Thirty-Three *Edited*

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Small update: This landmark no longer exists. They took this part of the bridge down I think some time in 2014.


When I was finally released from the hospital, Leo and I spent the day in France looking at all of the sights. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and even walked down the Champs Élysées looking in the different Boutiques. They had some very nice clothes here in France. After all, this was one of the fashion capitals of the world.

"See anything you like?" He asked

"No, I'm just browsing." I said quickly

I liked that Leo bought me nice things.... but he did it so often. And I mean, we had the same job, meaning I was more than capable of buying things.

We stopped at one window in particular, a place called Belle. Beautiful. 

The things inside were beautiful indeed. They had a lot of jewelry in there that looked highly expensive.

"Oh, look at that one. I think that would look absolutely beautiful on you."

I looked at the one he pointed at and saw it was a diamond pendent outlined in white gold with a white gold chain around it. The price was 12,000 euros

"Do you like it?"

"No... not my style. Come on Leo, let's go find food I'm hungry." I whined, pulling him desperately from the window

"But the pendent-"

"It's alright now come on."

I walked hastily away from the boutique and we kept walking until we found a café. We were seated immediately and Leo ordered for us (in French) and then we were left alone.

"I know you really liked that Pendant earlier. Why didn't you want it?"

"Because... you already buy too many things for me. That was 12,000 euros. I think you have wasted enough money on me as it is."

"It's not a waste if I want to do it. Money can be made... but you don't get a feeling like this or a lady like you every day. I just want you to know how special you are to me." He said in a soft voice.

I smiled as his green eyes sparkled into mine. He laid his hand atop mine and my smile grew.

"I already know that." I replied

He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed each individual finger all the while never taking his eyes off of mine. I smiled while the waiter came back with a huge smile on her own face.

"Très belle." She commented beaming

"Oui, elle est." He smiled

 She set our food down and with another smile, left us to eat.

"Stop being so charming will ya? You got waitresses swooning for peat sakes." I laughed as I stuck my fork into my chicken. Leo told me to wait for the pasta in Italy, swore my socks would be knocked off.

"Can I help it if I want to show my feelings?" he beamed

"No." I replied, sticking my tongue out.

"Don't get anything started that you can't finish."

He had a certain look in his eyes and I blushed, turning back to my food. When we finished eating, we walked around Paris for the rest of the day. Three hours before we were set to leave, we stopped by a hardware store and Leo made me stay outside. It only took him ten minutes before he came back out with a white plastic bag. I asked what he bought but he never told me what it was, only that I would soon find out. 

"Come on, we have to hurry."

We started to run with me asking "where are we going?" along the way

"Trust me." Is all that he said

We reached an iron bridge with golden trim and a what seemed like a million locks locked on it's 

criss-crossed bars. In the distance I could see the Eiffel tower shining golden and brilliant across the darkened skyline. It was nine at night, and our plane would be departing at twelve. Leo had a big smile on his face.

What are we doing on this bridge? You taking in the Persian sky line before we leave it?" I smirked

"This isn't just any bridge love, this is the Lovers Lock bridge."

I looked at him confused.

"Uhuh... what about it?" I asked slowly

He took the plastic bag and took out a small padlock in the shape of a heart.

"Legend has it that if two lovers put a lock on this bride and lock it... their love will last forever."


"And I know you haven't said you loved me yet... but I just have a huge feeling that you do, you're just scared."

He was right... I did love him. I'd loved him since we walked in the park that day and he told me about aspects of his life, seeing his passion and joy for life and being a psychologist. Seing the samee passion in him that I had myself. I'd gone mad thinking about him every night wondering when I would see him again. I'm sure fate intervened for a reason. What are the odds that this man would be a psychologist too?

"I'm sorry that I can't say it back."

"That's alright. You will when you're ready. But about this bridge, I love the idea of it. I've been here a couple of times while sight seeing. I've seen a wedding on this bridge and even an engagement."

"Well it is pretty romantic. So, what do we have to do?" I asked with a smile

He fished out a marker out of his pants pocket and handed it to me.

"Write your name first."

I took the lock from him and wrote my name. He wrote his too and then opened up the lock.

"Then we lock it on the bridge and leave it here."

"That's it?" I asked


And to prove his point, he locks it on the bridge with the sides our names are on showing. He looks back at me and I get on my tippy toes kissing him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his around me and kisses me back.

"Come on, let's go catch this plane."

