Thirty-Five *Edited*

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A/N: The view :3


Once I finished my second shower of the day and finished washing my hair, I dried and curled it into a nice style. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around me. I saw Leo standing at our panoramic window looking at something. When he heard my footsteps he turned around. 

"I'm done." I said quietly 

"Beautiful as always." He smiled 

I blushed as he passed me and grabbed a towel of his own, going into the bathroom. Once I heard the shower come on, I stripped off my towel and put on scented lotion that I got from bath and Body Works-- Paris Amour. After that I put on my dress and shoes that went with it- Silver wedge heels. Then I went to the mirror in the room and put on my makeup. It wasn't much, just clear lip gloss and some smoky purple eyeshadow with silver undertones. I grabbed a clutch I had bought with me and packed it with my information, passport, etc and then snapped it shut. I sat back on the bed just as Leo's shower was cut off. He stepped out with the steam wafting from behind him. I watched him pick out something of his own to wear, but I couldn't' stop staring at the droplets of water that rolled off of him, the perfect V of his lower body, or his still wet tousled hair sitting proudly on his head. I closed my mouth and looked away with a blush. 

"Pet, you've seen me before why are you so bashful?" 

"It's still a surprise that you're working with.... all of that." I swallowed 

He smirked. 

"Well I have to stay in shape. Does a body good." 

"Yeah... I can see that." 

He straightened up and laid his neatly folded clothes on the bed. It was amazing that they were still wrinkle free. 

"Well look at you. You're beautiful babe." 

I blushed even more. 

"You already said that, but thank you." I beamed

I even saw him blush. 

"Is that a blush I see on that face of yours?" I smiled astonished 

"My pet looks beautiful, how could I not?" 

"Ugh, flattery will get you everywhere." I blushed harsher 

"Is that so?" He smirked 

I looked down bashfully and sat down on the bed. Honestly, even if seeing him naked was exhilarating, I still watched him as he stripped his towel--my favorite part of course, and started getting dressed. 

"I know you're staring at me over there." He chuckled

I smirked.

"Like the view?" He asked as he slipped on his underwear.

"Duh." I teased

He looked back at me with his pearly whites glistening. 

"Well I'm glad you like it." He teased, putting his shirt on next

After Leo finished getting dressed, I hopped off of the bed and we both walked down stairs.

"When we get back, is there anything special you want to do?" He asked me

"Can we have play time?" I asked him

He smirked at me and grabbed his keys.

"Of course Pet. Although I didn't bring my supplies with me, we can improvise."

We both walked to the door and he held it open, and with a thank you, I went out in front of him and towards the car. I hear the double chirp and I climbed in. He soon joined me at his side and turned the car on. Then we were off. I was so excited to finally be tasting the fine cuisine of Italy. We soon reached a Bistro and Leo cut the engine off. 

"You ready?" 

My stomach growled. 

"Yes, I've been dying for this food." I exclaimed, getting out of the car 

We walked to the doors and he held it open for me. I thanked him and went inside. When I did, I was greeted by a blue eyed, curly haired young guy with a million dollar smile. His sandy skin reminded me of Jack. 

"Hello, Signora. How may I assist you tonight?"  

"Table for two please." I replied 

"Of course, right this way." 

He grabbed two menu's and I and Leo followed behind him. Once he got us settled, he dug out a book. 

"I am Massimo and I will be your server tonight." 

He shook both of our hands. 

"So, what can I get the signora bella ?" 

"Uh, I'll have some water please." I said with a smile 

"Excellent. And for you, signore?" He asked, turning towards Leo 

"I'll have water as well."  

"I will be right back." 

Then Massimo left. I saw Leo smiling a bit. 

"What are you smiling about over there?" I asked 

"Massimo seems quite taken with you?" 

"Oh stop, why do you all of a sudden think guys are looking at me?" I smirked 

"Because they are, Pet. Look around you sometimes, you'll notice you are quite worthy to be looked at." 

I blushed. 

"You're sweet. But nothing is going on." 

He sat back with a smirk on his face. 

"Alright, we'll see." 

Massimo soon came back and gave our waters, as well as taking our food orders. I was ready for the taste of Italian cuisine 


After eating dinner, I and Ellie left the restaurant with promises to come back and visit soon. We were both stuffed and hardly felt like moving. And maybe I'd be too tired to do anything once we got back. I mean, it was only the first night, we had thirteen more days to do what we wanted. When we got back, we were both so tired that all we could do was take off our clothes, get underneath the covers, and fall asleep in our underwear. 


I felt the morning sun stabbing me in the eye. And no matter which way I turned, I couldn't evade it. so, frustrated, I finally got up. I sat up in bed with a yawn, running my hand over my face. I looked over and saw Ellie in the fetal position, the blanket bunched in between her hands and the side of her face using it as an extra pillow. I smiled and kissed her temple, she moved slightly but stayed asleep. I got up and padded to the bathroom to brush my teeth and afterwards decided to sit out on the deck and take in some Italian sun. My villa overlooked a cliff, and there was a waterfall not too far from here. I couldn't wait to show her that. And speaking of her... 

"Well hello there, sleepy head." I smiled at her 

She had on my dress shirt from last night and it reached to mid thigh.

"Hey." She said with a small smile 

She sat down in the chair next to me and crossed her legs at her ankles. 

"This view is awesome. Just look at it." She said in awe 

"Yeah, it's pretty tranquil. I always loved this place when I was a kid. I'd do nothing but sit out on this deck until night fall, or it got too hot, or I got called in for dinner." 

"Well I could see how, time just doesn't exist when looking at this." 

"Just like I feel when I'm with you." I said quietly 

"You don't mean it." She laughed 

"Yes I do. Like I said, Pet, I am I hopeless romantic." I smiled back 

"I know." She said with a small smile 

"Come here." I said softly 

She slowly got up and came to stand in front of me. The sun seemed to hit her just right. I smiled. 

"What?" She asked 

"la mia bella ragazza, come sit on my lap." I murmured

(A/N: Now, if the Italian is off I don't know Italian so I blame Google translate lol)

She did and laid her head on my shoulder. 

"What did you say?" She asked quietly 

"That you're my beautiful girl." 

"Sappy." she giggled 

A/N: Prepare to be mad at me in the next chapter too. I'm just saying lol; thanks for reading! Oh, and I love you guy's comments and reactions, please comment more, I love when y'all do :)

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