Thirty-Two *Edited*

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Shout out to nununani, the user who helped me with the French in the last chapter. Lemme tell you, I thought I would be dynamite in French and be a great speaker since I took three years in high school....yeah, I barely remember anything lol BUT, it is my goal to be fluent in it before my life's over. It's a beautiful language :) Onward to the story


The next thing I knew I was waking up to a soft hand rubbing mine. I was groggy and I felt so out of it, but then I noticed the bright lights and the smell of antiseptic. At least my headache had gone away.  I slowly looked over and saw Leo looking at me upset and worried. 

"You're up. Thank God." He murmured, kissing my hand 

"Did the docs say what I have yet?" 

"You're borderline pneumonic. You have to stay here for a week while they give you antibiotics." 

"Oh no." I groaned 

"Hey... it's okay. We get to visit two beautiful cities instead of one." 

"I am sorry, really I feel bad." 

"Stop apologizing. You're okay... but don't ever scare me like this again. I don't like it when you keep things from me Ellie. Do you have any idea how bad things could've gotten?!" He asked me sternly 

"It's just an infection." I said in a small voice

"No, it's not 'just an infection', this could've done a lot of damage to your body, and we're lucky that we caught it in time!" he growled 

And not in a good way... in a bad way, like a father chastising his bad child. 

Tears filled my eyes and I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry." I whispered with a sniff.

His face softened and he sighed, getting up from the chair he was sitting in. 

"I need to go and walk." He said 

"Will you come back?" 

"Of course I will... I just need a breather." 

He grabbed my face in his hands and he kissed my forehead, my eyelids, my cheeks, and then my lips. Momentarily he held his forehead against mine and took a deep breath.  

"Don't cry. I'm not that angry okay? You just scared me." 

I nodded wordlessly and with one last stroke of my cheek, he left. I laid there with what seemed hours and had dozed off until he returned with delicious smelling food. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked me with a smile 

"Awh, you bought me food?" I asked quietly 

Over the few hours I was in the hospital, I was starting to get my appetite back. 

"Yes, I got you ice cream." 

"Just ice cream?" I asked with a puppy dog face 

"Well... I also got you some pasta and water, that's if you're up for it. If not I'll just feed you the ice cream. Or as the french say, une glace chocolate." 

"Ice cream please." I asked 

"Of course." 

And he fed me for the next few minutes. After that, I sat back in the bed. Leo decided to climb into the bed next to me. 

"No, get out you'll get sick!" I protested

Then I thought to earlier when he kissed me. Fuck, I hope he didn't get sick from me. And to prove his point, he kissed me again. 

"I'm not worried." He said, kissing my cheeks 


I held her to my chest tightly afraid of letting her go. I almost lost her and  wouldn't let go... I couldn't. She had fallen asleep in my arms and I just held her. Her fever had gone down some as the doctors had commented when they came to take her temperature not too long ago. I wasn't so angry as I was worried. When she passed out last week I was losing my mind. I mean, once we got her to my place and I got her fed, bathed, and into bed she said she felt better. And when it came to work, she seemed okay. But now that I think about it, she often was excusing herself to go to the bathroom, and she was drinking orange juice by the gallon it seemed. I guess I should've noticed something was up when she would turn away from me or avoided me when I tried to kiss her or hold her close. Her phone started to ring and I decided to reach over and look at who was calling. Christopher... why was he calling? I wanted to answer it but I refrained against it. I trusted her and besides... I had her, he didn't. But then again... he was her patient. A few minutes later the phone rang again. 

"Mmm, stop the ringing." She murmured sleepily 

"It's Christopher.... you want to talk to him?" 

"Sure... hand me the phone please?" She asked quietly 

I did and she answered it. 


"I'm fine. We're in France." 


"I won't be back for a week or so. Is everything alright?" 


"Well.... I promise when I get back you will be the first patient I see alright? In the meantime, Dr. Caine is on call, if you need someone to talk to, go to him and he should be able to help you." 


"Alright... bye." 

She hung up and I took the phone from her, placing it on the table. 

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" 

"A little better." 

"Good. Once we're out of here we're gonna have so much fun in Italy." 

"What will we do first?" 

"Um... sleep. We may have to take the red eye over. I'm not sure when we're getting out of here, and you do want to see some of Paris right?" 

"Of course. I've always wanted to visit Paris... I even took some French in high school. You see how well it stuck right?" She teased 

I chuckled. 

"I could teach you some French if you want me to." 

"I'd love that. Just not now." She smiled 

"But of course." I said in a very bad French accent 

She laughed so hard that tears poured from her eyes. I wiped them and had the biggest smile of the world on my face. 

"Just wait until I get you to Italy. Girl, you'll go back to America a changed woman." 

"Then I can't wait." She smirked 

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