Thirty- Four *Edited*

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I woke up slowly the next morning... or afternoon what ever time it was. All I know is I felt extremely groggy and very hungry. I hadn't eaten in basically 12 hours. That's weird of me not to, so I decided to go exploring. I slowly unwrapped Leo's arms from around me and went down stairs towards the kitchen and looked around in the cupboards and the fridge. There was nothing in them. My stomach growled. 

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm looking for food." I scolded my stomach 

I looked all over the place and found nothing. So I decided to do something about that, I was gonna go out and get me something to eat. I went back upstairs and saw that Leo was still sleeping. I know he was tired... and I didn't want to wake him. So I decided to get dressed and go out alone. I grabbed money out of my own stash and then looked around for things to write a note with. But of course there were no pens or pencils either. All well, I knew I wouldn't be long. There was a town not too far from here and they had stores I could buy things at. But before I could leave, I heard a sleepy "Where are you going?" drift from behind me. 

I turned and saw green eyes lazily peeking out from under their hooded lids. The look stirred something inside me, but I had to focus. 

"To get food. I'm hungry." 

"There's food down stairs Pet." 

"No there isn't, I checked already." 

He sat up with an annoyed sigh. 

"The food was supposed to be here. I have to go make some calls." 

"No, you sleep I know you're tired. I'll just go into town and get us something to eat." 

"No, you're not going out by yourself." 

And defiantly he got up and stood before me shirtless and with just boxers on. I controlled the drooling and thumping of my heart. It never ceased to amaze me how beautiful he really was. 

"Did you take a shower?" He asked 

"No, I didn't want to wake you. In fact I was trying to hurry up and get something. I tried writing a note but I couldn't find paper or a pen." 

"Then that settles it, I'm going." 

"But... you need rest." 

He kissed my forehead. 

"It's so cute how you worry. But I'm alright. Let's go get washed up yeah?" He asked 

"Okay." I said, giving in. 

He grabbed for me. 

"Oh no, you go shower. I'm good out here." 

"What? You scared?" He smirked 

"No..." I trailed off 

"Then come on. You've already bathed with me, what's so different about a shower?" 

"N-not much." 

"Then come shower with me. Then afterwards we'll go eat and see what happened with our groceries okay?" 

"Okay." I replied with a blush as he led me into the bathroom 


Once we were done, we dressed and went downstairs. I felt very sluggish, and though the shower was good.... I was tired. I sat down for a little bit to get myself together. 

"Jet lagged?" She asked me 

"Yes. Just...just give me a minute." I said quietly 

I felt her warm hand on my cheek cradling my face. 

"I'll drive. You look really tired, let me go and get the stuff, you sleep." 

"Pet, I said no and that I was going with you. Do not cross my wishes. Just give me a few minutes okay?" 

I know she was only looking out for me and that she was worried, but a girl who is not used to this country can get in trouble very fast. And I wanted no man all over, touching, looking at, thinking about, or even talking to My Ellie, especially if she was alone.  

"Alright." She said quietly 

She kissed me quickly with a smile and went to go get me some water. She came back and passed me it. 

"Thank you Kitten. "  

After I finished drinking, I willed myself to get up from the couch and grabbed the keys to the rental car. 

"Sir let me drive, just give me directions on where to go." 

I looked at her brow raised. 

"You sure Pet?" 

"Yes. Why should you have all of the fun getting to drive the Audi?" She asked with a puppy face 

I smiled. 

"Alright, here." 

I handed her the keys and with a squeal, she went out to the car and soon I heard the roar of the engine. 

"She wastes no time." I commented, walking to the car and getting in the passenger seat. 

We strolled through the market place and had a lot of food. They had a lot of delicacies and things that Ellie and I ate on a regular basis. Ellie was mesmerized by all of the traditional buildings and foods, the sound of the dialect, and just the cultural feel. As soon as we were done, we hefted the heavy things that we bought and loaded them in the trunk and the back seat. Ellie drove us home and then we put the groceries away. It was dark at this point, and was getting dark when we left the house. 

"Well... there goes the whole day." She commented 

"Why does that make you so sad?" 

"Because I wanted to go exploring." 

"Awh, well we have another thirteen days here." 

"I thought we'd only have a week since I got sick and all." 

"There's no rush on when we leave this place." 

"But what about plane tickets?" 

"Covered." I replied 

She raised a brow. 

"You thought of everything didn't you?" 

"Of course. I prepare for the unexpected." 

She gave a small smile. 

"Oh I see that now. Especially since you're dealing with me." 

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her. 

"You aren't that bad." I murmured, kissing her head 

"What are we gonna eat for dinner?" 

"How hungry are you?" I asked her 

"Very... I haven't eaten at all today. Why?" 

"Go pick out something nice from your suitcase." 

I let go of her and stepped back. 


"Ellie, go do what Sir asks of you." I said sternly 

And without another word, she disappeared upstairs. I walked up after her and saw her squatted over her suitcase. She pulled out a lavender dress with a flow bottom made of soft material. The top had a shoulder on shoulder off thing. 

"Is this okay?" 

"Perfect. Put that on alright?" 

"Yes Sir." 

She laid it on the bed and then grabbed a towel and disappeared into the bathroom.  

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