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I was sitting underneath my favorite tree in the park and cried with my knees pulled up to my chest, drinking a bottle of my favorite wine. I sat amidst the chirping birds, blowing wind, and the feel of the breeze on my skin. And I was too busy crying to truly enjoy it. I always came to the park when I needed to have sometime to think. And now that It was warm again, this was the perfect time. Uncurling myself I sat there, pathetic, tears still streaming down my face. I felt numb...nothing. Just a deep throbbing ache in my chest.

Oh wait...that's where my heart would be if it was even still beating. I had been here all day long, and suddenly it was now night. But I had no reservations about moving, I'd stay in this spot. And I didn't care if a murderer or whatever came my way, maybe they'd stop the immense pain I was feeling. I was curled up, face in the soft grass. it was slowly getting cooler, but still comfortable. I soon saw a pair of headlights come up and the the sound of a car engine cutting off. 

"Ellie!" I heard some one yell 

I didn't know if it was my imagination, the alcohol, or reality, but all I know is, I didn't move from that one spot. I soon saw a flashlight making its way through and it was Joined by several other voices and lights. 

"Okay, you guys take the perimeter, I'll search the interior of the park." I heard some one instruct 

Aren't dreams supposed to be exciting? aai mean, this was a dream right? If so This was so mundane.

I snuggled more into my make shift pillow and tried to block the sounds out, pretend that the voices weren't real. I was always safe in my own world, away from pain, hurt, broken promises and unrequited love. I always feared that no one would ever truly love me. I guess I was right this whole time.

Why was it that I was never enough for a guy? What about me repelled and repulsed them so much? Why am I never good enough? At times I feel like I'd never be nothing more than some ones personal toy, one they can use to their hearts desires and then throw away. Leo deserved so much better than me anyway. And if he thought that was Donna....who was I to debate? All I wanted was to drown my sorrows in wine and ice cream. But I was too drunk to walk properly, let alone drive to the store.

I saw the lights get closer and the single voice get louder. 

"Please be here." They whispered frantically to themselves. I would guess they were alone by the one set of footfalls I heard, crushing the soft grass. 

I stayed quiet, and thought that if I pretended I wasn't there, that they would go over me and keep going.  

"Ellie!" I heard them yell again 

Their voice sounded strained and worried. But honestly I was too drunk to truly notice. My head swam and I clamped my eyes shut. The foot steps started zeroing in on my location and the light moved around. 

"Ellie!" They yelled once more. 

I clamped my eyes shut and cried. I jut wanted everything to stop and slow down. Just with enough time for me to get myself together. I heard the footsteps running now and saw the light getting closer to me. The light shined closely to me all of a sudden, piercing my eyelids. 

"Oh God, Ellie!" They said frantically 

I heard them stop and felt a presence close to mine. Then I smelled them...old spice. It was him 

"Ellie." He said frantically, shaking me 

I swiped at him, eyes still closed. 

"Go away!" I yelled 

He picked me up and restrained me, holding me tightly to his chest while I beat on his chest with my fists. 

"Let go of me!" I slurred 

I felt him coil his arms around me protectively. 

"No... never." He whispered quietly 

I felt tears squeeze down my cheeks as he kissed the top of my head. 

"Get off." I wavered 

I was slowly losing my battle. I had drank that entire bottle, and boy was it a huge one. I felt the ground move and all of a sudden I was above it. 

"Come on baby I'm taking you home." He said quietly 

"I'm not going anywhere with you, let go!" I yelled 

He stopped momentarily. 

"You're coming with me and that's final." He said sternly 

He threw me over his shoulder and started walking me back to the car. I laid there, too dizzy to keep moving like I was. But against better judgment, I jumped out of his arms and onto the ground below. I stumbled and then fell. 

"Oh for heavens sake." I heard him mutter 

I was once again back in his arms and moving. I heard more voices. 

"You found her!?" I heard others yell excitedly 

"Yeah. I'm gonna take her home and get her taken care of." 

"No, we'll take her Leo." I heard Amber say 

"Guys...I want to take her to my house. Is her room even fixed yet? She's not safe there."

"Well no, the police won't let us touch it until they find more evidence. As far as we're concerned, this psycho is still out there." 

She'll be safe at my house." 

"You can take her tonight Leo, but afterwards, she's coming home. You've hurt her enough." I heard Brandi say harshly 

"I didn't mean to hurt her I swear." 

"Look, we'll deal with this tomorrow. It's cold and she's drunk, we need to get her taken care of. We'll drive her car home and see you in the morning." Amber interjected 

I wanted to go with them, not stay with Leo. But my room wasn't ready, and I had no clothes in my closet or drawers and all of my clothes were at Leo's house. 


I drove her back to my house while she fell asleep in the front seat. Once I pulled up I carried her sleeping figure into the house, closing the door with my foot. The sharp sound made her jump and suddenly wake.  

"Hm Where am I?" 

"My house." I replied as I walked her to my room. 

"I want to go home." She said quietly 

"You're going tomorrow, don't worry." I said 

She said nothing. 

"Look, how about a nice shower and then bed? It's late." 

"Fine. You shower first, I'll wait." She said quietly 

I sighed and sat down heavily on the bed.

"Ellie, I am so sorry." I tried to say

She instead turned away from me and fiddled with her fingers. 

"Look at me please." I said quietly 

She of course didn't and still fiddled with her hands. 


"Please....don't call me that anymore." She said quietly 

"What, why?" 

"I'm not your Pet anymore." 

I quieted the unrest in me and swallowed hard. It was like she stuck a knife in my heart. But thinking about it, what degree of damage had I myself caused her? God she must hate me right now. I didn't blame her, I damn sure hated myself. I'd never forgive myself for how much I hurt her.

"Then what are you?" I asked 


She said it so coldly and I flinched a little. I reached for her but the shrank away from me. 

"Don't... don't touch me." She said quietly 

"Ellie please." I pleaded

She got up from the bed.

"Just leave me alone Leo." She said dryly

And without another word, she retreated across the hallway. 


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