We walked hand and hand back to the rental car and got in. Once we returned the car, we got our bags checked in at the terminal and then we sat and waited. I was slowly falling asleep on Leo's shoulder when our boarding numbers were called. I awakened quickly and Leo and I boarded together for the one hour flight to Italy.  When we were in our seats, Leo was the one falling asleep now.

"Leo." I said

"Hmm?" He asked, eyes still closed.

"Thank you for everything. You're the greatest."

He smiled lazily.

"You only say that 'cause you want the goodies." He teased

I hit him on the arm.

"Shut up!" I laughed

He chuckled quietly and reached out to cup my cheek.

"You're welcome My Ellie. now shhh, I want to catch some Z's before we land."

He stroked my cheek with his thumb a couple of times before I held it in my lap. I soon fell asleep myself.


I was shaken awake  and saw that we were the last ones on the plane.

"Hey, we're here. Come on, get up!" Ellie giggled

"Why'd you wait so long to wake me?" I asked with a yawn

"I didn't. I've been shaking you for ten minutes. You sleep very heavily."

"I haven't really slept since we left last week."

She looked at me worried as I stood up and grabbed our carry on's from out of the overhead compartment and carried both our bags. I looked towards her and she looked guilty.

"What's the matter Kitten?" I asked with a furrowed brow

"You didn't not sleep last week because of me... did you?"

"Hey, I was worried. And I watched you at night to make sure nothing happened that's all. No harm, no foul. I'm okay." 

She seemed to relax a bit.

"Come on, let's go before our luggage gets stolen." I chuckled

We both walked to the terminal and waited. Our luggage was still there and we gathered what we needed. Ellie trailed her rolling bag behind her and I put the two smaller bags on top of my luggage and rolled that behind me too. The first thing we did was go to the car rental place and get a car. After that, we were off to my private Villa. It was five am here, and I knew in America it was just turning to night. I was a bit jet lagged, but none the less, I felt good. Once we arrived, I parked in the driveway and we both got out.

"Can we look around?" She asked me

"When we wake up. I'm tired."


We got into the house walking past the hard wooded foyer that lead directly into a very cozy kitchen with an arch as it's doorway. Everything was bathed in white and marble with cream furniture. Too boring and sophisticated for my tastes. But it was my parent's property and I was in the verge of buying it off of them. Once I did, there would be drastic changes.

"How often do you come here?" She asked

"Not as often as you would think. This is my parent's place, but since they have so many, this one doesn't get much use. I'm thinking about buying it from them and make this my vacation home during the summer. Maybe take my family here in the future, I don't know."

"You're gonna have a special secret room for your wife aren't you?" I heard her smirk

I chuckled.

"Of course. Just because we'd be on vacation, doesn't mean that the relationship stops. Of course with kids that's gonna be tricky." 

She laughed.

"And traumatic. Alright where am I sleepin'?"

"Come on I'll show you." 

We walked throughout the house and went to the steps that took us to the upstairs. The house was very spacious and so were the bedrooms. I went down to the farthest room and threw open the door, stepping aside. She walked in slowly mouth agape.

"Wow... this is beautiful!" She exclaimed softly

The walls were painted in ivory, the floors made of the softest white carpet and the bed in the middle of the huge room had steps leading up to it, a canopy cascading down from the ceiling and resting lightly on the edges of the bed. The bed itself was made up in a plush white comforter with black covers peeking out from underneath it. The pillows looked as soft and bushy as clouds. She dropped her bags and ran, jumping on the bed and settling with a giggle, arms outstretched. I watched her with a smile.

"So, where are you sleeping?" She asked with a small smile of her own

I dropped my own bags and jumped on the bed with her, gathering her in my arms.

"You know exactly where I'm sleeping Pet." I laughed, tickling her.

"No stop, I'm really ticklish!" She screech

"You know what you have to say to get me to stop." I tickled harder

"ITALY, ITALY, ITALY!" She screamed our safe word

I released her without a second thought.

"Jerk." She laughed, pushing me

I wriggled my fingers at her teasingly.

"Don't tempt me, I will tickle you again. Remember who you're stuck with for two weeks." 

She stuck her tongue out at me and got off of the bed.

"Since we're going to sleep, I might as well grab some pajamas." She commented, leaving and going over to her bag

I stayed on the bed and watched her, propped up on my elbows. She gathered the things she needed and went into the bathroom. During those ten minutes, I got into my own sleepwear and waited until she came out. Once she did, I went to go brush my teeth. When I returned, I saw her under the sheets, eyes closed and snoring softly. I smiled and climbed in next to her, cutting out the light that sat next to the bed and then enclosing her into my arms.

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