and body from him And laughed humorlessly as the unshed tears finally fell down my face. Damn, I had almost made it. 

"Nothing you can buy or give me can change this mess, nor does it change your infidelity, because you still have feelings for her. Admit that Leo." I said quietly 

His green eyes looked into mine, and they held so much guilt.

Guess I had my answer. 

"Yeah...just what I thought." 

"And I'm sorry for that." He said quietly 

I felt nothing but pain. 

"Yeah, you sure are sorry. I'm never enough for anyone, why should I believe that I am now?" 

"No...Ellie no I don't mean that." 

"Take care of yourself Leo." 

I opened the door and swiftly walked to Amber's car with tears blurring my vision.  

"I swear I want to kick his ass! I'll call every guy I know just to come visit this son of a bitch" She snarled after seeing my tears 

"It won't change anything Amber, It's over. Please just get us out of here." I said quietly, letting the deep heaving sobs take over. 

She looked grim but nodded and cut the car back on, driving away from Leo's flat.  


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