Thirty-One *Edited*

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It was Early Friday morning when Leo shook me awake. I awoke groggily and slowly opened my eyes. 

"Pet, come on we gotta get to the airport. We have a long day ahead of us." He whispered 

I got up, very aware of my dizzy state and trudged to the bathroom. I was so excited for this trip that I could barely hold it in. I hadn't told Leo... but I still didn't feel all that great being under the weather and all. In fact my throat was sore and my head was spinning. I gripped the sink  trying to keep my spinning vision at bay. Once I got my bearings, I brushed my teeth and then got dressed in Leo's bedroom. When I was done, I was bending down to grab my bag when I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. I took some deep breaths and got the nausea to stop, but my head still of spun out of control. 

"You okay?" I heard Leo ask me 

"Huh? Oh yes, I am fine." 

He took the bag from my hands easily and looked at me once more. 

"You sure you're okay? You look a little gray." 

"Yes, I'm fine." 

He bent down to kiss me on the lips and at the last second, I turned to the side and he kissed my cheek. He gave me a questioning look, but didn't say anything as he pulled away from me and walked out of the open front door to the car. I started to silently panic. All I had to do was make it to the plane and then I would tell the truth. He came back in and looked me over. 

"You look good as always." He smiled 

"Thank you. And of course you do too, as always." I smiled bashfully. 

I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. 

"Kitten what's the matter? Are you ok?" 

"I'm fine. I just wanted a hug." 

He kissed my head and stroked it a couple of times. It freak me out....I hope he didn't notice my warm forehead.

"Then let's get going. Grab some fruit or something."

Thank God! Okay, all I had to do was get to the plane and then I was home free. 

I ran to the kitchen and did just that.  I grabbed a Granny Smith apple and an orange for him. Then I left the house making sure the door was locked. Everything was dizzy until I got onto the plane and we settled into our plush individual seats. We even had our own personal cocoon where we sat across from the other. I thought that when I had woken up a little and had a little to drink that I would be fine, but of course I wasn't. I felt bad and I was so dizzy. 

"Come here Ellie." I heard Leo say, concern lacing his voice. 

I got up slowly and walked over. 

"Whatsup?" I asked with a forced smile

He looked at me concerned. 

"What's wrong? You sure you're okay?" 

"I'm just tired." 

I was miserable. 

"Come here, sit on my lap." 

"No, that's alright, I'll go sleep in my chair." I commented, turning towards my seat.

"Ellie." Leo called in warning

I sighed and walked back towards him, but this time, I saw three Leo's instead of one. I clenched my eyes shut and opened them again, everything going back to normal. I laid down heavily on Leo's shoulder. 

"Ellie, you're very hot." He said alarmed

I laughed despite the pain in my head. 

"Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." 

"No, I mean you're burning up." 

"Leo... I..I'm fine. I just want to sleep." I said delayed 

I felt so sleepy and my head was killing me. I closed my eyes and he started to rock me back and forth in his arms. 

"Why'd you lie Ellie? If you need a hospital then I can't drive you to one." 

"I didn't want to ruin the trip. You spent so much money on this trip, these tickets, and my clothes." 

"Ellie, I don't care about that. I care about you. You're my first priority." 

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want to ruin something else like I always do." I murmured, closing my eyes

I heard him sigh. 

"You don't always ruin everything. You're just so stubborn. But don't worry... I will train you to trust me and tell the truth you got it?" 

"Yes Sir." 

He kissed my forehead and flagged down a passing Flight Attendant. 

"Mrs... could you bring us an ice pack if you have it?" 

"Yes sir. Is there anything else you need?" 

"A pillow and blanket please?" 

"Right away." 

"Leo I'm fine." I whine while coughing. 


"No you aren't. You're burning up and we're hours away from Italy. As soon as we land in France I am taking you to a hospital. 

"But Leo-" 

"No buts. After you're well then we will fly to Italy. Are we clear?" he asked sternly 

"Yes Sir." I say, feeling chastised  

The flight attendant came back a few minutes later with a cold compress, a bottle of Fiji water, and a pillow and some blankets. 

"Here you are sir." She said cheerfully 

"Grazie." He replied  

She set the things down and left. 

"Now I have to put you down so I can make you a place to lie down." 

"Okay." I said warily 

He got up, turned around and put me down on his seat. And after a few minutes, he picked me back up and set me down in a reclined chair. The pillow was behind my head and the blanket tucked around my shoulders. He placed the cold compress on my forehead and gave me the water which I sipped out of a straw. 


"You don't have to do all of this." She said weakly 

"I want to. Drink." 

She didn't protest and drank the water given. When I was all gone I made sure to ask for a few more bottles. She drank those as well and soon fell asleep. An hour later I got a new compress for her. We got to the point that we were an hour from landing and she slept the whole flight. I stroked her hair worriedly and prayed to God she didn't get worse. She was still very hot and was sweating. Even started groaning in her sleep. I alerted the flight attendants to her condition and they promised me that there would be a waiting ambulance on the tarmac. I also got the name of the hospital that she would be going to and a car to come get us when her stint in the hospital was done. Once we landed we got directly into the back of the ambulance  and off we went. She was delirious now and getting hotter by the second. She was dehydrated from all of the sweating and vomiting (one of the un-fun things about this sickness). 

"Leo?" I heard her ask 

I gripped her hand and leaned forward so she could see me. 

"Hey there. We're in France and we're going to the hospital." 

"I'm sorry." She whispered 

"Don't worry about it... we need to get you well first." 

I was worried... that was basically an understatement.

I was terrified.  

We finally pulled up to the hospital and they whisked her in. I followed behind them and they wheeled her into a room. I attempted to go in with her but was stopped outside.  


"N'entrez pas dans cette chambre!"  (Do not enter this room.) 

"S'il-vous-plaît, mon amour est très malade" (Please, my love is very sick.)

"Calmez-vous,  elle ira bien.  Je vous le promet."  (Calm down, she will be fine. I promise.)

I tried pleading more but the door was shut in my face and I waited helplessly outside.  

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