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A/N: Prepare yourselves. 'Nuff Said.


I walked into the front entrance of the club and was greeted by Josh. He seemed frantic as hell.

"Hey Josh, what's up?" I asked 

"Ellie, thank God! Finally, someone to talk to. You're a girl right?" He asked starting to walk with me 

"Uh...yeah. You could say that." I laughed 

"Good, so since you are one, please help me with a girl problem." 

Okay, it had to be serious for him to be practically losing his mind.

"Trouble in paradise, Josh?" I asked, a soft smirk on my lips. 

"Some what, only my paradise is still intact. " 

"Enlighten me." 

"Me and Priah aren't working out and I've tried letting her down gently, but of course like in true girl fashion, she won't accept it." 

"Did you maybe think that she has feelings too?" I asked

"Look, I know I seem like an asshole, and that I was one to you for awhile, but hey, that's just who I am. I have a hard time trusting people, and relationships are not my thing." 

"I get it, you have that alpha male persona, obviously. Now, back to Priah, what's going on with that?" 

He walked me to the bar and poured himself a drink. 

"She wants to be more than we are." 

"What kind of relationship do you guys have anyway? Master-slave, or Dom-submissive?" 

"The first one." He said roughly 

I guess that drink was pretty strong. 

"So basically she's not following the contract I presume?" 

"Exactly! When she met me, I told her what was up." 

"Josh, you have to see it from her point of view. Women catch emotions through intimacy as well as sex. You men are pure logic, just lost in the motions and in the act itself, while we like the emotional aspect of it. How long until her contract is up?" 

"Alright Miss Psychologist, and one week." 

"Then after that week don't renew it, problem solved. But in the future, maybe you should rethink your 'slaves', especially if you know how they'll react. Not all women can't catch emotions for others, and they should be respected. You can't just treat them like simple objects, they have feelings!" 

"Ellie I know that, but I warned her. And the problem not solved, she'll still be here, staring at me and making sure she is seen." 

"Okay, I'll ask you this: does she pay for her membership?" 

"No, it was free. Oh duh Josh! Of course, if she tries to get a membership, I just won't take it." He said with a sudden revelation

"Well unless you want to get sued, you should actually try to honor said membership and just try keeping your distance. From what you've told me, she's not going to leave you alone as soon as you'd like her to, but eventually she will and she'll find some one better. But I suggest that you actually treat her as a person and not as a simple pest, that only makes it worse. So what are you gonna do? "

"I guess I should explain why we are ending, because I don't think I actually did to begin with." 

"See, now there you go. And actually be nice to her, don't be an ass. Now I still have a Dom, and I know he hates it when I am late so, I'll see you later." I smirked 

"See ya." He said, taking another swig of his drink. 

I made my way back to the room Leo told me to meet him in, excitement rushing through me. I couldn't wait to see what he had planned tonight. As I reached his room and opened the door, I was definitely not prepared for what I saw, and thinking on it now, I wished I had never say it. But when I opened that door, everything changed. There was Leo....and this girl, straddling him, kissing him. They must have heard me because when the girl pulled away and looked back, I saw it was Donna, who had the most triumphant, smug smirk on her face.

I felt my heart practically crack in two and couldn't believe what I was seeing in front of me. My eyes quickly filled with tears and my throat clenched. 

"Leo..." I whispered painfully 

The shock on his face was magnified by the pain on mine. He swallowed and looked me dead in the eye, face contorted in guilt. 

"Ellie I-I didn't mean it." He faltered 

I turned around and ran quickly down the hallway. 

"Ellie wait!" He yelled behind me 

Tears blurred my vision as I ran through the door that would take me to my car and away from here. But then again, I never was known as an Olympiad for track, and I was caught quickly. 

"Let go of me!" I yelled 

"Let me explain-" 

"No, I've had enough! Really Leo if you want her, believe me, she can have you!" 

I snatched away from him and rushed the rest of the way down the hall. I had to get out of here, had to get away from all of this. I knew now that I neither he was ready, not when he still thought about her. What a dumb ass I had been! Thinking back to it now that day in Italy when he practically confessed he still cared for Donna: "Yes, I still might think of her, but it is you that has my heart." 

Stupid, stupid, stupid! I rushed to my car quickly and got in. I was pulling out just as I saw him run out of the club after me. I peeled out of the parking lot quick, fast, and in a hurry. 


I ran out after her and caught her too late, she was already gone. I sighed and punched the steel door that I had just came out of. Damn, how could I be so stupid!? For heaven sakes, I had kissed Donna. Well.... most like she kissed me.

I had hurt My Ellie and I have never felt so low. 

"Whoa man, where's the fire?" Josh asked  

"I have to go." 

"Where? What's wrong?" 

"I might have just fucked up with Ellie big time." 

"What could you have done that's so horrible?" 

I gritted my teeth in annoyance with myself. 

"Donna kissed me and she saw." I said, disgusted with myself 

"After all that woman has done to you!? How could you let her get to you like this? Why didn't you push her off of you? Wait a minute, how in the hell did she even get in here!?" 

"I truly don't know. God man, half of the time I don't know what is wrong with me."

"Look... Ellie is a good girl man, I had hoped that she would be the one to get you out of this funk and away from that vile bitch. Hope you haven't run her off for good." He muttered, walking away from me.  

I made no hesitation to get to the door and get into my car. I had to go find her. 

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